Submissions from 2015
Charting the Course for Energy Efficiency in New York: Lessons from Existing Programs, John Bowie, David Gahl, Nick Martin, and Sam Swanson
A Primer: Air and Water Environmental Quality Standards in the United States, Jason J. Czarnezki
Creating Order Amidst Food Eco-Label Chaos, Jason J. Czarnezki
New York City Rules! Regulatory Models for Environmental and Public Health, Jason J. Czarnezki
The Clean Power Plan Puzzle: The Future of Efforts to Control Climate Pollution in the Northeast, David Gahl, Pearl Gray, and Nick Martin
Building Resilient Communities in the Wake of Climate Change While Keeping Affordable Housing Safe from Sea Changes in Nature and Policy, Shelby D. Green
Environmental Privacy, Katrina Fischer Kuh
Microgrids & District Energy: Pathways To Sustainable Urban Development, Dan Leonhardt, Tom Bourgeois, Brad Bradford, Jordan Gerow, Nick Martin, and Laxmi Rao
Carbon-Tuning New York’s Electricity System: Uncovering New Opportunities for CO2 Emissions Reductions, Nick Martin
Plain Meaning, Precedent, and Metaphysics: Interpreting the “Navigable Waters” Element of the Federal Water Pollution Offense, Jeffrey G. Miller
Plain Meaning, Precedent, and Metaphysics: Interpreting the “Point Source” Element of the Clean Water Act Offense, Jeffrey G. Miller
Mitigating Climate Change by Zoning for Solar Energy Systems: Embracing Clean Energy Technology in Zoning’s Centennial Year, John R. Nolon
An Environmental Understanding of the Local Land Use System, John R. Nolon
Land Use and Climate Change Bubbles: Resilience, Retreat, and Due Diligence, John R. Nolon
Maine Distributed Solar Valuation Study, Benjamin L. Norris, Philip M. Gruenhagen, Robert C. Grace, Po-Yu Yuen, Richard Perez, and Karl R. Rábago
Innovative Financing for Renewable Energy, Richard L. Ottinger and John Bowie
Regulating Farming: Balancing Food Safety and Environmental Protection in A Cooperative Governance Regime, Margot J. Pollans
The Safe Drinking Water / Food Law Nexus, Margot J. Pollans
Submissions from 2014
A National Mineral Policy As an International Investment Law Stratagem: The Case of Tajikistan's Gold Reserves, Nadia B. Ahmad
The International Sugar Trade and Sustainable Development: Curtailing the Sugar Rush, Nadia B. Ahmad
Lessons from a Lawyer’s Life, Leslie Carothers
Meat Animals, Humane Standards and Other Legal Fictions, David N. Cassuto
Citizen Litigants Citizen Regulators: Four Cases Where Citizen Suits Drove Development of Clean Water Law, Karl S. Coplan
Greenwashing and Self-Declared Seafood Ecolabels, Jason J. Czarnezki
The State Response to Climate Change: 50 State Survey, Laura Jensen, Kelly Nishikawa, and Benjamin Lowenthal
Plain Meaning, Precedent, and Metaphysics: Interpreting the “Addition” Element of the Clean Water Act Offense, Jeffrey G. Miller
Plain Meaning, Precedent, and Metaphysics: Interpreting the “Pollutant” Element of the Federal Water Pollution Offense, Jeffrey G. Miller
Preface to Protecting the Environment Through Land Use Law: Standing Ground, John R. Nolon
Highest Court in New York Affirms Local Power to Regulate Hydrofracking, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Mitigating the Adverse Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing: A Role for Local Zoning?, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Innovative Financing for Renewable Energy, Richard L. Ottinger and John Bowie
Options for Adaption to Climate Change, Richard L. Ottinger, Pianpian Wang, and Kristin M. Motel
Setting the Table for Urban Agriculture, Margot J. Pollans
Fundamental Principles of Law for the Anthropocene?, Nicholas A. Robinson
In Memoriam: David Sive (1922-2014) and Joseph Sax (1936-2014), Nicholas A. Robinson
Keynote: Sustaining Society in the Anthropocene Epoch, Nicholas A. Robinson
The Charter of the Forest: Evolving Human Rights in Nature, Nicholas A. Robinson
The Resilience Principle, Nicholas A. Robinson
Global Water Resources & Publications, Taryn L. Rucinski
Assessing Environmental Governance of the Hudson River Valley: Application of an IPPEP Model, Wang Xi, Albert K. Butzel, Richard L. Ottinger, Nicholas A. Robinson, John Louis Parker, Taryn L. Rucinski, Marla E. Wieder, Radina R. Valova, and Wang Pianpian
Submissions from 2013
Missouri Oil and Gas Update, Nadia B. Ahmad
The Tropics Exploited: Risk Preparedness and Corporate Social Responsibility in Offshore Energy Development, Nadia B. Ahmad
"Turn on the Lights" -Sustainable Energy Investment and Regulatory Policy: Charting the Hydrokinetic Path for Pakistan, Nadia B. Ahmad
Is Sugar the New Tobacco? How to Regulate Toxic Foods, Barbara L. Atwell
Dynamic Governance Innovation, Elizabeth Burleson
Hard, Soft & Uncertain: The Guarani Aquifer and the Challenges of Transboundary Groundwater, David N. Cassuto
Environment, Ethics, and the Factory Farm, David N. Cassuto
