Volume 17, Issue 2 (1997) Spring 1997
An Unhappy Return to Confusion in the Common Law of Products Liability - Denny v. Ford Motor Company Should Be Overturned
Victor E. Schwartz and Mark A. Behrens
Heeding the Call of Cassano v. Cassano: The Need to Amend the Child Support Standards Act
Laurie Dichiara
Guardianship Proceedings in New York: Proposals for Article 81 to Address Both the Lack of Funding and Resource Problems
Julie M. Solinski
In Your F.A.C.E.: Federal Enforcement of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act of 1993
Arianne K. Tepper
Grubart v. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company: A Reasonable Conclusion to the Debate on Admiralty Tort Jurisdiction
Dale Van Denmark
Preserving Our Heritage: Tools to Cultivate Agricultural Preservation in New York State
Sean F. Nolon and Cozata Solloway
Book Review
New York Family Court Practice (Merril Sobie, Editor-in-Chief)
Norman B. Lichtenstein

1996-1997 Board
- Editor-in-Chief
- Laurie Dichiara
- Executive Editor
- Sean Nolon
- Managing Editors
- Margaret Du Pont
- Jennifer Gilleece
- Mary Storella
- Cozata Solloway
- Articles Editors
- Dale Van Demark
- Chris Wallace
- Research & Writing Editors
- Pamela Bennett Louis
- Thomas Giangrande
- Arianne Tepper
- Kerry Ford
- Allison Guthrie
- Casenote & Comment Editors
- Steven Messina
- Julie Solinski
- Joseph Stinson
- Business Editor
- Alan Weisberg
- Members
- Eric S. Andreas
- Colleen Balbert
- Dyan M. Barile
- Salvatore Barone
- Traci L. Bing
- Debra Bloomer
- Susan Bogatz
- Holly Boots
- Marianne Buccheri
- Darryl Carbonaro
- Joseph Cerise
- Matthew Clifford
- Jennifer Coffey
- Mike Compitello
- Elizabeth Cosgrove
- Lisa M. Delsante
- Marc Elefant
- Jim Elnabli
- Michelle Fish
- Anna L. Georgiou
- Stacey Grey
- Michael Hahn
- Nathan Haynes
- Jane Hunt
- Emily Jones
- Joseph Koczko
- Peter Lampasona
- Ira Lapp
- Jeff LeJava
- Michelle Manzo
- Michael McCann
- Erica Michals
- Margaret Pepper
- Tamara J. Post
- Erica Rayburn
- Andrew Rella
- Caren Schweidel
- Andrew Solow
- David Steinberger
- Mark Sullivan
- Rajiv Tata
- Liane Wilson
- Gail H. Zarick
- Faculty Advisor
- Janet A. Johnson