Submissions from 1997
Attaining Systems for Sustainability Through Environmental Law, Nicholas A. Robinson
Submissions from 1996
United States Pollution Control Laws, Jeffrey G. Miller
Fusing Economic and Environmental Policy: The Need for Framework Laws in the United States and Argentina, John R. Nolon
Seminar on the Law of Sustainable Development--United States, John R. Nolon
Summary of the United States Seminar on Our National Environmental Laws, John R. Nolon
The National Land Use Policy Act, John R. Nolon
Welcome: Seminar on the Law of Sustainable Development - United States, Richard L. Ottinger
Welcome (Symposium on Framework Laws--The Key to Sustainable Development in the Americas), Richard L. Ottinger
Long Island Sound: A Bibliography of Legal and Related Materials, Ann Powers
The Law of Sustainable Development, Nicholas A. Robinson
Submissions from 1995
The Stable Door is Open: New York's Statutes to Protect Farm Land, John R. Nolon
IUCN's Proposed Covenant on Environment & Development, Nicholas A. Robinson
Submissions from 1994
The Case for State Pollution Taxes, Richard L. Ottinger
The Case for State Pollution Taxes, Richard L. Ottinger and William B. Moore
Submissions from 1993
Reclaiming the Public Domain by Repeal of the Mining Law of 1872, Shelby D. Green
Comprehensive Land Use Planning: Learning How and Where to Grow, John R. Nolon
Introduction: Dedication to James A. Coon, John R. Nolon
Land Use Law Reform: A Judicial And Practical Imperative, John R. Nolon
The Erosion of Home Rule Through the Emergence of State-Interests in Land Use Control, John R. Nolon
After a Decade: "Theory as Practice" at the Center for Environmental Legal Studies, Nicholas A. Robinson
Submissions from 1992
Footprints in the Shifting Sands of the Isle of Palms: A Practical Analysis of Regulatory Takings Cases, John R. Nolon
Local Land Use Control in New York: An Aging Citadel Under Siege, John R. Nolon
Least Cost Electricity for Texas, Karl R. Rábago
What Comes Out Must Go In: Cooling Water Intakes and the Clean Water Act, Karl R. Rábago
International Trends in Environmental Impact Assessment, Nicholas A. Robinson
Submissions from 1991
The Regulation of Green Advertising: The State, the Market and the Environmental Good, David S. Cohen
Energy and Environmental Challenges for Developed and Developing Countries, Richard L. Ottinger
Energy and Environmental Challenges for Developed and Developing Countries: Keynote Address Presented at the United Nations Meeting on Energy and Environment in the Development Process, Richard L. Ottinger
Submissions from 1990
Toward a Housing Imperative and Other Reflections on Balanced Growth and Development, John R. Nolon
Submissions from 1989
Law and a New Land Ethic, John A. Humbach
Public Rights in the Navigable Streams of New York, John A. Humbach
Jurisdiction for Citizens to Enforce Against Violations of the Clean Water Act, Jeffrey G. Miller
Soviet Environmental Protection: The Challenge for Legal Studies, Nicholas A. Robinson
Submissions from 1988
Expanding Traditional Land Use Authority Through Environmental Legislation: The Regulation of Affordable Housing, John R. Nolon
Least-Cost Utility Planning and Demand-Side Management: A Bibliography, Richard L. Ottinger
Least-Cost Utility Planning and Demand-Side Management: A Bibliography, Richard L. Ottinger, Susan E. Babb, Elizabeth Barbanes, and Carol Padron
Perestroika and Priroda: Environmental Protection in the USSR, Nicholas A. Robinson
The U.S. - U.S.S.R. Agreement to Protect the Environment: 15 Years of Cooperation, Nicholas A. Robinson
Submissions from 1986
A Comparative Analysis of New Jersey's Mount Laurel Cases with the Berenson Cases in New York, John R. Nolon
Submissions from 1985
Strengthening of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act in 1984: The Original Loopholes, the Amendments, and the Political Factors Behind Their Passage, Richard Ottinger
Strengthening of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act in 1984: The Original Loopholes, the Amendments, and the Political Factors Behind Their Passage, Richard L. Ottinger
Review of Regulating Paradise: Land Use Controls in Hawaii, Ralph Michael Stein
Submissions from 1983
Defending Superfund and RCRA Imminent Hazard Cases, Jeffrey G. Miller
Submissions from 1982
SEQRA's Siblings: Precedents from Little NEPA's in the Sister States, Nicholas A. Robinson
Submissions from 1981
Historic Preservation Law: The Metes & Bounds of a New Field, Nicholas A. Robinson
Introduction: Emerging International Environmental Law, Nicholas A. Robinson
Municipal Ordinances for Historic Preservation in New York State, Nicholas A. Robinson
Submissions from 1976
Urban Environmental Law: Emergent Citizens' Rights for the Aesthetic, the Spiritual, and the Spacious, Nicholas A. Robinson
Submissions from 1975
Tidal Title and the Boundaries of the Bay: The Case of the Submerged "High Water" Mark, John A. Humbach
Drinking Water Regulation, Nicholas A. Robinson
Submissions from 1974
Environmental Law--Introduction, Nicholas A. Robinson
Extraterritorial Environmental Protection Obligations of Foreign Affairs Agencies: The Unfulfilled Mandate of NEPA, Nicholas A. Robinson
New Dimensions in Corporate Counseling in Environmental Law, Nicholas A. Robinson
Submissions from 1970
Legislation and the Environment: Individual Rights and Government Accountability, Richard L. Ottinger