Content Posted in 2007
Abuse of Confidentiality and Fabricated Controversy: Two Proposals, John A. Humbach
Accomplice Liability for Unintentional Crimes: Remaining Within the Constraints of Intent, Audrey Rogers
Adding Colors to the Chameleon: Why the Supreme Court Should Adopt a New Compelling Governmental Interest Test for Race-Preference Student Assignment Plans, Leslie Yalof Garfield
A Distance Education Primer: Lessons From My Life as a Dot.Edu Entrepreneur, Linda C. Fentiman
A feasibility study: Secure public key infrastructure with quantum key distributions in grid computing, Borming Chiang
After a Decade: "Theory as Practice" at the Center for Environmental Legal Studies, Nicholas A. Robinson
Aggression and victimization: Risk for development of depression and eating disorders, Stacey Fridman
AIDS as a Chronic Illness: A Cautionary Tale for the End of the Twentieth Century, Linda C. Fentiman
An Analysis of the Employment Patterns of Minority Law Graduates, Gary A. Munneke
An Evaluation of Credit Default Swap and Default Risk Using Barrier Option, Kevin L. Lam
An Examination of the Determinants and Contents of Corporate Voluntary Disclosure of Management's Responsibilities For Financial Reporting, Samir M. El-Gazzar, James M. Fornaro, and Rudy A. Jacob
An examination of the written disclosure paradigm utilizing the Internet, Anne Ford Tatti
An Existentialist Interpretation of Four Novels by Alberto Moravia, Megan Chiusaroli
A Nightmare on Main Street (Part MXL): Freddie Joins an Accounting Firm, Gary A. Munneke
An investigation into the effectiveness of agile software development with a highly distributed workforce, James F Kile
A Public-Private Strategy for Enhancing Domestic Security Worldwide, Mark R. Shulman
A Regulatory Approach to Derivative Markets: The Benefits of Private Sector Oversight, Anna Litvinova
A Response to Thomas Steele, Gary A. Munneke
A three-prong network solution approach: A sustainable business case centered approach in networking convergence, Satty Oyekake Joshua
Attaining Systems for Sustainability Through Environmental Law, Nicholas A. Robinson
A validation and extension of the Inventory of Parental Representations, Salam Soliman
Befogged Vision: International Environmental Law a Decade After Rio, Nicholas A. Robinson
Behavioral undercontrol and alcohol consumption, Rachele L Flora
Beringer Wine Estates Holdings, Inc. 1997, Robert R. Cangemi, Armand Gilinsky, James S. Gould, and Raymond H. Lopez
Bilingualism and Its Effect on Literacy Skills, Antonina Pigulskaya
Bleeding Hearts and Peeling Floors: Compensation for Economic Loss at the House of Lords, David S. Cohen
Bound and Gagged: The Peculiar Predicament of Professional Jurors, Michael B. Mushlin
Branch Developments in an Era of Commercial Bank Consolidation (1994 -2006), Raymond H. Lopez and Jigar Shah
Bray v. Alexandria Women's Health Clinic: The Supreme Court's Next Opportunity to Unsettle Civil Rights Law, Randolph M. McLaughlin
Bred Meat--The Cultural Foundation of the Factory Farm, David N. Cassuto
Burundian Refugees and Perpetuation of Instability in the Great Lakes Region, Darya Kraynaya
Camellia sinensis constituents: A Review of Oral Cancer Prevention, Tatyana Krieger
Can Gene Silencing of PNUTS Inhibit Cancer Growth, Tara Sherry
Can It Really Be Unconstitutional to Regulate Product Safety Information?, David S. Cohen
Can You Have Your Cake and Eat It Too? Achieving Capital Gain Treatment While Keeping the Property, Ronald H. Jensen
Chief Justice Nemetz's Judicial Record: Judicial Decision-Making and Judicial Values, David S. Cohen
Chisom v. Roemer: Where Do We Go from Here?, Randolph M. McLaughlin
Climate Change as a Global Challenge, Nicholas A. Robinson
Climate Change, Zoning and Transportation Planning: Urbanization as a Response to Carbon Loading, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Colonoscopy, Alex Colon
Comment on the Plain English Movement, David S. Cohen
Comparative Environmental Law Perspectives on Legal Regimes for Sustainable Development, Nicholas A. Robinson
