Romeo Musa | DigitalCommons@Pace

Romeo Musa

The prodigious creative and literary work of the Italian artist Romeo Musa (Musa da Calice) 1882-1960 is now available on the comprehensive website,

Musa, considered one of the preeminent xilographers of the twentieth century, was an accomplished Italian painter, printmaker, photographer, illustrator, and author. Musa depicted peasants’ lives in two distinct regions of Italy: Molise, in central Italy, and the Alta Val Ceno, in the northern province of Parma. presents the artist’s wide-ranging oeuvre, while providing significant cultural documentation of a centuries-old way of life that is now all but over. Though the work of Romeo Musa is permanently on display in the Seminario Vescovile of Bedonia, Italy, and the National Museum of the Molise Region in the Castle Pandone of Venafro, Italy, the website permits viewers from around the globe to view this extraordinary creative opus.

The website, which includes hundreds of paintings, prints, photographs, and texts, memorializes an important Italian folk artist, the art of woodcutting, a traditional artistic medium, as well as a disappearing culture.

The site was curated by Adelia Williams, PhD, Professor of Modern Languages and Cultures, and Associate Provost for Academic Affairs at Pace University, NY.

Click here to go to the site.