Cornerstone 2 Reports : Community Outreach and Empowerment Through Service Learning and Volunteerism
Document Type
Literacy Center Initiative
Sister Delaney (Associate Professor and Director of The Center for Literacy Enrichment at Pace)
Mohana Mukherjee (Graduate Assistant)
School of Education
Initial Plan: Select a student to be the pilot pupil, analyze his needs, engage him in interesting topics on the website, record his progress on a weekly basis, and interact with his guardians to record his performance at home.
Future Plans: Broadening the target audience at the Literacy Center, a number of courses in teaching of reading at both the graduate and undergraduate level, as well as exploring a course in Literacy and Technology for the Master’s degree in Literacy.
Recommended Citation
Flank, Sandra G., "Literacy Center Initiative" (2008). Cornerstone 2 Reports : Community Outreach and Empowerment Through Service Learning and Volunteerism. 1.
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This Literacy Center Initiative has the following facilitators: Supervisor: Sister Delany, Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Literacy Enrichment at Pace, White Plains, NY Graduate Assistant - Mohana Mukherjee