The more than 100 full-time and adjunct professors who comprise the Elisabeth Haub School of Law faculty are both scholars and lawyers, with outstanding academic credentials and extensive legal experience. From prior work as attorneys, litigators, regulators, clerks, and counselors, in the corporate, nonprofit, and public sectors, the Elisabeth Haub School of Law faculty brings diverse and unique perspectives to the theoretical principles of law.
Staying current with emerging trends, our faculty provides relevant legal scholarship to our students, surrounding community, and the world. In addition to teaching, Haub Law School professors publish articles, papers, and books, frequently lecture at home and abroad, and serve as advisers, board members, and fellows for a range of prestigious organizations. They are also instrumental in attracting other accomplished and influential visiting scholars to the Haub Law campus.
Submissions from 2006
Shifting Science, Considered Costs, and Static Statutes: The Interpretation of Expansive Environmental Legislation, Jason J. Czarnezki
The Dubitante Opinion, Jason J. Czarnezki
The Phantom Philosophy? An Empirical Investigation of Legal Interpretation, Jason J. Czarnezki
"Can You Hear Me Now?": Expectations of Privacy, False Friends, and the Perils of Speaking Under the Supreme Court's Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence, Donald L. Doernberg
The New "Fetal Protection": The Wrong Answer to the Crisis of Inadequate Health Care for Women and Children, Linda C. Fentiman
The Nonprofit Sector: Myths and Realities, James J. Fishman
The Cost of Good Intentions: Why the Supreme Court's Decision Upholding Affirmative Action Admission Programs is Detrimental to the Cause, Leslie Yalof Garfield
Reflections on Brady v. Maryland, Bennett L. Gershman
The Explained Award of Damocles: Protection or Peril in Securities Arbitration, Jill I. Gross
Securities Mediation: Dispute Resolution for the Individual Investor, Jill I. Gross
Crimes Against Nature, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
The Emergence of Exacted Conservation Easements, Jessica Owley Lippmann
Paths of Western Law After Justinian, M. Stuart Madden
The Right to Food: Holding Global Actors Accountable Under International Law, Smita Narula
Champions of Change: Reinventing Democracy Through Land Law Reform, John R. Nolon
Historical Overview of the American Land Use System: A Diagnostic Approach to Evaluating Governmental Land Use Control, John R. Nolon
Katrina's Lament: Reconstructing Federalism, John R. Nolon
Inclusionary Zoning: The Effect of Market Forces on Local Housing Law, John R. Nolon
Affordable Housing: A Case for State Legislative Action, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Affordable Housing in the New York Courts: A Case for Legislative Action, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Court Prods Municipality: Other States Offer Large Number of Models to Consider, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Courts Have Decided a Wide Range of Issues, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Local Housing Efforts: The Maturation of Laws Promoting Affordability, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Energy Efficiency: The Best Immediate Option for a Secure, Clean, Healthy Future, Richard L. Ottinger
A Strategy for Developing Stationary Biodiesel Generation, Karl R. Rábago
Training Manual on International Environmental Law, Nicholas A. Robinson
Internalizing Gender: International Goals, Comparative Realities, Darren Rosenblum
Parity/Disparity: Electoral Gender Inequality on the Tightrope of Liberal Constitutional Traditions, Darren Rosenblum
Exile or Opportunity? The Benefits of Mastering U.S. Law, Mark R. Shulman
Moot Court Diplomacy, Mark R. Shulman
The Proliferation Security Initiative and the Evolution of the Law on the Use of Force, Mark R. Shulman
Submissions from 2005
Screening Historical Sexualities: A Roundtable on Sodomy, South Africa, and Proteus, Noa Ben-Asher
The Elusive Balance Between Investor Protection and Wealth Creation, Barbara Black and Jill I. Gross
Juvenile Execution, Terrorist Extradition, and Supreme Court Discretion to Consider International Death Penalty Jurisprudence, Elizabeth Burleson
Is Voting Necessary? Organization Standing and Non-Voting Members of Environmental Advocacy Organizations, Karl S. Coplan
Of Zombie Permits and Greenwash Renewal Strategies: Ten Years of New York's So-Called "Environmental Benefit Permitting Strategy", Karl S. Coplan
The Profits and Penalties of Kinship: Conflicting Meanings of Family in Estate Tax Law, Bridget J. Crawford
A Call for Change: Improving Judicial Selection Methods, Jason J. Czarnezki
