The more than 100 full-time and adjunct professors who comprise the Elisabeth Haub School of Law faculty are both scholars and lawyers, with outstanding academic credentials and extensive legal experience. From prior work as attorneys, litigators, regulators, clerks, and counselors, in the corporate, nonprofit, and public sectors, the Elisabeth Haub School of Law faculty brings diverse and unique perspectives to the theoretical principles of law.
Staying current with emerging trends, our faculty provides relevant legal scholarship to our students, surrounding community, and the world. In addition to teaching, Haub Law School professors publish articles, papers, and books, frequently lecture at home and abroad, and serve as advisers, board members, and fellows for a range of prestigious organizations. They are also instrumental in attracting other accomplished and influential visiting scholars to the Haub Law campus.
Submissions from 2001
Smart Growth: The Duty to Supply Water to Developing Regions, John R. Nolon
Supreme Court Takes a Look at Takings, John R. Nolon
David Ross Brower and Nature's Laws, Nicholas A. Robinson
Forest Fires as a Common International Concern: Precedents for the Progressive Development of International Environmental Law, Nicholas A. Robinson
Legal Systems, Decisionmaking, and the Science of Earth's Systems: Procedural Missing Links, Nicholas A. Robinson
The South Won't Rise Again But It's Time to Study the Defunct Confederacy's Constitution, Ralph Michael Stein
Recent Case: United States v. Hayes, 227 F.3d 578 (6th Cir. 2000), Emily Gold Waldman
The Supreme Court 2000 Term--Leading Cases, Good News Club v. Milford Central School, 121 S. Ct. 2093 (2001), Emily Gold Waldman
Submissions from 2000
Establishing a Securities Arbitration Clinic: The Experience at Pace, Barbara Black
Second Circuit 1999-2000 Res Judicata Developments, Jay C. Carlisle
Tenure and Its Discontents: The Worst Form of Employment Relationship Save All of the Others, James J. Fishman
Burdening Constitutional Rights: The Supreme Court's License to Prosecutors, Bennett L. Gershman
Use of Race in "Stop-and-Frisk": Stereotypical Beliefs Linger, But How Far can the Police Go?, Bennett L. Gershman
Bringing the Practice to the Classroom: An Approach to the Professionalism Problem, Steven H. Goldberg
Abuse of Confidentiality and Fabricated Controversy: Two Proposals, John A. Humbach
Modern Post-Sale Warnings and Related Obligations, M. Stuart Madden
Risk/Utility Analysis, M. Stuart Madden
The Voting Rights Act and the "New and Improved" Intent Test: Old Wine in New Bottles, Randolph M. McLaughlin
What Do You Do When You Meet a "Walking Violation of the Sixth Amendment" If You're Trying to Put That Lawyer's Client in Jail?, Vanessa Merton
Parallels in Predicting Dangerousness--What Price Security?, Vanessa Merton and Adele Bernhard
Current Issues in the Psychiatrist-Patient Relationship: Outpatient Civil Commitment, Psychiatric Abandonment and the Duty to Continue Treatment of Potentially Dangerous Patients--Balancing Duties to Patients and the Public, Vanessa Merton and Linda C. Fentiman
Evolutionary Statutory Interpretation: Mr. Justice Scalia Meets Darwin, Jeffrey G. Miller
The Standing of Citizens to Enforce Against Violations of Environmental Statutes in the United States, Jeffrey G. Miller
Seize the Future, Gary A. Munneke
A Tribute to Professor Nicholas Triffin, Marie Stefanini Newman
Memorial: Nicholas Triffin (1942-2000), Marie Stefanini Newman
Managing Growth: Local Governments: Drawing the Boundaries, John R. Nolon
Smart Growth: Community Planning Requires Protecting Open Space, John R. Nolon
Smart Growth: Finding Mediation Tools for Regional Land Use Disputes, John R. Nolon
Smart Growth: Localism: A Theoretical Analysis, John R. Nolon
Smart Growth: Resolving Home Rule Conflicts and Settling Border Wars, John R. Nolon
Smart Growth: Wetlands Protection Invites Reflection on Federal Law, John R. Nolon
Global Climate Change Kyoto Protocol Implementation: Legal Frameworks for Implementing Clean Energy Solutions, Richard L. Ottinger
"Trapped" in Sing Sing: Transgendered Prisoners Caught in the Gender Binarism, Darren Rosenblum
The Progressive Era Origins of the National Security Act, Mark R. Shulman
Panelist (Symposium: The Second Amendment), David S. Yassky
The Second Amendment: Structure, History, and Constitutional Change, David S. Yassky
Submissions from 1999
When Justice Fails: Indemnification for Unjust Conviction, Adele Bernhard
Review of "Trying Cases: A Life in the Law" by Haliburtan Fales II, Jay C. Carlisle
Synopsis of the Report of the Second Circuit Task Force on Gender, Racial and Ethnic Fairness in the Courts, Jay C. Carlisle
Nastygram Federalism: A Look at Federal Self-Audit Policy, David N. Cassuto
Selected Estate Planning Strategies for Persons With Less Than $3 Million, Bridget J. Crawford
Wilderness No More: Alaska as the New "Offshore" Trust Jurisdiction, Bridget J. Crawford
Proving the Lie: Litigating Police Credibility, David N. Dorfman
Health Care Access for Children with Disabilities, Linda C. Fentiman
Rethinking Genocidal Intent: The Case for a Knowledge-Based Interpretation, Alexander K.A. Greenawalt