Consumer Redress Through Alternative Dispute Resolution and Small Claims Court: Theory and Practice, David S. Cohen
Corporate Philanthropy and the Business Benefit: The Need for Clarity, Shelby D. Green
Crime, War & Romanticism: Arthur Andersen and the Nature of Entity Guilt, David N. Cassuto
Dances with Nonlawyers: A New Perspective on Law Firm Diversification, Gary A. Munneke
David Ross Brower and Nature's Laws, Nicholas A. Robinson
Dean's Foreword, David S. Cohen
Defending the "Time Culture": The Public and Private Interests of Media Corporations, Shelby D. Green
Derecho Penal, Luis E. Chiesa
Development Agreements: Bargained-For Zoning That is Neither Illegal Contract Nor Conditional Zoning, Shelby D. Green
Direct Environmental Standing for Chartered Conservation Corporations, Karl S. Coplan
Disaster Mitigation Through Land Use Strategies, John R. Nolon
Disney in Asia, Again, Raymond H. Lopez
Donna Karran International 1996, Lori Bonaparte, Robert R. Cangemi, Raymond H. Lopez, and Clairemarie Pierantoni
Drinking Water Regulation, Nicholas A. Robinson
Duress, Demanding Heroism and Proportionality: The Erdemovic Case and Beyond, Luis E. Chiesa
Dying Twice: Conditions on New York's Death Row, Michael B. Mushlin
Dying Twice: Incarceration on Death Row, Michael B. Mushlin
Early childhood development: An examination of father presence, Laura A Augello
Efficient static analysis of Java source code for security, A. L Gottlieb
Enforcing Environmental Norms: Diplomatic and Judicial Approaches, Nicholas A. Robinson
Enterprise Interceptor: A framework for applications interchangeability, Adam Kuta
Environmental Accountability and Public Involvement, LeRoy C. Paddock
Environmental Law--Introduction, Nicholas A. Robinson
Exile or Opportunity? The Benefits of Mastering U.S. Law, Mark R. Shulman
Exonerations Change Judicial View on Ineffective Assistance of Counsel, Adele Bernhard
Extraterritorial Environmental Protection Obligations of Foreign Affairs Agencies: The Unfulfilled Mandate of NEPA, Nicholas A. Robinson
Fair Trade: The Ideal and the Reality, John A. Humbach
Farming the Ocean, Ann Powers
Female adolescent ego development and how it is related to attachment and depression: A longitudinal study, Cecilia Rembert
Feminizing Capital: A Corporate Imperative, Darren Rosenblum
Forest Fires as a Common International Concern: Precedents for the Progressive Development of International Environmental Law, Nicholas A. Robinson
"Forever Wild": New York's Constitutional Mandates to Enhance the Forest Preserve, Nicholas A. Robinson
Four-month follow-up of an adolescent psychiatric hospitalization: Predictors of school adjustment, Carli Shelley
Frye Leadership Institute - A Report, Medaline Philbert
Further investigation into the Rorschach and the utility of a modified DEPI in relation to adolescent depression, Elizabeth A Verias
Gideon v. Wainwright Revisited: What Does the Right to Counsel Guarantee Today?, Michael B. Mushlin
Globalization, Urban Planning and Cosmopolitanism in Shanghai, China (1978-2004), Lien-Feng Wong
Government Liability for Economic Losses: The Case of Regulatory Failure, David S. Cohen
"Guilty But Mentally Ill": The Real Verdict is Guilty, Linda C. Fentiman
Health Care Access for Children with Disabilities, Linda C. Fentiman
Historical Overview of the American Land Use System: A Diagnostic Approach to Evaluating Governmental Land Use Control, John R. Nolon
Historic Preservation Law: The Metes & Bounds of a New Field, Nicholas A. Robinson
Implementation of Graphs Using java.util Part Two: Weighted Graphs, Spanning Trees, and Shortest Paths, Nicholas J. De Lillo
Implications Based Upon Preliminary Analyses of a Student Evaluation of Teaching Database, Jack Yurkiewicz, Peter Hoefer, and John Byrne
Integrating the Complexity of Mental Disability into the Criminal Law Course, Linda C. Fentiman
Intencion Especifica, Intoxicacion Voluntaria y Otros Demonios, Luis E. Chiesa
Internalizing and externalizing symptoms among children with oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder or depression, Daria Weitmann