The Utility of Non-Use Values in Natural Resource Damage Assessments, Jason J. Czarnezki
Doing Water Quality Credit Trading Right, Alexandra Dapolito Dunn
Charitable Accountability and Reform in Nineteenth Century England: The Case of the Charity Commission, James J. Fishman
Charity Scandals as a Catalyst of Legal Change and Literary Imagination in Nineteenth Century England, James J. Fishman
Joseph Baxendale, James J. Fishman
Tenure: Endangered or Evolutionary Species, James J. Fishman
Why Can't Law Students Be More Like Lawyers?, Stephen J. Friedman
Back to Bakke: Defining the Strict Scrutiny Test for Affirmative Action Policies Aimed at Achieving Diversity in the Classroom, Leslie Yalof Garfield
Contaminating the Verdict: The Problem of Juror Misconduct, Bennett L. Gershman
How Juries Get It Wrong - Anatomy of the Detroit Terror Case, Bennett L. Gershman
Prosecutorial Ethics and Victims' Rights: The Prosecutor's Duty of Neutrality, Bennett L. Gershman
Developing a Law/Business Collaboration Through Pace's Securities Arbitration Clinic, Jill I. Gross
The Road from Nowhere? Punitive Damage Ratios After BMW v. Gore and State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. v. Campbell, Andrew C. W. Lund
The Cultural Evolution of Tort Law, M. Stuart Madden
Theme and Variations in Statutory Preclusions Against Successive Environmental Enforcement Actions by EPA and Citizens, Part Two: Statutory Preclusions on EPA Enforcement, Jeffrey G. Miller
The Supreme Court's Water Pollution Jurisprudence: Is the Court All Wet?, Jeffrey G. Miller
The Surge in Immigration Appeals and Its Impact on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, Michael B. Mushlin
Not the Evil TWEN: How Online Course Management Software Supports Non-Linear Learning in Law Schools, Marie Stefanini Newman
Comparative Land Use Law: Patterns of Sustainability, John R. Nolon
Paradigms of Positive Change: Reordering the Nation's Land Use System, John R. Nolon
Court of Appeals Again Restrains Lower Courts, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Court Reviews: The Takings Doctrine and Exactions, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Despite Alarmists, 'Kelo' Decision Protects Property Owners and Serves the General Good, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Fallout from Kelo: Ruling Spurs Legislative Proposals to Limit Takings, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Mandated Training: Program Proposed for Local Decision-Makers, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
New York Case Law Reaches Maturity, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
'Takings' Clarified: U.S. Supreme Court Provides Clear Direction, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Zoning Exemptions: Granting Immunity to Private Wireless Providers, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Energy-Efficiency: The Best Option for a Secure, Clean, Healthy Future, Richard L. Ottinger
Connecticut Nitrogen Credit Exchange Program, Ann Powers
IUCN as Catalyst for a Law of the Biosphere: Acting Globally and Locally, Nicholas A. Robinson
Playing Hide and Seek: How to Protect Virtual Pornographers and Actual Children on the Internet, Audrey Rogers
Public Health and the Law: Responding to Terrorism and Other Public Health Emergencies in New York, Mark R. Shulman
Defining the Limits of Supplemental Jurisdiction Under 28 U.S.C. § 1367: A Hearty Welcome to Permissive Counterclaims, Michelle S. Simon
The Child Client: Representing Children in Child Protective Proceedings, Merril Sobie
Surya Prakash Sinha-in Memory of Our Colleague, Teacher and Friend, Ralph Michael Stein
Submissions from 2004
Mainstreaming Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the Face of Uncertainty, Barbara L. Atwell
Paradoxes of Health and Equality: When a Boy Becomes a Girl, Noa Ben-Asher
Justice Still Fails: A Review of Recent Efforts to Compensate Individuals Who Have Been Unjustly Convicted and Later Exonerated, Adele Bernhard
Entering the U.S. Securities Markets: Regulation of Non-U.S. Issuers, Barbara Black
Is Securities Arbitration Fair to Investors?, Barbara Black
The Law of Words: Standing, Environment, and Other Contested Terms, David N. Cassuto
Derecho Penal, Luis E. Chiesa
Intencion Especifica, Intoxicacion Voluntaria y Otros Demonios, Luis E. Chiesa
One Flesh, Two Taxpayers: A New Approach to Marriage and Wealth Transfer Taxation, Bridget J. Crawford
A Distance Education Primer: Lessons From My Life as a Dot.Edu Entrepreneur, Linda C. Fentiman
Internet Pharmacies: Why State Regulatory Solutions Are Not Enough, Linda C. Fentiman
Finding Success in the "Cauldron of Competition:" The Effectiveness of Academic Support Programs, Leslie Yalof Garfield
Putting the Supreme Court Back in Place: Ideology, Yes; