"Parenting Styles and Perceptions Across Christian Denominations" by Elizabeth Dale Langley

Parenting Styles and Perceptions Across Christian Denominations

Elizabeth Dale Langley, Pace University


Previous research literature on parenting has presented a strong argument for the relationship between individual parenting behaviors, including parenting styles, perceptions about parenting, and parental religiosity, and the influence on child development. However, there is limited research that has examined the differences in parenting behaviors across religious groups. The studies that examined religiosity typically have combined all Catholic and Protestant denominations into a generic Christian category, rather than examining the differences across the denominational groups. This study was informed by Baumrind's parenting styles and Mowder's parent development theory (PDT) to examine parenting factors, including parenting styles, perceptions of the parent role, and individual religiosity, across Christian denominations. For the current study, 213 participants completed a demographics questionnaire, the Parental Authority Questionnaire-Revised (PAQ-R), the Parent Behavior Importance Questionnaire-Revised (PBIQ-R), and the Religiousness Scale (RS). Findings revealed differences across Christian denominations regarding Baumrind's parenting styles, perceptions of the PDT parenting characteristics, and levels of religiosity. In addition, significant relationships among parenting styles, parent role characteristics, and levels of religiosity were found. The research results and limitations of the current study are discussed along with implications for the field of school-clinical child psychology.

Subject Area

Religion|Personality psychology|Individual & family studies

Recommended Citation

Langley, Elizabeth Dale, "Parenting Styles and Perceptions Across Christian Denominations" (2011). ETD Collection for Pace University. AAI3467374.



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