The more than 100 full-time and adjunct professors who comprise the Elisabeth Haub School of Law faculty are both scholars and lawyers, with outstanding academic credentials and extensive legal experience. From prior work as attorneys, litigators, regulators, clerks, and counselors, in the corporate, nonprofit, and public sectors, the Elisabeth Haub School of Law faculty brings diverse and unique perspectives to the theoretical principles of law.
Staying current with emerging trends, our faculty provides relevant legal scholarship to our students, surrounding community, and the world. In addition to teaching, Haub Law School professors publish articles, papers, and books, frequently lecture at home and abroad, and serve as advisers, board members, and fellows for a range of prestigious organizations. They are also instrumental in attracting other accomplished and influential visiting scholars to the Haub Law campus.
Submissions from 2008
Tortious Interference With Expectancy of Inheritance or Gift--Suggestions for Resort to the Tort, Irene D. Johnson
Electronically Manufactured Law, Katrina Fischer Kuh
Architects? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Architects, Jack McNeill
Remedying Our Fragmented Governmental Structures to Deal with Our Nation-on-Edge Problems, Jeffrey G. Miller
Personal Management Skills: Getting the Most Out of Every Day, Gary A. Munneke
Disaster Planning: What We Have (and Haven't) Learned, Gary A. Munneke
Re-defining Pro Bono: Professional Commitment to Public Service, Gary A. Munneke
Equal by Law, Unequal by Caste: The "Untouchable" Condition in Critical Race Perspective, Smita Narula
Albert Kritzer: Pioneer of Open Access to International Private Law, Marie Stefanini Newman
Shifting Ground to Address Climate Change: The Land Use Law Solution, John R. Nolon
Losing Ground: Nation on Edge, John R. Nolon
The Future of Our Land: Presidential Leadership, John R. Nolon
Bill Would Encourage Effective Dispute Resolution, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Breaking Ground: Planning and Building in Priority Growth Districts, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Land Use Cases Highlight Lessons, Evolving Patterns: The Year in Review, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Reinventing Redevelopment Law, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Solar Energy: New York City Sets Pace in Adopting Sound Policies, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
The Role of Lawyers in Resolving Environmental Interest Disputes, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Vested Rights: Do Land Developers Need More Protection?, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Wind Power: An Exploration of Regulations and Litigation, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Practitioners Need Broader Expertise: Real Estate Law is Undergoing Profound Changes, John R. Nolon and Shelby D. Green
The Case for Collaborative Tools, Lucie Olejnikova
A Review of Barriers to Biofuel Market Development in the United States, Karl R. Rábago
Child Pornography's Forgotten Victims, Audrey Rogers
The Four Freedoms: Good Neighbors Make Good Law and Good Policy in a Time of Insecurity, Mark R. Shulman
A Post-Morse Framework for Students' Potentially Hurtful Speech (Religious and Otherwise), Emily Gold Waldman
Fulfilling Lucy's Legacy: Recognizing Implicit Good-Faith Obligations Within Explicit Job Duties, Emily Gold Waldman
Returning to Hazelwood's Core: A New Approach to Restrictions on School-Sponsored Speech, Emily Gold Waldman
Submissions from 2007
Obesity, Public Health, and the Food Supply, Barbara L. Atwell
Trademarks of Privilege: Naming Rights and the Physical Public Domain, Ann Bartow
Multilateral Climate Change Mitigation, Elizabeth Burleson
Tribal, State, and Federal Cooperation to Achieve Good Governance, Elizabeth Burleson
Bred Meat--The Cultural Foundation of the Factory Farm, David N. Cassuto
Normative Gaps in the Criminal Law: A Reasons Theory of Wrongdoing, Luis E. Chiesa
Outsiders Looking In: The American Legal Discourse of Exclusion, Luis E. Chiesa
The Act Requirement as a Basic Concept of Criminal Law, Luis E. Chiesa
Taking Victims Seriously: A Dworkinian Theory of Punishment, Luis E. Chiesa
Estate Planning for Persons with Less than $5 Million, Bridget J. Crawford
Toward a Third-Wave Feminist Legal Theory: Young Women, Pornography and the Praxis of Pleasure, Bridget J. Crawford
Advancing the Rebirth of Environmental Common Law, Jason J. Czarnezki
An Empirical Analysis of the Confirmation Hearings of the Justices of the Rehnquist Natural Court, Jason J. Czarnezki
Environmentalism and the Wisconsin Constitution, Jason J. Czarnezki
The Unseen Track of Erie Railroad: Why History and Jurisprudence Suggest a More Straightforward Form of Erie Analysis, Donald L. Doernberg
Green Light for Green Infrastructure, Alexandra Dapolito Dunn
Regulating Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems, Alexandra Dapolito Dunn
