Volume 7, Issue 1
Fall 1986
Cable Television and Communications Issue
Taxation of Cable Television Systems in New York - A Survey of Tax Liability of Operating Cable Television Systems under State and Municipal Law in New York
Joshua Noah Koenig
Creeping CANCOM: Canadian Distribution of American Television Programming to Alaskan Cable Systems
William J. Potts Jr. and James E. Dunstan
E.Z. v. Coler: Can the Constitution Protect Our Children?
Carol DiSalvatore
After Ake: Implementing the Tools of an Adequate Defense
Susan S. Brown

1986-1987 Board
- Editor-in- Chief
- Helen L. Siegal
- Articles Editors
- Ann Farrissey Carlson
- Rita A. Leone
- Managing Editors
- Carol DiSalvatore
- Thomas G. Gardiner
- Gail A. Matthews
- Research & Writing Editors
- Peter N. Bassano
- Elizabeth T. Sharpe
- Casenote and Comment Editors
- Susan S. Brown
- Ann Colligan McEvily
- David M. Rosen
- Robert K. Sauer
- Jeffrey A. Weiss
- Senior Staff
- Joan F. Garrett
- Mary Ellen Koegler
- Bridget Carol Lenti
- Geraldine N. Lewis
- Mark Loterstein
- Sheila A. Ozalis
- Clare C. Patalkis
- Marie Cucurullo Vitale
- Helen P. Wilson
- Members
- Wendelin K. Borman
- Richard N. Cohen
- Ronald G. Crispi
- Amy Damin
- Bryon L. Friedman
- Ralph O. Heavner, Jr.
- William J. Holzhauer
- Alice J. Jaffe
- John J. Mulligan III
- Walter Sevastian
- Sherry L. Wilson
- Associates
- David J. Babel
- Lori S. Blea
- David J. Burke
- Richard J. Cairns
- Thomas F. Corrie
- Gerry DiEdwards
- Michael P. Dunworth
- Dan G. Handelsman
- Ann S. Koopman
- Valerie A. Ludlum
- Deborah Magnotta
- Francis K. Mahoney
- Kelly Matuszewski
- Ellen M. Mello
- Frank A. Pamer
- Mark S. Pruzan
- Roberta M. Roos
- Margherita L. Russo
- Joseph A. Saccomano
- Cecelia F. Schappert
- Cynthia L. Smith
- Fran Solmor
- William M. Sunkel
- Susan A. Vallario
- Thomas J. Witt
- Hayde B. Wolfe
- Steven J. Young
- Faculty Advisor
- Dr. Josephine Y. King