Volume 14, Issue 1 (2002) Spring 2002
The Characteristics of an Offer in CISG and PECL
Predrag Cvetkovic
"Artillery Lends Dignity to What Otherwise Would Be a Common Brawl": An Essay on Post-Modern Warfare and the Classification of Captured Adversaries
Ralph Michael Stein
Battle of the Forms, Modification of Contract, Commercial Letters of Confirmation: Comparison of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) with the Principles of European Contract Law (PECL)
Maria del Pilar Perales Viscasillas
CISG: Italian Court and Homeward Trend - Queen Mary Case Translation Programme Corte d'Appello di Milano 20 March 1998 Italdecor s.a.s. Yiu's Industries (H.K.) Limited (default)
Angela Maria Romito
Attorneys' Fees as Part of Recoverable Damages
Peter Schlectriem

2001-2002 Board
- Editor-in-Chief
- Leah Kolodney Pizer
- Executive Editor
- Nancy Shea Kopka
- Managing Editor
- Patricia Mooney
- Articles Editors
- Sarah Eagen
- Michelle Vitullo
- Note & Comment Editor
- Alison Rende
- Research & Writing Editors
- Christie Magno
- Robert Varga
- CISG Book Article Editor
- Colleen Hastie
- Senior Associates
- Jeannette Bairdi
- Bernice Margolis
- Stephen Cerrato
- Patricia Perez
- Josephine Robinson
- Lorraine Girolamo
- Dennis Richardson
- First Year Associates
- April Cohen
- Arthur Colligan
- Allison Clifford
- Qubilah Davis
- Michael Galbraith
- Jennifer Hogan
- Samantha Jann
- Kevin Lawner
- Tama Lesko
- Andrew Lofredo
- John Moehring
- Brian Nugent
- Margaret Smith
- Delight Wilson