
This is an archival material. This is a digitized copy of The Pace Student, one of the earliest publications of Pace University. Original copy is available in the University Archives: contact University Archivist, at 212-346-1787.

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The Pace Student began publication in 1915. Its subscribers were Pace students, those studying in New York at Pace Institute as well as those studying the Pace Standardized Course in Accounting at affiliated schools throughout the U.S. and by correspondence. It was edited by Homer Pace, who also wrote many of the feature articles. It had a dual purpose. It was designed to provide Pace students with additional information about accounting and the accounting profession, and also to carry news about Pace students. The Pace Student became The American Accountant in 1927 and continued publication, throughout the Depression, until the last issue in 1933 [University Archivist]
