Submissions from 2024
Climate Change and Internal Displacement in Colombia: Chronicle of a Tragedy Foretold, Camila Bustos
Disclosure, Greenwashing, and the Future of ESG Litigation, Jason J. Czarnezki and Barbara Ballan
Avoiding Performative Climate Justice, Katrina F. Kuh
Powerless Beings: Solitary Confinement of Humans and Nonhumans in America, Michael B. Mushlin and David N. Cassuto
Beyond Reform: Food Sovereignty and the Future of Global Food Systems, Smita Narula
Realizing the Right to Food in Maine: Insights From International Law, Smita Narula
Community Leadership for Healthy Lakes in New York, Nicholas A. Robinson
The Federal Future of Medication Abortion, Michelle S. Simon
Submissions from 2023
Climate Migration and Displacement: A Case Study of Puerto Rican Women in Connecticut, Camila Bustos, Bruni Pizarro, and Tabitha Sookdeo
A Human Rights Approach to Climate-Induced Displacement: A Case Study in Central America and Colombia, Camila Bustos and Juliana Vélez-Echeverri
Eco-Necrotourism and Public Land Management: Last Chance Tourism, Ecological Grief, and the World’s Disappearing Natural Wonders, Robin Kundis Craig and Katrina F. Kuh
A Brief Legal History of Wisconsin Conservation, Jason J. Czarnezki and Carolyn Drell
Teaching Sustainable Business Law & The Role of ESG Lawyers, Jason J. Czarnezki, Joshua Ulan Galperin, and Brianna M. Grimes
The Intentional Community: Toward Inclusion and Climate-Cognizance, Shelby D. Green
Fostering Resilience Within Ecological Civilization: Contributions of Environmental Law, Nicholas A. Robinson
Submissions from 2022
Adapting to a 4°C World, Karrigan Börk, Karen Bradshaw, Cinnamon P. Carlarne, Robin Kundis Craig, Sarah Fox, Joshua Ulan Galperin, Shi-Ling Hsu, Katrina F. Kuh, Kevin Lynch, Michele Okoh, Jessica Owley, Melissa Powers, Shannon Roesler, J.B. Ruhl, James Salzman, David Takacs, and Clifford J. Villa
Adaptive Rezoning for Social Equity, Affordability and Resilience, Shelby D. Green
Equitable, Affordable and Climate-Cognizant Housing Construction, Shelby D. Green
Informational Regulation, the Environment, and the Public, Katrina F. Kuh
Confronting State Violence: Lessons from India's Farmer Protests, Smita Narula
Pandemics and Housing Insecurity: A Blueprint for Land Use Law Reform, John R. Nolon
Eaters, Powerless by Design, Margot J. Pollans
FDA as Food System Stewards, Margot J. Pollans and Matthew F. Watson
NYS Bar Association Annual Meeting Lecture Outline: The New Environmental Rights in NY’s Constitutional Bill of Rights, Nicholas A. Robinson
Submissions from 2021
Estate Planning for Cannabis Business Owners: An Introduction, Bridget J. Crawford and Jonathan G. Blattmachr
Sustainable Business Law? The Key Role of Corporate Governance and Finance, Jason J. Czarnezki and Colin Meyers
Environmental Governance at the Edge of Democracy, Joshua Ulan Galperin
Legitimacy, Legality, Legacy, and the Life of Democracy, Joshua Ulan Galperin
Scientific Gerrymandering & Bifurcation, Katrina F. Kuh, Megan Edwards, and Frederick A. McDonald
Environmental Law Disrupted By COVID-19, Katrina Fischer Kuh, Lissa Griffin, Rebecca Bratspies, Vanessa Casado Perez, Robin Kundis Craig, Keith Hirokawa, Sarah Krakoff, Jessica Owley, Melissa Powers, Shannon Roesler, Jonathan Rosenbloom, J.B. Ruhl, Erin Ryan, and David Takacs
Local Land Use Power: Managing Human Settlements to Mitigate Climate Change, John R. Nolon
Submissions from 2020
Trauma-Centered Social Justice, Noa Ben-Asher
The Right Family, Noa Ben-Asher and Margot J. Pollans
Suffering Matters: NEPA, Animals, and the Duty to Disclose, David N. Cassuto and Tala DiBenedetto
The Death of Administrative Democracy, Joshua Ulan Galperin
The Life of Administrative Democracy, Joshua Ulan Galperin
Death of Dillon’s Rule: Local Autonomy to Control Land Use, John R. Nolon
Land Use Strategies that Mitigate Climate Change, John R. Nolon
The Public Trust Doctrine in the 21st Century, Nicholas A. Robinson
Constitutionalizing Nature's Law: Dignity and the Regulation of Biotechnology in Switzerland, James Toomey
Submissions from 2019
You Don’t Need Lungs to Suffer: Fish Suffering in the Age of Climate Change with a Call for Regulatory Reform, David N. Cassuto and Amy O'Brien
Ex Situ Preservation of Historic Monuments in the Era of Climate Change, Shelby D. Green
The Legitimacy of Judicial Climate Engagement, Katrina Fischer Kuh
Calming Troubled Waters: Local Solutions, Part I, John R. Nolon
The New Food Safety, Margot J. Pollans and Emily M. Broad Leib
The Most Fundamental Right, Nicholas A. Robinson
Transnational Perspectives on the Paris Climate Agreement Beyond Paris: Redressing American Defaults in Caring for Earth’s Biosphere, Nicholas A. Robinson
Submissions from 2018
Nurturing a More Just and Sustainable Food System: The First Year of Pace Law's Food and Beverage Law Clinic, Jonathan Brown
Under the Radar: The Cost and Benefits of Wind Energy Through the Lens of National Security, David N. Cassuto
