Volume 18, Issue 1 (2000) Winter 2000
Global Climate Change Kyoto Protocol Implementation: Legal Frameworks for Implementing Clean Energy Solutions
Richard L. Ottinger and Mindy Jayne
Expanding the Use of Environmental Trading Programs into New Areas of Environmental Regulation
Richard E. Ayres
Evaluating the Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution Techniques and Processes in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Enforcement Cases: Views of Agency Attorneys
Susan Raines and Rosemary O'Leary
Private Well Owners Pay Price as MTBE Contamination Exposes the Lack of Groundwater Protection in Federal and New York Law
Todd A. Frampton

2000-2001 Board
- Editor-in-Chief
- Jody T. Match
- Operations Editor
- Jessica Huhn-Kenzik
- Managing Editor of Publications
- Todd Frampton
- Production Editor
- James Cesarano
- Research & Writing Editors
- Mindy Jayne
- Kelly Ruane
- Articles Editors
- Terrence Cortelli
- Deborah Goldberger
- Christopher Rizzo
- Danielle Salese
- Senior Associates
- Peter Casper
- Sandor Krauss
- William LaRose
- Catherine Mackin
- Daniel McKillop
- Mark Rielly
- Associate Candidates
- Jennifer Andaloro
- Christopher Borello
- Joshua Dolger
- Amanda Gerhardt
- Michelle Land
- Paula Lebowitz
- Todd M.C. Li
- Mary Meenan
- Eric Ossentjuk
- Christine Phillips
- John Poakeart
- Michael Palumbo
- Craig Rosen
- Brianne Smith
- Robert Snyder
- Paul Svensson
- Jennifer Ukeritis
- Lance Whitman