Volume 17, Issue 2 (2000) Summer 2000
The Future of Environmental Rule of Law Litigation: Sixth Annual Lloyd K. Garrison Lecture on Environmental Law
A. Dan Tarlock
Equitable Defenses against the Government in the Natural Resources and Environmental Law Context
Mary V. Laitos, Danielle V. Smith, and Amy E. Mang
Be All That You Can Be, But Nothing More: National Mining Association v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Corps' Critical Loss of Wetlands Control
Matthew M. D'Amico
The Science of Endocrine Disruption - Will It Change the Scope of Products Liability Claims?
Karen Fassuliotis
Brief for the Appellant State of New Union: Twelfth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition
Mateo Davis, Fritz Ganz, and Brandon Jensen
Brief for the Appellant State of New Union: Twelfth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition
Matthew Chivers, Elisha Peterson, and Sean Tomko
Brief for the Appellant Friends of Lake Tokay, Inc.: Twelfth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition
Nicolette Corso, Barbara M. Cowherd, and Jennifer Galloway Pike
Brief for the Appelle Buena Vista Power Co.: Twelfth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition
J.R. Ellingson III, Taylor Koss, and Edward Salanga

1999-2000 Board
- Editor-in-Chief
- Mary E. Mohnach
- Managing Editor of Publications
- Sarah Newkirk
- Operations Editor
- Linda Regis
- Production Editor
- Karen Anderson
- Karen Fassuliotis
- Christine LaRocca
- Ira Zaroff
- Articles Editors
- Chris Bonante
- Matt D'Amico
- Caroline Hermann
- Leah Lopez
- Jennifer Vlack
- Senior Associates
- Judi Caragine
- Rebecca Ferrigno
- Melissa Franolich
- Doreen Lusita
- Jeff Odefey
- Jennifer O'Friel
- Michael Ohm
- Stephen Ricardulli
- Maria Stillo
- Amy Stoeberl
- Associate Candidates
- Peter Casper
- Terrence Cortelli
- James Cesarano
- Todd Frampton
- Deborah Goldberger
- David Gronbach
- Jessica Huhn-Kenzik
- Mindy Jayne
- Sandor Krauss
- William LaRose
- Catherine Mackin
- Jody Match
- Daniel McKillop
- Mark Rielly
- Christopher Rizzo
- Kelly Ann Ruane
- Danielle Salese