Document Type
Librarians at four academic institutions present their experiences using four courseware products (Web Course in a Box, Blackboard,, and WebCT) to teach information literatcy skills. Objectives, methods, content, and student populations vary from place to place. In all four cases, with some reservations, librarians deem courseware a valuable tool for delivery of library instruction. They agree on the following primary advantages: support for interactivity; support for assessment/grade management; support for distance education; relatively quick development time; relatively low technical skill requirement; and raise the following concerns; inability to integrate quiz questions into the text of lessons; and diminution of interpersonal contact.
Recommended Citation
Getty, Nancy K.; Burd, Barbara; Burns-Feyl, Sarah; and Piele, Linda, "Using Courseware to Deliver Library Instruction Via the Web: Four Examples" (2000). Library Staff Publications. 4.
This article was originally published in Reference Services Review, 28 (2000): 349-359. For full text archive of this journal see: URL: