Distributed Decentralized Microservice Development: a Distributed Model for a Decentralized System
Microservice is a distinct architecture that exhibits a high degree of independence regarding the decentralization of development, operation, and teamwork. Decentralization is where different teams, processes, and procedures that are fragmented to promote quick, agile development. Many companies and development groups are moving away from building sizeable monolithic software projects and using the agility of microservices to decouple services and deliver fast solutions. Even with the advantages of fast, agile deployment and the decoupling extensive monolithic services, microservices architecture encompasses more than the decomposition of applications. If the organization and cultural impacts are not addressed initially and continually, the output of a microservices build may not match the desired goal. This dissertation analyzes the need for sharing or distribution of team structures, standardizations, and governance within a microservice development project. The study shows, with the addition of tools and or models utilized anywhere within a development System Development Lifecycle (SDLC) process, decentralized teams are more prepared to mitigate risks and distribute findings and governance between the teams. Last, the study shows, with the additions of models and tools, used by the microservice decentralized development teams, that they are more comfortable gathering data to help streamline their development process, making for a stronger cohesive build.
Subject Area
Computer science|Information Technology
Recommended Citation
Dall, Zachary M, "Distributed Decentralized Microservice Development: a Distributed Model for a Decentralized System" (2020). ETD Collection for Pace University. AAI28026975.
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