Pace Environmental Law Review | School of Law | Pace University

Established in 1982, the Pace Environmental Law Review (PELR) was one of the first scholarly journals established in the then-new field of environmental law. Affiliated with the highest-ranked Environmental Law Program in the nation, PELR is committed to publishing the most influential and innovative scholarship in the field of environmental law.

Current Issue: Volume 42, Issue 2 (2025)


2024 – 2025 Board


Sara Cody

Natalie Lara

Managing Editor

Lauren Palmer

Productions Editors

Jenna Faucheux

Lauren Lynam

Madeline Miller

Articles Editors

Mike Kelly

Jillian Lavery

Sandra Sequera

Anthony Torrioni

Research & Writing Editors

Stephen Cardarelli

Patricia McKee

Acquisitions Editors

Hannah Gaudet

Morgan Martin

Promotions Editor

Andrea DeRosa

DEIB Editors

Amanda McKenzie

Ruchi Patel

Symposium Editor

Mackenzie Wittig

Web Editors

Sophie Coassin

Anna Masuk

Senior Associates

Jake Karpuhin-Correa

Emily DiGiacomo

Lindsey Ellison

Roselby M. Jackson de la Torre

Pamella Vegna

Junior Associates

Sophie Bacas

Harrison Bench

Cameron Birtcher

William Carswell

Madison Cotner

Hannah Dauray

Francesca Fazio

Nicole Fitzsimmons

Julianne Frey

Mark Frederiksen

Henry Heintzman

Amanda Kapitula

Daniel Khieninson

Carington Lowe

Julia Marut

Lara O'Callaghan

Evi Patterson

Emily Petermann

Alexandra Phillips

Victoria Sawchuk

Shannon Stemper

Presley Taylor

Elizabeth Wescoe

Cassidy Yelincic

Ryan York

Faculty Advisor

Katrina Fischer Kuh

Jason Czarnezki