Volume 24, Issue 1 (2007) Winter 2007
Upstream of Peril: The Role of Federal Lands in Addressing the Extinction Crisis: Twelfth Annual Lloyd K. Garrison Lecture on Environmental Law
Karin P. Sheldon
The Pardy-Ruhl Dialogue on Ecosystem Management, Part IV: Narrowing and Sharpening the Questions
J. B. Ruhl
Mining and the World Heritage Convention: Democratic Legitimacy and Treaty Compliance
Nathasha Affolder
Motivating Enforcement: Institutional Culture and the Clean Water Act
William L. Andreen
The IUCN Sustainable Soil Project and Enforcement Failures
J. William Futrell
The Evolving Role of Citizens in United States-Canadian International Environmental Law Compliance
Noah D. Hall
Shining the Spotlight on European Union Environmental Compliance
Clifford Rechtschaffen
Alternative Dispute Resolution in Environmental Enforcement Cases: A Call for Enhanced Assessment and Greater Use
Joseph A. Siegel
Minding the Public Interest: How the Not-So-Effective Standard Has Led to the Destruction of Wetlands in Louisiana
Megan Bierlein
Kelo's Wake: In Search of a Proportional Benefit
Jennie C. Nolon

2006-2007 Board
- Editor-in-Chief
- Joshua Verleun
- Managing Editor
- Kimberly Logue
- Production Editor
- Dana Chrisomalis
- Operations & Colloquium Editor
- Richard Pohlman
- Acquisitions Development Editor
- Robert Harris
- Research & Writing Editors
- Megan Bierlein
- Sarah Olinger
- Articles Editors
- Deborah Brancato
- Kristen Sentoff
- Melissa Field
- Sarah Wilson
- Information Technology (IT) Editor
- Samuel Brown
- Senior Associates
- Timothy Herbst
- Victoria Polidoro
- Erin Herzog
- Greg Ribreau
- Adam Melnick
- Jennie Nolon
- Mackenzie Schoonmaker
- Associate Candidates
- Bari Buggé
- Kinjal Desai
- Patrick D. Donnelly
- Naomi (Roz) Galtz
- Jeffrey Gasbarro
- Carly Grant
- Eric Grillé
- Alexandra Hankovszky
- Kate Harrison
- Amy Jones
- Kerri Murphy
- Ryan Thomas Naples
- Jason C. Scott
- David Strong
- John Vassallo
- Susan VonReusner
- Christine Wisniewski
- Faculty Advisor
- Professor Ann Powers