The more than 100 full-time and adjunct professors who comprise the Elisabeth Haub School of Law faculty are both scholars and lawyers, with outstanding academic credentials and extensive legal experience. From prior work as attorneys, litigators, regulators, clerks, and counselors, in the corporate, nonprofit, and public sectors, the Elisabeth Haub School of Law faculty brings diverse and unique perspectives to the theoretical principles of law.
Staying current with emerging trends, our faculty provides relevant legal scholarship to our students, surrounding community, and the world. In addition to teaching, Haub Law School professors publish articles, papers, and books, frequently lecture at home and abroad, and serve as advisers, board members, and fellows for a range of prestigious organizations. They are also instrumental in attracting other accomplished and influential visiting scholars to the Haub Law campus.
Submissions from 2014
Accessing Law: An Empirical Study Exploring the Influence of Legal Research Medium, Katrina Fischer Kuh
Plain Meaning, Precedent, and Metaphysics: Interpreting the “Addition” Element of the Clean Water Act Offense, Jeffrey G. Miller
Plain Meaning, Precedent, and Metaphysics: Interpreting the “Pollutant” Element of the Federal Water Pollution Offense, Jeffrey G. Miller
The Professor and the Judge: Introducing First Year Students to the Law in Context, Michael B. Mushlin and Lisa Margaret Smith
Preface to Protecting the Environment Through Land Use Law: Standing Ground, John R. Nolon
Highest Court in New York Affirms Local Power to Regulate Hydrofracking, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Mitigating the Adverse Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing: A Role for Local Zoning?, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Towards Engaged Scholarship, John R. Nolon, Michelle Bryan Mudd, Michael Burger, Kim Diana Connolly, Nestor Davidson, Matthew Festa, Jill I. Gross, Lisa Heinzerling, Keith Hirokawa, Tim Iglesias, Patrick C. McGinley, Sean Nolon, Uma Outka, Jessica Owley, Kalyani Robbins, Jonathan Rosenbloom, and Christopher Serkin
Innovative Financing for Renewable Energy, Richard L. Ottinger and John Bowie
Options for Adaption to Climate Change, Richard L. Ottinger, Pianpian Wang, and Kristin M. Motel
Due Process Disaggregation, Jason Parkin
Setting the Table for Urban Agriculture, Margot J. Pollans
Fundamental Principles of Law for the Anthropocene?, Nicholas A. Robinson
In Memoriam: David Sive (1922-2014) and Joseph Sax (1936-2014), Nicholas A. Robinson
Keynote: Sustaining Society in the Anthropocene Epoch, Nicholas A. Robinson
The Charter of the Forest: Evolving Human Rights in Nature, Nicholas A. Robinson
The Resilience Principle, Nicholas A. Robinson
Comparative Sex Regimes and Corporate Governance: An Introduction, Darren Rosenblum
Quotas and the Transatlantic Divergence of Corporate Governance, Darren Rosenblum
Global Water Resources & Publications, Taryn L. Rucinski
To Abbreviate or Not to Abbreviate: A Perspective on Administrative Agency Bluebook Citations, Taryn L. Rucinski
Why Full Implementation Is Long Overdue, Merril Sobie
Assessing Environmental Governance of the Hudson River Valley: Application of an IPPEP Model, Wang Xi, Albert K. Butzel, Richard L. Ottinger, Nicholas A. Robinson, John Louis Parker, Taryn L. Rucinski, Marla E. Wieder, Radina R. Valova, and Wang Pianpian
Learning from Washington: A New Approach to Analyzing the Structure of New York City's Government, David S. Yassky
Submissions from 2013
Missouri Oil and Gas Update, Nadia B. Ahmad
The Tropics Exploited: Risk Preparedness and Corporate Social Responsibility in Offshore Energy Development, Nadia B. Ahmad
"Turn on the Lights" -Sustainable Energy Investment and Regulatory Policy: Charting the Hydrokinetic Path for Pakistan, Nadia B. Ahmad
Is Sugar the New Tobacco? How to Regulate Toxic Foods, Barbara L. Atwell
Dynamic Governance Innovation, Elizabeth Burleson
Happy Anniversary to the CPLR: A Joint Achievement of the Practicing Bar and the Academy, Jay C. Carlisle
Reversing Course: A Critique of the Court of Appeals New Rules for Unjust Enrichment and Criminal Legal Malpractice Actions, Jay C. Carlisle II
Justice James D. Hopkins: Jurist, Dean, Scholar and Expert on New York Law, Jay C. Carlisle II and Anthony DiPietro
Hard, Soft & Uncertain: The Guarani Aquifer and the Challenges of Transboundary Groundwater, David N. Cassuto
Environment, Ethics, and the Factory Farm, David N. Cassuto
The Importance of Information and Participation Principles in Environmental Law in Brazil, David N. Cassuto and Romulo S.R. Sampaio
Challenges to China's Natural Resources Conservation and Biodiversity Legislation, Jason J. Czarnezki
Food Court, Jason J. Czarnezki
Global Environmental Law: Food Safety & China, Jason J. Czarnezki
Eating Invaders: Managing Biological Invasions with Fork and Knife?, Joshua Ulan Galperin and Sara Kuebbing
The Inevitable Irrelevance of Affirmative Action, Leslie Y. Garfield
