
This study explored the development and creation of the most frequently occurring Rorschach configurations made up of the major decision-making Comprehensive System-Revised variables (The Constriction Index, The Perceptual Thinking Index (PTI), The Affective Difficulty Index (ADI), The Coping Vulnerability Index (CVI), and Difference Score (D Score)) in a sample of 3,100 adolescents in an inpatient setting. A cluster analysis, K-Means Partitioning procedure specifically, was utilized to attain empirically derived commonly occurring Rorschach profile types using the Constriction Index, PTI, ADI, CVI, and D-score as clustering variables. The cluster analysis identified a total of 249 profile types among the inpatient sample, and this study focused on the 15 profile groupings that had a frequency of at least 1.5%. Protocols with a distance greater than one standard deviation were removed from each cluster, resulting in the removal of 361 of the protocols (11.6%). Comparisons were then made for all clusters using all of those not in that cluster as a control group. Additionally, external criterion of the empirically derived clusters as determined by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - Adolescent Version (MMPI-A) and therapist ratings (HPRS) were conducted. The features of each profile as determined by the Rorschach clusters in conjunction with the findings of the MMPI-A and HPRS were analyzed and described. Observable patterns based on the Rorschach cluster elevation of each profile were also identified. Profiles 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, and 14 in particular demonstrate the validity of using the Rorschach clusters to gain a comprehensive understanding of adolescents’ psychological functioning and clinical areas in which they may be experiencing difficulty. Overall, the results suggested that the Rorschach CS-R variables can be cluster analyzed to produce clinically meaningful groups. Finally, limitations in the creation process of the clusters as well as directions for future research and clinical implications are discussed.


Roni Sugarman

First Advisor

John Stokes

Document Type


Date of Award