The Missing Element of Environmental Cost-Benefit Analysis: Compensation for the Loss of Regulatory Benefits, Karl S. Coplan
Life Cycle Costing and Food Systems: Concepts, Trends, and Challenges of Impact Valuation, Jason J. Czarnezki
Crafting Next Generation Eco-Label Policy, Jason J. Czarnezki and Katrina F. Kuh
Board Rooms and Jail Cells- Assessing NGO Approaches to Private Environmental Governance, Joshua Ulan Galperin
Foreword: Private, Environmental, Governance, Joshua Ulan Galperin
No Farms No Food? A Response To Baylen Linnekin, Joshua Ulan Galperin
Pennsylvania Gas: Trusts, Takings, and Judicial Temperaments, Joshua Ulan Galperin
Pragmatism, Pragtivism, and Private Environmental Governance, Joshua Ulan Galperin
Food Localization: Empowering Community Food Systems Through the Farm Bill, Joshua Ulan Galperin, Brian Fink, and Alexandra Schluntz
One Parcel Plus One Parcel Equals A "Parcel As A Whole" Murr v. Wisconsin's Fluid Calculations for Regulatory Takings, Shelby D. Green
Bluebooking Environmental Resources, Deborah Heller
Low Carbon Land Use: Paris, Pittsburgh, and the IPCC, John R. Nolon
From Little Acorns, Nicholas A. Robinson
Submissions from 2017
The Value of Existence, David N. Cassuto
Trust Me, I'm a Pragmatist: A Partially Pragmatic Critique of Pragmatic Activism, Joshua Ulan Galperin
Value Hypocrisy and Policy Sincerity: A Food Law Case Study, Joshua Ulan Galperin
Eating Is Not Political Action, Joshua Ulan Galperin, Graham Downey, and D. Lee Miller
Defining and Closing the Hydraulic Fracturing Governance Gap, Joshua Ulan Galperin, Grace Heusner, and Allison Sloto
Transition Support Mechanisms for Communities Facing Full or Partial Coal Power Plant Retirement in New York, Lisa Anne Hamilton, Radina Valova, and Karl R. Rábago
Retail Rate Impacts of Distributed Solar: Focus on New England, Nick Martin and Karl R. Rábago
Zoning’s Centennial: A Complete Account of the Evolution of Zoning into a Robust System of Land Use Law—1916-2016 (Part IV), John R. Nolon
Shooting Stars and Dancing Fish: A Walk to the World We Want, Tony Oposa
Pace Energy & Climate Center 2016 Annual Report, Pace Energy & Climate Center
Farming and Eating, Margot J. Pollans
Address at the Lincoln Charter of the Forest Conference, Bishop Grosseteste University: The Charter of the Forest: Evolving Human Rights in Nature, Nicholas A. Robinson
Environmental Human Rights in New York’s Constitution, Nicholas A. Robinson
Updating New York’s Constitutional Environmental Rights, Nicholas A. Robinson
Scientists & Librarians Turn to “End of Presidential Term” Web Archive to Safeguard Climate Change Data, Alyssa S. Rosen
Submissions from 2016
Don't Be Cruel (Anymore): A Look at the Animal Cruelty Regimes of the United States and Brazil with A Call for A New Animal Welfare Agency, David N. Cassuto
Fossil Fuel Abolition: Legal and Social Issues, Karl S. Coplan
Teaching Substantive Environmental Law and Practice Skills Through Interest Group Role-Playing, Karl S. Coplan
It’s Time for the FDA to Define ‘Natural’, Jason J. Czarnezki
The Neo-Liberal Turn in Environmental Regulation, Jason J. Czarnezki
Raisins and Resilience: Elaborating Home's Compensation Analysis with an Eye to Coastal Climate Change Adaptation, Joshua Ulan Galperin
Resilience and Raisins: Partial Takings and Coastal Climate Change Adaptation, Joshua Ulan Galperin and Zaheer Tajani
Recapturing Water for Sustainability Through Redefinitions of Navigability and Ownership, Shelby D. Green
Zoning Neighborhoods for Resilience: Drivers, Tools and Impacts, Shelby D. Green
Plain Meaning, Precedent, and Metaphysics: Lessons in Statutory Interpretation from Analyzing the Elements of the Clean Water Act Offense, Jeffrey G. Miller
Enhancing the Urban Environment Through Green Infrastructure, John R. Nolon
Zoning’s Centennial: A Complete Account of the Evolution of Zoning into a Robust System of Land Use Law—1916-2016 (Part II), John R. Nolon
Zoning’s Centennial: A Complete Account of the Evolution of Zoning into a Robust System of Land Use Law—1916-2016 (Part III), John R. Nolon
Zoning’s Centennial: A Complete Account of the Evolution of Zoning into a Robust System of Land Use Law—1916-2016 (Part I), John R. Nolon
UN Environment Guide for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Laws, Richard L. Ottinger
Pace Energy and Climate Center 2015 Annual Report, Pace Energy & Climate Center
Achieving Very High PV Penetration, Richard Perez, Karl R. Rábago, Mike Trahan, Lyle Rawlings, Ben Norris, Tom Hoff, Morgan Putnam, and Marc Perez
Drinking Water Protection and Agricultural Exceptionalism, Margot J. Pollans
The Lautenberg Act: Chemical Safety Overhaul of the Toxic Substances Control Act, Alyssa S. Rosen
Submissions from 2015
Rethinking the Childhood-Adult Divide: Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Emerging Adults, Barbara L. Atwell
Zoning for Solar Energy: Resource Guide, Jessica A. Bacher and John R. Nolon
Land Use Planning for Solar Energy: Resource Guide, Jessica A. Bacher, John R. Nolon, and Tiffany Zezula