Volume 38, Issue 2 (2021) Spring 2021
The Carbon Storage Future of Public Lands
Tara Righetti, Jesse Richardson, Kris Koski, and Sam Taylor
Addressing Correlations Between Gender-Based Violence and Climate Change: An Expanded Role for International Climate Change Law and Education for Sustainable Development
Achinthi C. Vithanage
Ancestral Comprehensions for a Policy for the Future of the Earth: The Narrative of the South American Andes in the Face of the Global Climate Crisis
Erick Pajares G., Eduardo Calvo B., Jorge Iván Palacio P., Juan José Munar M., Carlos Loret de Mola, Darío Espinoza M., Yuri Godoy P., and Gustavo Mora R.

2020 – 2021 Board
Haley Brescia
Managing Editor
Alicia Stoklosa
Productions Editors
Emma Campbell
Maggie St. Jean
Katelyn Rauh
Articles Editors
Gabrielle Dylag
Connor Hilbie
Sarena Malsin
Research & Writing Editors
Kylie Ayal
Allison Wood
Acquisitions Editors
Dan Conant
Alisha Faherty
Promotions Editor
Jackie Jonczyk
Junior Associates
Andie D'Angelo
Audra Gale
Christopher Makowski
Dana McClure
Emily Lively
Jaclyn McBain
Jennifer Kelly
Jessica Roberts
Jillian Aicher
Kristin Jones
Makayla Loeb
Shayna Vercillo
Steven Yannacone
Sydney Byers
Taryn Ramey
Faculty Advisor
Katrina Fischer Kuh