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This article chronicles and analyzes the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) case resulting from the petition: Mossville Environmental Action Now v. United States. Part I illuminates the harms faced by the residents of Mossville and the little that has been done to remedy their situation. It provides an in-depth look at the data that has been collected by the U.S. government and analyzed by the members of Mossville Environmental Action Now, which shows levels of dioxin contamination in both the people and the environment of Mossville and their significance. Part I also discusses environmental racism and environmental justice in theory and as applied to the pollution and sickness that the Mossville residents are facing. Part II explores the petition that was filed with the IACHR, the IACHR itself, the treaties that formed the Commission, and its duties. Part III analyzes each claim that was deemed admissible and relevant precedent from both the IACHR and the European Court on Human Rights in order to predict the outcome of the case, as it is still pending. Part IV puts forth predictions and summarizes all of the relevant rules that come from the applicable case law. Lastly, Part V discusses the remedies that have been requested in the petition and that are likely to be awarded if violations of human rights are found.