International Trends in Environmental Impact Assessment, Nicholas A. Robinson
Internet-Based Distance Learning, Jack Yurkiewicz
Internet Pharmacies and the Need for a New Federalism: Protecting Consumers While Increasing Access to Prescription Drugs, Linda C. Fentiman
Introduction: Emerging International Environmental Law, Nicholas A. Robinson
Introduction to The Imperial Presidency and the Consequences of 9/11, Mark R. Shulman
Is Citizen Suit Notice Jurisdictional and Why Does It Matter?, Karl S. Coplan
Is Silence Sacred? The Vulnerability of Griffin v. California in a Terrorist World, Lissa Griffin
Is Voting Necessary? Organization Standing and Non-Voting Members of Environmental Advocacy Organizations, Karl S. Coplan
IUCN as Catalyst for a Law of the Biosphere: Acting Globally and Locally, Nicholas A. Robinson
IUCN's Proposed Covenant on Environment & Development, Nicholas A. Robinson
J'Accuse for the Bush Administration: A Review of Richard A. Clarke's Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror, Mark R. Shulman
Judicial Choice and Disparities Between Measures of Economic Values, David S. Cohen
Just Being a Lawyer: Reflections on the Legal Ethics of a President Under Impeachment, John A. Humbach
Justice Without Politics: Prosecutorial Discretion and the International Criminal Court, Alexander K.A. Greenawalt
Keystroke biometric identification studies on long -text input, Mary Villani
Kosovo Myths: Karadzic, Njegos, and the Transformation of Serb Memory, Alexander K.A. Greenawalt
Laird v. Tatum: The Supreme Court and a First Amendment Challenge to Military Surveillance of Lawful Civilian Political Activity, Ralph Michael Stein
Late adolescents' and young adults' attitudes toward homosexuality: The influence of gender, gender role expectation, and interpersonal contact, Lynn C McDonald
Law, Order and Democracy: An Analysis of the Judiciary in a Progressive State--The Saskatchewan Experience, David S. Cohen
Lawyers, Accountants, and the Battle to Own Professional Services, Gary A. Munneke
Leadership in the Classroom: Closing the Achievement Gap through Motivation, Janis Estrella
Legal Skills for a Transforming Profession, Gary A. Munneke
Legal Systems, Decisionmaking, and the Science of Earth's Systems: Procedural Missing Links, Nicholas A. Robinson
Local Inclusionary Housing Programs: Meeting Housing Needs, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
McMahon Turns Twenty: The Regulation of Fairness in Securities Arbitration, Jill I. Gross
Moot Court Diplomacy, Mark R. Shulman
Moot Court in Global Language of Trade, Mark R. Shulman
Mr. Justice Brennan: The First Decade, Stephen J. Friedman
Multijurisdictional Practice of Law: Recent Developments in the National Debate, Gary A. Munneke
New Dimensions in Corporate Counseling in Environmental Law, Nicholas A. Robinson
New Insights on Waiver and the Inadvertent Disclosure of Privileged Materials: Attorney Responsibility as the Governing Precept, Audrey Rogers
New Technology, Old Defenses: Internet Sting Operations and Attempt Liability, Audrey Rogers
Normative Gaps in the Criminal Law: A Reasons Theory of Wrongdoing, Luis E. Chiesa
Note on Integer Factoring Methods I, Nelson A. Carella
Of Persons and Property: The Politics of Legal Taxonomy, David S. Cohen
Of Zombie Permits and Greenwash Renewal Strategies: Ten Years of New York's So-Called "Environmental Benefit Permitting Strategy", Karl S. Coplan
Opening Remarks, Gary A. Munneke
Operation Rescue Versus a Woman's Right to Choose: A Conflict Without a Federal Remedy?, Randolph M. McLaughlin
Organ Donation as National Service: A Proposed Federal Organ Donation Law, Linda C. Fentiman
Outsiders Looking In: The American Legal Discourse of Exclusion, Luis E. Chiesa
Parents' perceptions of their roles and behaviors after the 9/11 terrorist attack, Claire O'Connor
Patient Advocacy and Termination from Managed Care Organizations: Do State Laws Protecting Health Care Professional Advocacy Make Any Difference?, Linda C. Fentiman
