Volume 36, Issue 1 (2018) Fall 2018
Cleaning Up Our Toxic Coasts: A Precautionary and Human Health-Based Approach to Coastal Adaptation
Robin Kundis Craig
State Public Nuisance Claims and Climate Change Adaptation
Albert C. Lin and Michael Burger
The Time Has Come for a Universal Water Tribunal
Tarek Majzoub and Fabienne Quilleré-Majzoub

2018 – 2019 Editorial Board
- Editor-in-Chief
- Amy O’Brien
- Managing Editor
- Kasey Brenner
- Productions Editors
- Savannah Bowling
- Ian Curry
- Emma Lagle
- Articles Editors
- Maximillian Mahalek
- Alexandra Mormile
- Raquel Parks
- Research & Writing Editors
- Caitlin Ens
- Mark Fanelli
- Acquisitions Editor
- Rachel Bauer
- Promotions Editor
- Marissa O’Loughlin
- Senior Associates
- Joel Brand
- Mackenzie Peet
- Junior Associates
- Chelsea Aiosa
- Dominique Albano
- Rachel Breslin
- Morgan Dowd
- Megan Edwards
- Allison Fausner
- Samantha Feroce
- Grace Keane
- Jessica Laird
- Alicia Legland
- Fred McDonald
- Anxhela Mile
- Colin Myers
- Nicole Nachtsheim
- Christine Occhiogrosso
- Zachary Randall
- Aaron Rudyan
- Julie Yedowitz
- Faculty Advisor
- Professor Jason J. Czarnezki