
Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education

Submission Type



Early identification of delay or disability is critical in the early years when children are developing. Yet practices for early identification are often rife with challenges for the families of young children. Part C of the Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities Program of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) was authorized almost 40 years ago, mandating that children with developmental disability or developmental delay be identified and fairly assessed to obtain high quality early intervention services. An overview of the components of Fair Assessment and legal requirements are highlighted in this article. An outline for recommended practices and considerations for culturally and linguistically diverse students is presented.

Impact Statement

  • This is the first paper that we know of that addresses the authentic assessment practices and policy recommendations focused on the cultural and linguistic needs of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers and their families The paper takes the impact of COVID-19 context into account to reimagine recommended practices. We anticipate this paper being useful for the public, practitioners, policymakers, and others.

Special Issue

