Pace International Law Review: Prospective Authors

Prospective Authors

Submission Guidelines

The Pace International Law Review welcomes articles written by international legal scholars, university and law professors and members of the legal profession, involving all areas of international and comparative law. The decision to publish a submitted manuscript is determined by the editorial staff, and unpublished manuscripts will not be returned unless so requested by the author. All material accepted for publication becomes the property of the Pace International Law Review.

All manuscripts should be submitted in compliance with the following specifications:

  • Approximately 30 to 60 double-spaced pages.
  • Footnotes conforming to the Uniform System of Citation, at the bottom of each page.
  • Authors should also submit a current curriculum vitae which includes prior experience and a list of publications.

If you have additional questions on submitting an article for publication, please contact the Editor-in-Chief or the Submissions Editor at