Volume 11, Issue 1 (1999) Spring 1999
The Alexis C. Coudert Memorial Lecture - Introductory Remarks
David Nachman; Edwin S. Matthews, Jr; and Michael A. Cooper
The Alexis C. Coudert Memorial Lectures - Keynote Address
George J. Mitchell
The Genesis of the Declaration: A Fresh Examination
Martin Flaherty, Richard N. Gardner, Blanche Wiesen Cook, and Oscar Schachter
Ideal to Law to Practice: The Universal Declaration Today and Tomorrow
Paul Chevigny, Louis Sohn, Georges Abi-Saab, and Theodor Meron
What Is a Human Right? Universals and the Challenge of Cultural Relativism
Paul Dubinsky, Tracy Higgins, Michel Rosenfeld, Jeremy Waldron, and Ruti Teitel
The Declaration Abroad: A Comparative Perspective
Michael P.D. Ellman, Abderrahim Jamai, Eugenio Gay Montalvo, and Muhamed Mugraby
Human Rights and Non-State Actors
Thomas M. McDonnell, Winston P. Nagan, Richard Dicker, and Patricia Armstrong
The United States: Human Rights Leader or Laggard?
Minna Schrag; Kenneth Roth; Penny Venetis; John S. Martin, Jr.; and Ruth Wedgewood

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