Reconciling the MMPI-A and MMPI-A-RF: Exploration of a Method for Profile Interpretation
This study explored the development of a possible classification system for the MMPI-A and MMPI-A-RF, consistent with the HiTOP model, in a sample of 3,203 adolescents in an inpatient setting. A cluster analysis of profiles, consisting of eight MMPI-A-RF variables (AGGR-r, PSYC-r, DISC-r, NEGE-r, INTR-r, EID, THD, and BXD) was utilized. Preliminary analyses based on scale elevations identified 15 profile combinations with frequencies of at least 1.2% of the sample. 84% of the sample had at least one PSY-5 Scale elevation (T > 59) and 61% had at least one elevation on a Higher-Order Scale. Most profiles could be classified under at least one major dimension of psychopathology: internalizing (profiles 2, 3, 6), externalizing (profiles 8, 12, 13), and thought dysfunction (profile 9). Classifications across multiple dimensions of psychopathology were also observed, with profile 5 representing both internalizing and externalizing dimensions and profiles 10 and 11 representing internalizing and thought disorder dimensions. Three profiles likely emerged due to level of item endorsement on the MMPI-A (profiles 1, 14, 15). The other two remaining profiles similarly demonstrated profile configurations potentially related to a lack of awareness regarding distress (profile 4) and tendencies to underreport the presence of symptoms (profile 7). This paper discussed the empirically derived clusters and their relationship with both the MMPI-A and additional variables of interest. While most therapist ratings on the HPRS either partially confirmed or did not confirm group interpretation, most adolescent self-report on the YSR confirmed group interpretation. Only three profiles showed some relationship with the Rorschach. Finally, issues concerning management of response bias in developing and interpreting profiles were also discussed.
Subject Area
Psychology|Personality psychology|Clinical psychology
Recommended Citation
Dogan, Erin, "Reconciling the MMPI-A and MMPI-A-RF: Exploration of a Method for Profile Interpretation" (2023). ETD Collection for Pace University. AAI30633749.
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