
Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education

Aims & Scope

Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education publishes original contributions for a broad range of psychological and educational perspectives relevant to infants, young children (to age 8), families, and caregivers. Journal articles incorporate evidence-based research, theory, and practice-within clinical, community, developmental, neurological, and school psychology perspectives. The journal accepts test and book reviews, literature reviews, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, program descriptions and evaluations, clinical studies, and other professional materials of interest to psychologists and educators working with young children.

The peer review process is as follows, manuscripts are sent blind to multiple editorial board members, previously published PECPE authors, previous PECPE reviewers, and or if for a special issue, to learned peers recommended by our guest editors. Reviewers are given 3-4 weeks to return their reviews using our template below and are reviewed and subsequently preliminarily either decisioned by our editor, associate editors, and or special issue guest editors (They may not review, assign reviews, or decision any manuscripts in which they are an author). The editor reviews the decision and authorizes the decision letter to the first author. In the case of a revise and resubmit recommendation, the manuscript author is given 3 weeks to submit 1) a resubmission manuscript and 2) a table specifying how and where each reviewer and editor comment was addressed in the resubmission. The resubmission will be sent out for additional review, preferably, when possible and pending their willingness, to the same original reviewers. The editor maintains the right to desk reject and not send out for review articles that do not meet the requirements for consideration for publication or that are not formatted in APA style in English.

The use of formal, academic language and data-based information is expected in the material submitted to Perspectives. The editor additionally asks that authors consider other perspectives in their writing and avoid bias in their language.

An impact statement should be included; this is a statement that communicates the key contributions of the manuscript to the general public, practitioners, policymakers, and others. The statement should be short and written in simple plain English. Include the impact statement on the same page as your abstract and keywords.

Manuscripts are selected based on relevance of the topic area to early childhood psychology and education, caliber of the theory and research utilized, and the potential contributions to the field of early childhood psychology and education.

Other relevant policies of this journal include:

  • No charges to authors or Article Publishing Charge (APC)
  • Prospective authors must reveal any funding sources, conflicts of interest, or grant sponsorship.
  • Reviewers must reveal any potential conflict of interest or assert no conflict of interest when reviewing a specific manuscript.

See the Reviewer Template here.