
Original document was submitted as an honors thesis requirement. Copyright is held by the author.

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With the ever-increasing need to reduce our carbon foot print, the necessity to innovate for a more sustainable future has become the responsibility of both individuals and corporations. Sustainable development, which is development that “meets our needs today, without compromising the ability meet the needs of future generations” was first brought to light at the Earth Summit in 1987 (Bärlund, n.d.). With the growing numbers of travelers world wide, the hospitality industry was aware that environmental changes and pollution could potentially paralyze their industry and they became among the first to adopt more sustainable practices in their hotels and restaurants. However, only some hospitality companies have decided to focus on promoting their active efforts to be more sustainable.

Therefore, by analyzing industry leaders’ and travelers’ attitudes toward sustainability development and sustainable promotion, this study identified the relationship between the hospitality businesses’ various stakeholders’ perception of sustainability and the significance of sustainable promotion. By incorporating sustainable practices in a corporation, stakeholders such as investors, owners, and employees will value the company higher. Similarly, the study shows how sustainable practices allow for the local community to be more accepting of the company operating in their community and guests view these efforts as a positive attribute, which will attract repeat business if the hospitality corporation is able to remain at a competitive price in the market.
