Volume 20, Issue 1 (2008) Spring 2008
Burden of Proof under Article 35 CISG
Anna L. Linne
The Acceptance of the Unified Sales Law (CISG) in Different Legal Systems
Martin F. Koehler and Guo Yujun
Selected Topics on the Application of the CISG in China
Xiao Yongping and Long Weidi
A Law for International Sale of Goods: A Reply to Michael Bridge
Lachmi Singh and Benjamin Leisinger

2007-2008 Board
- Editor-in-Chief
- Megan McDonald
- Managing Editor
- Trish Lattanzio
- Executive Editor
- Angela Higgins
- Articles Editors
- Karen Berggren
- Henry Mascia
- Lindsay Murphy
- Soma Saha
- Case Note & Comment Editors
- Blyth McLeod
- Trevor Perea
- Symposia and Submissions Editor
- Kristen Mackay
- Senior Associates
- Gonul Aksoy
- Andrea Roberts
- Junior Associates
- Ashley Allen
- Michael Del Vecchio
- William Diaz
- Barbara Durkin
- Michael Goldenberg
- Katie Harris
- Paul Humphreys
- Miaoran Li
- Bradford Lombardi
- Daniel Marx
- Mark Meeker
- Michelle Miele
- Gail Mulligan
- Michael Palitz
- Dwight Rhodeback
- Dessi Sherban
- Paul Valentine
- Kristen Wagner
- Faculty Advisors
- Professor John Humbach
- Professor Thomas McDonnell
- Professor Albert Kritzer
- Professor Gayl Westerman