Submit Work | DigitalCommons@Pace

Author Information

To submit work to the Digital Commons, email materials (PDFs, Word docs, PPTs, etc.) to your campus representative:

  • NYC Honors College submissions and Student Zines:

      Jennifer Rosenstein,

  • Theses, Working Papers, Student Works, Open Educational Resources, and Faculty Works:
    • NYC: Greg Murphy
      Pleasantville: David Almodovar

  • Law School:
    • White Plains Law School: Deborah Heller,

  • Please include the following information for the submission process:
    1. All author/ contributor names, professional titles, school and departmental affiliation
    2. Keywords describing the content of the submission
    3. If your work is part of an existing Digital Commons series, such as a thesis for a particular academic program
    4. All authors/contributors must sign an Agreement form please follow the link below for an esign form.

    Any questions please contact Greg Murphy,