Study Abroad | Pace University Research | DigitalCommons@Pace
Please visit our website to explore Pace University's study abroad opportunities:
New York City Office
163 William
16th Floor
New York, NY 10038
Phone: (212) 346-1368
Pleasantville Office
861 Bedford Rd
Kessel 212
Pleasantville, NY 10570
Phone: (914) 773-3425
Feel free to visit our Instagram pages: @pacestudyabroad & @pace_plv_abroad.


Browse the Study Abroad Collections:

Photos from Abroad
This collection contains an assortment of images students captured while abroad. For more information about a specific image, please visit a Pace study abroad office.

Postcards from Around the World
This collection contains postcards created by students who have traveled abroad here at Pace University. The postcard includes an image the student took while abroad and a brief description about the student's experience! For more information about the abroad location, please visit a Pace study abroad office.