The National Association of Honest Lawyers: An Essay on Honesty, "Lawyer Honesty" and Public Trust in the Legal System, John A. Humbach
Estate and Gift Tax Effects of Selling a Remainder: Have D'Ambrosio, Wheeler and Magnin Changed the Rules?, Ronald H. Jensen
Component Parts and Raw Material Sellers: From the Titanic to the New Restatement, M. Stuart Madden
Human Rights and Non-State Actors, Thomas Michael McDonnell
Taking Control of Technology: What Small Firm Decision Makers Need to Know, Gary A. Munneke
A Nightmare on Main Street (Part MXL): Freddie Joins an Accounting Firm, Gary A. Munneke
Lawyers, Accountants, and the Battle to Own Professional Services, Gary A. Munneke
Evaluation Criteria and Quality Control for Legal Knowledge Systems on the Internet: A Case Study, Marie Stefanini Newman
Grassroots Regionalism Through Intermunicipal Land Use Compacts, John R. Nolon
Intermunicipal Compacts; Regional Land Use Strategies Work at the Grassroots Level, John R. Nolon
Land Use Development: Proper Planning Creates Smart Growth, Prevents Sprawl, John R. Nolon
Mediation as a Tool in Local Environmental and Land Use Controversies, John R. Nolon
Preserving Open Lands: Local Zoning and Financing Authority Work Together, John R. Nolon
Regulatory Takings: Analyzing Governmental Invasions of Private Property Rights, John R. Nolon
Gwaltney of Smithfield Revisited, Ann Powers
Discrimination in the Laws of Information Warfare, Mark R. Shulman
The Sound of Silence: The Supreme Court and the Second Amendment - A Response to Professor Kopel, David S. Yassky
Submissions from 1998
Private Bar Monitors Public Defense: Oversight Committee Sets Standards for Indigent Defense Providers, Adele Bernhard
An Open Courtroom: Should Cameras Be Permitted in New York State Courts?, Jay C. Carlisle
AIDS as a Chronic Illness: A Cautionary Tale for the End of the Twentieth Century, Linda C. Fentiman
Checkpoints on the Conversion Highway: Some Trouble Spots in the Conversion of Nonprofit Health Care Organizations to For-Profit Status, James J. Fishman
A More Principled Approach to Criminalizing Negligence: A Prescription for the Legislature, Leslie Yalof Garfield
Lie Detection: The Supreme Court's Polygraph Decision, Bennett L. Gershman
Mental Culpability and Prosecutorial Misconduct, Bennett L. Gershman
The Search for a National Land Use Policy: For the Cities' Sake, Shelby D. Green
Teaching Upperclass Writing: Everything You Always Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask, Lissa Griffin
Joint and Several Liability and Environmental Harm in the 1990's, M. Stuart Madden
Selected Federal Tort Reform and Restatement Proposals Through the Lenses of Corrective Justice and Efficiency, M. Stuart Madden
The Products Liability Restatement Warning Obligations: History, Corrective Justice and Efficiency, M. Stuart Madden
Playing Beyond the Rules: A Realist and Rhetoric-Based Approach to Researching the Law and Solving Legal Problems, Thomas Michael McDonnell
The Standard of Care in Legal Malpractice: Do the Model Rules of Professional Conduct Define It?, Gary A. Munneke
Affordable Housing: State Lacks Definition of Need and Municipal Responsibility, John R. Nolon
Community Involvement: Facilitation Adds Flexibility to Land Use Decision-Making, John R. Nolon
Flexibility in the Law: Reengineering of Zoning to Prevent Fragmented Landscapes, John R. Nolon
Impact Statements: Regulations Leave Room for Delays in SEQRA Proceedings, John R. Nolon
Protecting Scenic Assets: Regulations Based on Study, Expert Reports and Rationality, John R. Nolon
Wetlands Controls: Untangling an Intricate Web of Rules, John R. Nolon
Reducing Nitrogen Pollution on Long Island Sound: Is There a Place for Pollutant Trading?, Ann Powers
Comparative Environmental Law Perspectives on Legal Regimes for Sustainable Development, Nicholas A. Robinson
The 'Ascent of Man': Legal Systems and the Discovery of an Environmental Ethic, Nicholas A. Robinson
Accomplice Liability for Unintentional Crimes: Remaining Within the Constraints of Intent, Audrey Rogers
Prosecutorial Use of Expert Testimony in Domestic Violence Cases: From Recantation to Refusal to Testify, Audrey Rogers
Submissions from 1997
Refracting the Spectrum of Clean Water Act Standing in Light of Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, Karl S. Coplan
Tribute to Barbara Salken, Donald L. Doernberg
Hopwood v. Texas: Strict in Theory or Fatal in Fact, Leslie Yalof Garfield
Judicial Interference with Effective Advocacy by the Defense, Bennett L. Gershman
The Story of My Life, Bennett L. Gershman
Tribute to Barbara Salken, Bennett L. Gershman
"Wait a Minute. This is Where I Came In." A Trial Lawyer's Search for Alternative Dispute Resolution, Steven H. Goldberg
A Culture of Mismanagement: Environmental Protection and Enforcement at the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Liability of Suppliers of Natural Raw Materials and the Restatement (Third) of Torts: Products Liability--A First Step Toward Sound Public Policy, M. Stuart Madden
The Utility of International Law for Protecting Women's Health Rights, Vanessa Merton
Tribute to Barbara Salken, Michael B. Mushlin
City's Watershed Regulation: Localities, Landowners Object to Changes in Jurisdiction, John R. Nolon