

  • Dr. Elodie Silberstein, Adjunct Associate Professor, Women and Gender Studies
  • Susan Thomas, M.A./M.S., Instructional Services Librarian, Beekman Library; Co-Director, Pace Zine Library

This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in International Feminist Journal Of Politics

in November 2022, available at:

Document Type



The article presents a conversation between artist and professor Elodie Silberstein and feminist academic librarian Susan Thomas about the evolution of feminist zine culture ingrained in histories of resistance and self-publishing as well as the current popularity of zines. The authors discuss their collaborative zine pedagogy in an introductory gender studies course at Pace University during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Figure from Silberstein_Thomas article.tif (452 kB)
Image of a student-created zine