Peer victimization, social -psychological adjustment, and the moderating role of social support, Jennifer A Nielsen
Perestroika and Priroda: Environmental Protection in the USSR, Nicholas A. Robinson
Playing Beyond the Rules: A Realist and Rhetoric-Based Approach to Researching the Law and Solving Legal Problems, Thomas Michael McDonnell
Playing Hide and Seek: How to Protect Virtual Pornographers and Actual Children on the Internet, Audrey Rogers
Practicing Law Across Geographic and Professional Borders: What Does the Future Hold?, Gary A. Munneke
Predictive Robot Vision, Thomas Achtemichuk
Prison Reform Revisited: The Unfinished Agenda, Michael B. Mushlin
Privacy and Personhood Revisited: A New Framework for Substitute Decisionmaking for the Incompetent, Incurably Ill Adult, Linda C. Fentiman
Private Bar Monitors Public Defense: Oversight Committee Sets Standards for Indigent Defense Providers, Adele Bernhard
Procedural Fairness and Incentive Programs: Reflections on the Environmental Choice Program, David S. Cohen
Prosecutorial Use of Expert Testimony in Domestic Violence Cases: From Recantation to Refusal to Testify, Audrey Rogers
Protecting the Public Fisc: Fighting Accrual Abuse with Section 446 Discretion, Karl S. Coplan
Prudence, Information, and Trust Investment Law, John A. Humbach
Public Health and the Law: Responding to Terrorism and Other Public Health Emergencies in New York, Mark R. Shulman
Real Estate Law Review: Creating a Local Environmental Law Program, John R. Nolon
"Reasonable Expectations" Define Board Power to Liquidate a Solvent Close Corporation in Bankruptcy, Shelby D. Green
Recent Case: United States v. Hayes, 227 F.3d 578 (6th Cir. 2000), Emily Gold Waldman
Reclaiming the Public Domain by Repeal of the Mining Law of 1872, Shelby D. Green
Refracting the Spectrum of Clean Water Act Standing in Light of Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, Karl S. Coplan
Regulating Regulators: The Legal Environment of the State, David S. Cohen
Regulating the Poor and Encouraging Charity in Times of Crisis: The Poor Laws and the Statute of Charitable Uses, James J. Fishman
Relationships among infant feeding practices, parent -child relationship and child competencies, Jacqueline Garziano
Rethinking Genocidal Intent: The Case for a Knowledge-Based Interpretation, Alexander K.A. Greenawalt
Rethinking Selective Enforcement in the First Amendment Context, Karl S. Coplan
Returning to Hazelwood's Core: A New Approach to Restrictions on School-Sponsored Speech, Emily Gold Waldman
Review of A Measure of Malpractice: Medical Injury, Malpractice Litigation, and Patient Compensation, Vanessa Merton
Review of Families and the Gravely Ill: Roles, Rules, and Rights, Vanessa Merton
Review of International Product Liability, David S. Cohen
Review of Kanter on Hiring: A Lawyer's Guide to Lawyer Hiring, Gary A. Munneke
Review of Managing the Recruitment Process, Gary A. Munneke
Review of The Court Years, 1939-1975, David S. Cohen
Review of The Regulation of Quality, Products, Services, Workplaces and the Environment, David S. Cohen
Review of The Reign of Error: Psychiatry, Authority, and Law, Linda C. Fentiman
Risk factors, maternal depression, and mother -child interactions in the national Early Head Start population, Kristin Kolozian
Sapphire Shop, Raymond H. Lopez and Jeff Dannels
Sarbanes-Oxley and Auditing Standards II : Criticism and Revision, Allison Sentar
Second Hand Smoke and Child Custody Determinations--A Relevant Factor or a Smoke Screen?, Merril Sobie
Seeing the Forest for the Treaties - Evolving Debates on CDM Forest and Forestry Project Activities 10 Years After the Kyoto Protocol, Romulo Sampaio
Selected Estate Planning Strategies for Persons With Less Than $3 Million, Bridget J. Crawford
SEQRA's Siblings: Precedents from Little NEPA's in the Sister States, Nicholas A. Robinson
Serving the Public Interest: An Overstated Objective, John A. Humbach
Shape matching with ordered boundary point shape contexts using a least cost diagonal method, Carl Edward Abrams
Simulate Me: A Study of Computer-Mediated Communication in a Contemporary Society, Sabrina Wong
