Pace University Social Justice Week | Centers, Institutes, and Pace Org. | Pace University

Social Justice Week is an annual series of social justice-centered programs offered on all Pace campuses. Social Justice Week usually takes place the week of October 25th. These events are organized in memory of Pace student Danroy “DJ” Henry Jr. Created by students, faculty, staff, and alumni, this initiative has just one goal: to foster advocacy within us all. This starts with education, empowerment, and passion.

We are raising awareness for a variety of issues, but centering our whole week around the tragic loss of DJ Henry in 2010.

If you organized an event for Social Justice Week and would like to add your materials to this series in Pace's Digital Repository, please contact Jennifer Rosenstein,


Submissions from 2022

Religion, Finance, and Social Justice, PV Viswanath, Michael Chernick, and Kaan Kocak


Social Justice Reads mini zine, Jessica Kiebler and Jennifer Rosenstein