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Year 1 Round 2 Final Report


The original goals of the project were to develop interdisciplinary Information Technology (IT) Auditing

teaching modules, to be integrated into courses offered by both Business and Information Technology

disciplines during Fall 2009 and Spring 2010. IT Auditing is an interdisciplinary field which requires

understanding audit, control, technology and security concepts in accordance with audit standards,

guidelines, and best practices. Thus, IT Auditing requires interdisciplinary knowledge across IT and

Accounting/Auditing domains. With increasing use of IT in business processes, the demand for IT

Auditors is increasing rapidly, offering a lucrative career path. Acquiring IT Audit related knowledge and

skills will help our students improve their career opportunities by exploring this growing field.

Based upon the curriculum content areas of the CISA Exam as well as the ISACA Model Curriculum, we

proposed the following three interdisciplinary teaching modules for IT Auditing: 1) IT Auditing

Frameworks & Business Continuity; 2) IT Lifecycle Management & Service Delivery; and 3) Protection of

Information Assets.

We had developed the three teaching modules. Each individual module can be covered in one to two

weeks. The entire set of three IT Auditing modules can then be covered in 3-4 weeks of class time. For

each of the individual modules, we had developed presentation slides, reading lists and online quizzes

based on the CISA Exam. We had also identified an overarching case study to be used throughout the

three individual modules for continuity reasons.