South African Democracy and Prospects for Israel/Palestine: The Role of Marketing Politics", Rima Abdelkader
Soviet Environmental Protection: The Challenge for Legal Studies, Nicholas A. Robinson
Specific Relief for Ancient Deprivations of Property, Shelby D. Green
SPP and the Way Forward for North American Integration, Stephen Blank, Stephanie R. Golob, and Guy Stanley
Staying Alive: North American Competitiveness and the Challenge of Asia, Stephen Blank, Stephanie R. Golob, and Guy Stanley
Strengthening Sustainable Development in Regional Inter-Governmental Governance: Lessons from the 'ASEAN Way', Nicholas A. Robinson
Student and Teacher Opinions on Graded Readers, Marcie M. Williams
Suing the State, David S. Cohen
Surviving Spouse's Distributive Share of Amendable Trusts, John A. Humbach
Surya Prakash Sinha-in Memory of Our Colleague, Teacher and Friend, Ralph Michael Stein
Teaching Upperclass Writing: Everything You Always Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask, Lissa Griffin
The Absence of Justice in the United States Criminal Justice System, Yevgeny Roymisher
The Act Requirement as a Basic Concept of Criminal Law, Luis E. Chiesa
The Adversarial System at Risk, Bennett L. Gershman
The 'Ascent of Man': Legal Systems and the Discovery of an Environmental Ethic, Nicholas A. Robinson
The association between maternal parenting stress and quality of mother -child interactions in various family structures, Nicole J Marin
The Canadian Corporation and Wall Street: Application of United States Securities Laws to Canadian Issuers, Merril Sobie
The Case of the Male OB-GYN: A Proposal for Expansion of the Privacy BFOQ in the Healthcare Context, Emily Gold Waldman
The Cooperation of the American Jewish Committee and Christian Establishment and Its Impact During the Struggle for Soviet Jewry in 1971 - 1972, Karina Leventul
The Correction of Wrongful Convictions: A Comparative Perspective, Lissa Griffin
The Debate Over War Powers, Mark R. Shulman
The Economics of Canadian National Railway v. Norsk Pacific Steamship (The Jervis Crown), David S. Cohen
The Enigmatic Culture of Business Alliances, Frank J. DiMeglio
The Glass Half Full: Envisioning the Future of Race Preference Policies, Leslie Yalof Garfield
The Globalization of Beringer Blass Wine Estates, Armand Gilinsky, Raymond H. Lopez, and Richard Castaldi
The Illusion of Fairness Through Special Committees in Management Buyouts, Shelby D. Green
The Impact of Sarbanes Oxley Act 2002 on Small Firms, Elina Grinberg
The Information Edge - Library Newsletter - Spring 2007 Issue, Karen DeSantis, ed. and Janell Carter, ed.
The Internal Trade Agreement: Furthering the Canadian Economic Disunion?, David S. Cohen
The International Human Rights Committee: The Global Influence of the City Bar, Mark R. Shulman
The IUCN Academy of Environmental Law: Seeking Legal Underpinnings for Sustainable Development, Nicholas A. Robinson
The Juvenile Offender Act: Effectiveness and Impact on the New York Juvenile Justice System, Merril Sobie
The Law of Sustainable Development, Nicholas A. Robinson
The Lawyer's Duty to Keep Clients Informed: Establishing a Standard of Care in Professional Liability Actions, Gary A. Munneke
The Mighty Myths of Kelo, John R. Nolon
The Modern Age of Informed Consent, Barbara L. Atwell
The Most Fundamental Change in the Criminal Justice System: The Role of the Prosecutor in Sentence Reduction, Bennett L. Gershman
The New "Fetal Protection": The Wrong Answer to the Crisis of Inadequate Health Care for Women and Children, Linda C. Fentiman
The New Quasi in Rem Jurisdiction: New York's Revival of a Doctrine Whose Time Has Passed, Michael B. Mushlin
Theory to Practice in the Academic Writing Classroom, Marcie M. Williams
The Privacy Gambit: Toward a Game Theoretic Approach to International Data Protection, Horace E. Anderson
The Public and Private Law Dimensions of the UFFI Problem: Part I, David S. Cohen
The Public and Private Law Dimensions of the UFFI Problem: Part II, David S. Cohen
