Theses/Dissertations from 1975
Accounting for foreign currency translation from a multinational corporation point of view., George K. Guirguis
An examination of selected aspects of information systems control and their applicability to the systems activities of pace university: A case study., Richard P. Hampson
Off-peak pricing in the telephone industry., Donald L. Harper
A discussion and evaluation of econometric models., Gordon S. Hawkins
Improvement of new product productivity through psychographic segmentation of the marketplace., Robert David Helgren
Management and the montessori method., Werner H. Hengst
The function and development of a property tax agent., Kenneth J. Hillig
Leeway investments their purpose and their use by New York state mutual savings banks., Robert B. Hoag
A dutch venture into the United States., James F. Hogan
The impact of shortages on the marketing function., Dorothy Hourihan
The foreign tax credit - incentive or bonanza., Robert S. House
Corporate bank marketing - Reality or possibility., Kevin J. Hugue
Considerations and techniques for the analysis of new applications., William A. Indalicato
A survey of the effects of profit sharing on absenteeism., Robert Infantino
The effects of price level changes on traditional financial management concepts., Daniel Thomas Irwin
The development of labor relations in the port authority of New York and New Jersey 1966-1974., Allen P. Isola
Improvements to the federal book entry system and guides to operation and control., Benedict Anthony Jacobellis
Life Insurance Trusts., Martin Jaffe
The effects of leverage on capital adequacy in money market banks., Harold E. Johansen
Corporate strategy for risk in an environment of floating foreign exchange rates., Patrick A. Jolly
The petroleum industry and energy policies of Canada and the united states., Peter R. Kaiser
Restrictions on the government's powers of investigation., Carl Karp
Understanding customer usage through segmentation and analysis of long distance message volumes book 1 of 2., William Benton Keck
Leasing as a financing source for regulated electric utilities., Neal B. Kellogg
Marketing of middle east oil., Arshad Hassan Khan
Establishing buying power indices by state for high quality 35mm photographic cameras., Karl P.M. Kleinen
A high technology business needs marketing., Stanley Klein
The effects and influences of the institutional investors on the stock market., William B. Klimek
Short term cash management., Steven Kohn
Product management, an overview., Richard F. Koncicki
Municipal bonds., John W. Kraus
A study of the effect of a sabbatical on the professional employee in business., Paul Krick
An evaluation of foreign governments' incentive programs on a multinational company's choice of location for foreign production., Raymond J. Lacroix
A historical perspective of indexation in Brazil., James H. Lambertson Jr
Collective bargaining in higher education: Its effect on faculty job satisfaction., Gary J. Larson
Education of the accountant in that other facet of the profession., Alexander Lauber
The transformation of China's economy and U.S.-PRC trade prospect., Gerald W. Lee
An examination of reserve requirements for federal reserve member banks., Joseph F. Leone
Environmental accounting., Howard Levine
A market profile of the fulltime undergrauate college student., Peter A. Leyh
Feminist credit institutions and their impact on the availability of credit for women., Joyce Lippmann
A study of established practices and procedures used in compensating chief executive officers of larger business organizations., Nathaniel Lipsey
Management of highway's noise pollution., Morris Livian
An examination of managerial communications in colleges and universities., Joseph Lizzio
Accounting for corporate social responsibility., Jack Lokay
An analysis of the life insurance industry with special emphasis on its investments., Patrick Kar-sing Lok
The value of customer specialization to the xerox corporation., Michael Ira Love
An analysis of the approach and methods involved in determining the fair market value of a closely-held corporation for estate tax purposes., Winston F. Luke
An assessment of citibank's back-office management training vehicle, the understanding production dynamics management game., Louis T. Maddaloni
The automotive industry as the nucleus of the economies of Brazil and Yugoslvia., Michael J. Mados
Developing a method of computing wage incentives on a team basis at landis & GYR inc., Stephen Roger Maffei
The corporate social audit., John P. Maher
United States - Soviet trade., William Maksudian
The development of a small condominum by an investor-owner organization., Timothy J. Mansfield
Interval ownership: A new concept in vacation housing., John A. Margolis
A systematic approach to bank branching operations., Alix M. Mariette
Corporate bonds vs. common stock as inflationary hedges., Michael J. Marinaccio Jr
Labor mobility in the european economic community myth or reality?., Thomas McCormick
The lifting of the foreign credit restraint implications for united States banks., James I. McCotter
The tax treatment of installemnt sales., James P. McGloin
The future of regional breweries in the 1980's an analysis of past and present problems to determine their prospects for ultimate survival., Denis P. McGrath
Inventory management and control techniques in a service-type company., Eugene Patrick McParland
Sales training in the brokerage industry., Bryan D. McSweeney
Is research and development really unique? A study of management control., Robert J. Mercier
The economic ramifications of the montreal expo baseball club, ltd, on the city of montreal 1969-1974., Frank Vincent Moricco
An analysis of the New York stock exchange's shrinking membership., Leonard F. Moscati
An analysis of the private sector covering export insurance in the United States., Robert A. Murphy
Impact of FDA-Mandated ingredient labeling on the marketing of cosmetics., Elleen Louise Musgrave
Financing corporate acquisitons and mergers with convertible preferred stock during the sixties., Warren Neitzel
Management development in selected firms located in westchester county., Lance Nelson
A study of the historical events leading to the establishment of the financial accounting standards board and an evaluation of its survival potenial., William C. Nelson
An analysis of the effectiveness of union carbide's bound brook plant employee newspaper., Thomas James Nemeth
The financial and economic effect of antitrust action on motion picture distribution., Mark S. Newman
A study of present and future payments systems in the United States of America., Kenneth Francis O'Brien
The professional contact bridge league the development of an amateur game into a professional enterprise., Arthur J. O'Donnell
An analysis of the ability of electronic funds transfer system to eliminate checks., Gordon Anthony Oliosi
A study of american emigration to Canada 1968-1973., Paula C. O'Mahoney
Singapore asian dollar market., So San Ong
Leasing the general telephone directory company publishing office building and anticipated addition versus borrowing to buy building and to construct the addition., Charles J. O'Rourke
Competition in the telecommunications industry its impact upon the bell system and the subscriber., Leroy S. Paget
The financial impact on western nations of opec's oil price increases, 1973-1974., Steven F. Paley
A proposal for free enterprises unlimited, inc., Bertram Harold Peterson III
American direct investment in the Canadian petroleum industry: The economic and political impact on Canada., Joseph Della Pietra
A study of securities options., Philip E. Plasencia
An analysis of the value of the MBA for scientific and engineering personel., Peter Pleshko
The viability of the word processing concept., Charles A. Plumb
Original issue discount., Martin D. Pollack
United States source rules in determining taxable income from sources within or without the United States., Richard P. Powers
A study of corporate out-migration in the New York metropolitan area and its affect on manpower planning in the private sector., Richard Prestholdt
Listing on the Tokyo stock exchange by american corporations., William John Provoost III
Balanced mutual funds as a form of investment media., Joseph F. Quinliuan
Should the postal monopoly be repealed?., Leonard Refowich
An analysis of bureaucracy in a title company., Peter Richardson
An analysis and evalution of the certified public account's responsibility for unaudited financial statements., Robert Lawrence Roane
The utilization of foreign assignment in an executive development scheme., Donald J. Robinson
Marketing the turbo commander 690a aircraft during a period of recession., Carmine L. Romano
A historical study of the influence of Ralph Nader on the american marketing system: 1964-1974., Anna Marie Saccone
The attitude of employees in a wholly owned Canadian subsidiary towards the american parent company., Salim D. Sadiq
Corporate financial management of the foreign exchange risk., Lila Sarda