Pace International Law Review: Prospective Members

Prospective Members


Under Article II of The Pace International Law Review (PILR) Constitution, students of Pace Law School may become Junior Associates of the PILR by participating in the Unified Law Review Writing Competition.

Day students who have completed their first year or evening students who have completed either their first or second year shall be eligible to compete in the Unified Law Review Writing Competition, provided that they are ranked in the top fiftieth (50%) percentile of their class at the end of that year. The Board of Editors shall determine the number of students invited to become Junior Associates of PILR. Invitations will be based on the combination of each student’s class standing and competition score. However, the Board in its discretion, reserves the right to invite a certain percentage of eligible students to become Junior Associates of PILR solely on the basis of class standing or solely on the basis of writing ability.

Junior Associates must also attend an orientation program prior to assumption of the Junior Associate role or otherwise be granted an exception by the Editor-in-Chief. Prospective members will be granted the title of Junior Associate upon successful completion of the orientation program.

Requirements for Full Membership


a. All students invited to join PILR as Junior Associates must commit to membership for two full years.

b. Each Junior Associate is required to write a Case Note or Comment of publishable quality as set forth in the Handbook. Any Junior Associate who does not fulfill this requirement will not be eligible for full membership.

Those Junior Associates whose articles the Editors have accepted and who have successfully discharged all their responsibilities, as set forth in the Handbook will be eligible for full membership. Selection of members by the Board of Editors shall commence no later than the end of March. Junior Associates who do not fulfill their duties in accordance with the timetables established for them by the Editors will lose their status as Associates and will not be eligible for a position as Senior Associate or Editor at the discretion of the Board.

Standards of Academic Honesty

All submissions to PILR, whether through the Writing Competition or otherwise, must comply with the Pace Law School Code of Academic Integrity.

Senior Associates

Members who have successfully completed all assigned work during their first year on PILR and who are not elected as officers are eligible to be elected as Senior Associates for their second year on PILR. Senior Associate designation is not a matter of right, but is, rather, a recognition of substantial contribution to PILR. Senior Associates shall be responsible for assisting the Managing Editor with Bluebook assignments, the Bluebook Editor Quiz, the blog, and any additional assignments as the Editor-in-Chief shall direct.

Two Year Commitment

PILR requires a two-year commitment. The two-year commitment may be waived by the Board of Editors, at its sole discretion, for students who indicate early in their PILR tenure that they intend to graduate one semester early. A program for making up the work that would be missed must accompany such waiver.

All submissions to the PILR, whether through the Writing Competition or otherwise, must comply with the Pace Law School Code of Academic Integrity.

For additional information, see the PILR bylaws or contact the