
This study examined the development of an empirically derived subgroups for Rorschach Comprehensive System - Revised (Exner, 1974; Exner, 2003; Fontan et al., 2022) protocols, consistent with Exner’s framework, in a sample of 2,727 children aged five–12 in a psychiatric inpatient setting. A cluster analysis of Rorschach variables (Constriction Index, Perceptual Thinking Index [PTI], Depression Index [DEPI], Coping Deficit Index [CDI], and D score) identified 15 distinct profile types. The resulting clusters were organized into distinct psychological dimensions, including Impaired Reality Testing (Clusters 6, 7, 10, 11, 12), Coping Vulnerabilities (Clusters 2, 5, 13), Constriction with Minimal Interpretive Yield (Clusters 3, 9), Low Perceived Control (Clusters 8, 14, 15), and Unremarkable with Moderate Elevations (Clusters 1, 4). External validation through therapist and parent rating scales provided additional interpretative information about the clusters. The study demonstrated the utility of the Rorschach in identifying clinically meaningful subgroups. It emphasized its role in capturing dimensions of child functioning that are not readily observable through external reports.


Marissa Diaco

First Advisor

John Stokes

Second Advisor

Michele Zaccario

Document Type


Date of Award

