Most Recent Additions
A study of the retil manpower shortage.
James Robert Jung
The impact of the minicomputer.
Peter Joseph Julian
Computer time sharing.
Jay P. Joseph
Stagflation: Equity financing and financial mobility.
Kim A. Juillerat
Corporate decision-making and the capital budgeting process.
James Richard Jordan
Unemployment and its relationship to low status jobs.
Barbara J. Johnson
Business and the arts.
Jeffrey M. Jehle
A study to locate and define the audience for national daily newspaper.
Antoine Joseph Janniere
Incentive compensation for advertising salemen.
David Jaspen
The changing legal environment of pharmaceutical marketing.
Myron Jacobowitz
U.S. direct investments in the philippines.
Adoracion N. Iturralse
The corporation and social responability.
William M. Ignatuck
Recruiting sales personal for the newspaper representative business.
John Robert Humphrey III
An exploration of golf equipment retail sales channels.
Arthur L. Huettl
*Updated as of 02/17/25.