The Public Housing Tenancy: Variation on the Common Law That Give Security of Tenure and Control, Shelby D. Green
The Regulation of Green Advertising: The State, the Market and the Environmental Good, David S. Cohen
The Relationship of Contractual Remedies to Political and Social Status: A Preliminary Inquiry, David S. Cohen
The relationship of parental emotional maltreatment to children's developmental outcomes, Eliana Bojkova
The Relative Importance of Earnings and Book Value in Regulated and Deregulated Markets: The Case of the Airline Industry, Samir M. El-Gazzar, Philip M. Finn, and Charles Tang
The Right to Effective Assistance of Appellate Counsel, Lissa Griffin
The Road from Nowhere? Punitive Damage Ratios After BMW v. Gore and State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. v. Campbell, Andrew C. W. Lund
The Search for a National Land Use Policy: For the Cities' Sake, Shelby D. Green
The Social Policing of Acceptable Femininity, Miacoda Mylet
The Standard of Care in Legal Malpractice: Do the Model Rules of Professional Conduct Define It?, Gary A. Munneke
The Standing of Citizens to Enforce Against Violations of Environmental Statutes in the United States, Jeffrey G. Miller
The success criteria for implementing knowledge management systems in an organization, Joe L Feliciano
The Supreme Court 2000 Term--Leading Cases, Good News Club v. Milford Central School, 121 S. Ct. 2093 (2001), Emily Gold Waldman
The Supreme Court's Water Pollution Jurisprudence: Is the Court All Wet?, Jeffrey G. Miller
The Unseen Track of Erie Railroad: Why History and Jurisprudence Suggest a More Straightforward Form of Erie Analysis, Donald L. Doernberg
The U.S. - U.S.S.R. Agreement to Protect the Environment: 15 Years of Cooperation, Nicholas A. Robinson
The Utility of International Law for Protecting Women's Health Rights, Vanessa Merton
The Voting Rights Act and the "New and Improved" Intent Test: Old Wine in New Bottles, Randolph M. McLaughlin
Thinking About the State: Law Reform and the Crown in Canada, David S. Cohen
Training Costs and Performance: Do High Training Costs Lead to Higher Revenues?, Liliana Nunez
Tribute to Barbara Salken, Michael B. Mushlin
Tribute to Barbara Salken, Donald L. Doernberg
Turning Wine Into Water: Water as Privileged Signifier in the Grapes of Wrath, David N. Cassuto
Two Sides of a "Sargasso Sea": Successive Prosecution for the "Same Offence" in the United States and the United Kingdom, Lissa Griffin
Unsafe Havens: The Case for Constitutional Protection of Foster Children from Abuse and Neglect, Michael B. Mushlin
Urban Environmental Law: Emergent Citizens' Rights for the Aesthetic, the Spiritual, and the Spacious, Nicholas A. Robinson
Usability field study of older adults using multi-modal home health monitoring devices, Rita Hubert
U.S. Environmental Policy and Politics (2000 - 2007), Emily Gornell
Using Taboo Topics in an Academic Writing Classroom, Marcie M. Williams
Using What You Know to Teach EAP, Marcie M. Williams
Western Ideology, Japanese Product Safety Regulation and International Trade, David S. Cohen
Whatever Happened to the "Best Interests" Analysis in New York Relocation Cases? A Response, Merril Sobie
What Role Should the Federal Government Play in Consumer Protection?, David S. Cohen
What Your Opening Statement Should and Shouldn't Do: Some Surprising Advice, Steven H. Goldberg
When Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: Proposed Ratification by the United States of the Geneva Protocol on Chemical-Biological Warfare, Linda C. Fentiman
"Which One of You Did It? Criminal Liability for "Causing or Allowing" the Death of a Child, Lissa Griffin
Whistling Bird Winery, Armand Gilinsky and Raymond H. Lopez
Whose Right Is It Anyway?: Rethinking Competency to Stand Trial in Light of the Synthetically Sane Insanity Defendant, Linda C. Fentiman
Why Wall Street Needs Another Stock Exchange - ISE Midpoint Match, Christine Malia
Wine World Estates, Armand Gilinsky, Jr. and Raymond H. Lopez
Zoning, Transportation, and Climate Change, John R. Nolon