Integrating the Complexity of Mental Disability into the Criminal Law Course, Linda C. Fentiman
Regulating the Poor and Encouraging Charity in Times of Crisis: The Poor Laws and the Statute of Charitable Uses, James J. Fishman
Wrong Way Corrigan and Recent Developments in the Nonprofit Landscape: A Need for New Legal Approaches, James J. Fishman
A Warning to States — Accepting this Invitation May Be Hazardous to Your Health (Safety, and Public Welfare): An Analysis of Post-Kelo, Joshua Ulan Galperin
Adding Colors to the Chameleon: Why the Supreme Court Should Adopt a New Compelling Governmental Interest Test for Race-Preference Student Assignment Plans, Leslie Yalof Garfield
The Glass Half Full: Envisioning the Future of Race Preference Policies, Leslie Yalof Garfield
Litigating Brady v. Maryland: Games Prosecutors Play, Bennett L. Gershman
Does International Arbitration Need a Mandatory Rules Method?, Alexander K.A. Greenawalt
Justice Without Politics: Prosecutorial Discretion and the International Criminal Court, Alexander K.A. Greenawalt
Is Silence Sacred? The Vulnerability of Griffin v. California in a Terrorist World, Lissa Griffin
McMahon Turns Twenty: The Regulation of Fairness in Securities Arbitration, Jill I. Gross
Can You Have Your Cake and Eat It Too? Achieving Capital Gain Treatment While Keeping the Property, Ronald H. Jensen
Keynote Address: We Must Take America Back, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
The History of the Pace Law Library, Margaret R. Moreland
Why Practice Management?, Gary A. Munneke
Bound and Gagged: The Peculiar Predicament of Professional Jurors, Michael B. Mushlin
Disaster Mitigation Through Land Use Strategies, John R. Nolon
Disaster Mitigation Through Land Use Strategies, John R. Nolon
Real Estate Law Review: Creating a Local Environmental Law Program, John R. Nolon
The Mighty Myths of Kelo, John R. Nolon
Zoning, Transportation, and Climate Change, John R. Nolon
Clustered Zoning Approaches Reduce Congestion, John R. Nolon
Municipal Lobbying: Regulations May Affect Land Use Practitioners, John R. Nolon
Didden v. Port Chester: Placing Eminent Domain Debate in Proper Perspective, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Global Warming: Zoning May Be an Antidote to Climate Change, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Transit Orientation Reduces Car Dependency, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Year in Review: 2007's Most Significant Land Use Cases, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Climate Change, Zoning and Transportation Planning: Urbanization as a Response to Carbon Loading, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Local Inclusionary Housing Programs: Meeting Housing Needs, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Farming the Ocean, Ann Powers
Advancing Environmental Law At Pace: A Personal Memoir, A Continuing Challenge, Nicholas A. Robinson
Climate Change as a Global Challenge, Nicholas A. Robinson
"Forever Wild": New York's Constitutional Mandates to Enhance the Forest Preserve, Nicholas A. Robinson
Democracy, Gender, and Governance: Introduction, Darren Rosenblum
Introduction to The Imperial Presidency and the Consequences of 9/11, Mark R. Shulman
Moot Court in Global Language of Trade, Mark R. Shulman
The International Human Rights Committee: The Global Influence of the City Bar, Mark R. Shulman
A Law Guardian by the Same Name: A Response to Professor Guggenheim's Matrimonial Commission Critique, Merril Sobie
Submissions from 2006
The Privacy Gambit: Toward a Game Theoretic Approach to International Data Protection, Horace E. Anderson
The Modern Age of Informed Consent, Barbara L. Atwell
The Necessity of Sex Change: A Struggle for Intersex and Transsex Liberties, Noa Ben-Asher
Middle Eastern and North African Hydropolitics: From Eddies of Indecision to Emerging International Law, Elizabeth Burleson
Second Circuit 2005 Res Judicata Developments, Jay C. Carlisle
Crime, War & Romanticism: Arthur Andersen and the Nature of Entity Guilt, David N. Cassuto
Legal Standing for Animals and Advocates, David N. Cassuto
La Catástrofe de los Delitos de Riesgo Catastrófico, Luis E. Chiesa
The Intercivilizational Inequities of Nuclear Power Weighed Against the Intergenerational Inequities of Carbon Based Energy, Karl S. Coplan
Tax Practice in a Circular Revolution: A Review of PLI's Circular 230 Deskbook, Bridget J. Crawford
Revisiting the Tense Relationship Between the U.S. Supreme Court, Administrative Procedure, and the National Environmental Policy Act, Jason J. Czarnezki
Shifting Science, Considered Costs, and Static Statutes: The Interpretation of Expansive Environmental Legislation, Jason J. Czarnezki
The Dubitante Opinion, Jason J. Czarnezki
The Phantom Philosophy? An Empirical Investigation of Legal Interpretation, Jason J. Czarnezki
"Can You Hear Me Now?": Expectations of Privacy, False Friends, and the Perils of Speaking Under the Supreme Court's Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence, Donald L. Doernberg