Subverting Brady v. Maryland and Denying a Fair Trial: Studying the Schuelke Report, Bennett L. Gershman
MERS Remains Afloat in a Sea of Foreclosures, Shelby D. Green
International Perspectives on Correcting Wrongful Convictions: The Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission, Lissa Griffin
Arbitration Case Law Update 2013, Jill I. Gross
AT&T Mobility and the Future of Small Claims Arbitration, Jill I. Gross
When are Damages Tax Free?: The Elusive Meaning of “Physical Injury”, Ronald H. Jensen
The Global Land Rush: Markets, Rights, and the Politics of Food, Smita Narula
LibGuides, Blog Posts, and Articles, Oh My!, Marie Stefanini Newman and Taryn L. Rucinski
Changes Spark Interest in Sustainable Urban Places: But How Do We Identify and Support Them?, John R. Nolon
Hydrofracking: State Preemption, Local Power, and Cooperative Governance, John R. Nolon
Land Use and Climate Change: Lawyers Negotiating Above Regulation, John R. Nolon
Shifting Paradigms Transform Environmental and Land Use Law: The Emergence of the Law of Sustainable Development, John R. Nolon
Ottinger Hall Dedication Remarks, Richard L. Ottinger
A "Blunt Withdrawal"? Bars on Citizen Suits for Toxic Site Cleanup, Margot J. Pollans
The ‘Value Of Solar’ Rate: Designing an Improved Residential Solar Tariff, Karl R. Rábago
The Value of Solar Tariff: Net Metering 2.0, Karl R. Rábago
Rio+20 and Biodiversity: What Next? The International and Brazilian Perspectives, Nicholas A. Robinson
From Peer-to-Peer Networks to Cloud Computing: How Technology Is Redefining Child Pornography Laws, Audrey Rogers
Searching for the Nano-needle in a Green Haystack: Researching the Environmental, Health, and Safety Ramifications of Nanotechnology, Taryn L. Rucinski
No Jokes About Dope: Morse v. Frederick's Educational Rationale, Emily Gold Waldman
University Imprimaturs on Student Speech: The Certification Cases, Emily Gold Waldman
Submissions from 2012
Nature and Nurture: Revisiting the Infant Adoption Process, Barbara L. Atwell
Copyright Law and Pornography, Ann Bartow
Obligatory Health, Noa Ben-Asher
The Lawmaking Family, Noa Ben-Asher
Arctic Justice: Addressing Persistent Organic Pollutants, Elizabeth Burleson
Cooperative Federalism and Hydraulic Fracturing: A Human Right to a Clean Environment, Elizabeth Burleson
Hot, Crowded, and Legal: A Look at Industrial Agriculture in the United States and Brazil, David N. Cassuto
The Evolution of the Brazilian Regulation of Ethanol and Possible Lessons for the United States, David N. Cassuto
United States v. Stevens: Win, Loss, or Draw for Animals?, David N. Cassuto
Beyond War: Bin Laden, Escobar, and the Justification of Targeted Killing, Luis E. Chiesa and Alexander K.A. Greenawalt
Climate Change, Political Truth, and the Marketplace of Ideas, Karl S. Coplan
A Blueprint for Blogger Involvement in Academic Legal Symposia, Bridget J. Crawford
Authentic Reproductive Regulation, Bridget J. Crawford
Our Bodies, Our (Tax) Selves, Bridget J. Crawford
The Past, Present, and Future of Critical Tax Theory: A Conversation, Bridget J. Crawford
Who Is Afraid of Perpetual Trusts?, Bridget J. Crawford
A New Form of WMD?: Driving With Mobile Devices and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction, Linda C. Fentiman
Preplea Disclosure of Impeachment Evidence, Bennett L. Gershman
Government May Not Speak Out-of-Turn, Steven H. Goldberg
Imagining a Right to Housing, Lying in the Interstices, Shelby D. Green
Arbitration Case Law Update 2012, Jill I. Gross
AT&T Mobility and FAA Over-Preemption, Jill I. Gross
Investor Protection Meets the Federal Arbitration Act, Jill I. Gross
Privacy and the Right of Free Expression, John A. Humbach
Privacy Rights: The Virtue of Protecting a False Reputation, John A. Humbach
Climate Change and CERCLA Remedies: Adaptation Strategies for Contaminated Sediment Sites, Katrina Fischer Kuh
Personal Environmental Information: The Promise and Perils of the Emerging Capacity to Identify Individual Environmental Harms, Katrina Fischer Kuh
When Government Intrudes: Regulating Individual Behaviors That Harm the Environment, Katrina Fischer Kuh
Sow What You Reap? Using Predator and Reaper Drones to Carry Out Assassinations or Targeted Killings of Suspected Islamic Terrorists, Thomas M. McDonnell
How Derrick Bell Helped Me Decide to Become an Educator, Not Just a Faculty Member, Vanessa Merton
The Constitutionality of Citizen Suit Provisions in Federal Environmental Statutes, Jeffrey G. Miller
Race to the Finish Line: Legal Education, Jobs, and the Stuff Dreams Are Made of, Gary A. Munneke
Lincoln at Pace Law School, Marie Stefanini Newman and Taryn L. Rucinski
Hydrofracking: Disturbances Both Geological and Political: Who Decides?, John R. Nolon
Land Use for Energy Conservation and Sustainable Development: A New Path Toward Climate Change Mitigation, John R. Nolon
Managing Climate Change through Biological Sequestration: Open Space Law Redux, John R. Nolon
Regulatory Takings and Property Rights Confront Sea Level Rise: How Do They Roll?, John R. Nolon