The Importance of Information and Participation Principles in Environmental Law in Brazil, David N. Cassuto and Romulo S.R. Sampaio
Challenges to China's Natural Resources Conservation and Biodiversity Legislation, Jason J. Czarnezki
Food Court, Jason J. Czarnezki
Global Environmental Law: Food Safety & China, Jason J. Czarnezki
Eating Invaders: Managing Biological Invasions with Fork and Knife?, Joshua Ulan Galperin and Sara Kuebbing
The Global Land Rush: Markets, Rights, and the Politics of Food, Smita Narula
Changes Spark Interest in Sustainable Urban Places: But How Do We Identify and Support Them?, John R. Nolon
Hydrofracking: State Preemption, Local Power, and Cooperative Governance, John R. Nolon
Land Use and Climate Change: Lawyers Negotiating Above Regulation, John R. Nolon
Shifting Paradigms Transform Environmental and Land Use Law: The Emergence of the Law of Sustainable Development, John R. Nolon
A "Blunt Withdrawal"? Bars on Citizen Suits for Toxic Site Cleanup, Margot J. Pollans
The ‘Value Of Solar’ Rate: Designing an Improved Residential Solar Tariff, Karl R. Rábago
The Value of Solar Tariff: Net Metering 2.0, Karl R. Rábago
Rio+20 and Biodiversity: What Next? The International and Brazilian Perspectives, Nicholas A. Robinson
Submissions from 2012
Arctic Justice: Addressing Persistent Organic Pollutants, Elizabeth Burleson
Cooperative Federalism and Hydraulic Fracturing: A Human Right to a Clean Environment, Elizabeth Burleson
Hot, Crowded, and Legal: A Look at Industrial Agriculture in the United States and Brazil, David N. Cassuto
The Evolution of the Brazilian Regulation of Ethanol and Possible Lessons for the United States, David N. Cassuto
United States v. Stevens: Win, Loss, or Draw for Animals?, David N. Cassuto
Climate Change, Political Truth, and the Marketplace of Ideas, Karl S. Coplan
Climate Change and CERCLA Remedies: Adaptation Strategies for Contaminated Sediment Sites, Katrina Fischer Kuh
Personal Environmental Information: The Promise and Perils of the Emerging Capacity to Identify Individual Environmental Harms, Katrina Fischer Kuh
When Government Intrudes: Regulating Individual Behaviors That Harm the Environment, Katrina Fischer Kuh
The Constitutionality of Citizen Suit Provisions in Federal Environmental Statutes, Jeffrey G. Miller
Hydrofracking: Disturbances Both Geological and Political: Who Decides?, John R. Nolon
Land Use for Energy Conservation and Sustainable Development: A New Path Toward Climate Change Mitigation, John R. Nolon
Managing Climate Change through Biological Sequestration: Open Space Law Redux, John R. Nolon
Regulatory Takings and Property Rights Confront Sea Level Rise: How Do They Roll?, John R. Nolon
Reflections on Oceans and SIDS, Ann Powers
Sea-Level Rise and Its Impact on Vulnerable States: Four Examples, Ann Powers
The Rio+20 Process: Forward Movement for the Environment?, Ann Powers
Reflecting on Measured Deliberations, Nicholas A. Robinson
Reliable Science: Overcoming Public Doubts in the Climate Change Debate, Michelle S. Simon
Submissions from 2011
Energy Revolution and Disaster Response in the Face of Climate Change, Elizabeth Burleson
From Coase to Collaborative Property Decision-Making: Green Economy Innovation, Elizabeth Burleson
Innovation Cooperation: Energy Biosciences and Law, Elizabeth Burleson
Making Sand Castles as the Tide Comes In: Legal Aspects of Climate Justice, Elizabeth Burleson
The Cancún Climate Conference, Elizabeth Burleson
Water, Climate, and Energy Security, Elizabeth Burleson
Keeping It Legal: Transboundary Management Challenges Facing Brazil and the Guarani, David N. Cassuto
Water Law in the United States and Brazil--Climate Change & Two Approaches to Emerging Water Poverty, David N. Cassuto and Romulo S.R. Sampaio
Climate Policy & U.S.-China Relations, Jason J. Czarnezki
Food, Law & the Environment: Informational and Structural Changes for A Sustainable Food System, Jason J. Czarnezki
The Future of Food Eco-Labeling: Organic, Carbon Footprint, and Environmental Life-Cycle Analysis, Jason J. Czarnezki
Rethinking Addiction: Drugs, Deterrence, and the Neuroscience Revolution, Linda C. Fentiman
Capturing Individual Harms, Katrina Fischer Kuh
Integrating Sustainable Development Planning and Climate Change Management: A Challenge to Planners and Land Use Attorneys, John R. Nolon
Land Use for Economic Development in Tough Financial Times, John R. Nolon
Submissions from 2010
We Can Work It Out: Co-op Compulsory Licensing as the Way Forward in Improving Access to Anti-Retroviral Drugs, Horace E. Anderson
China in Context: Energy, Water, and Climate Cooperation, Elizabeth Burleson
Climate Change Consensus: Emerging International Law, Elizabeth Burleson
Climate Change Displacement to Refuge, Elizabeth Burleson
Emerging Law Addressing Climate Change and Water, Elizabeth Burleson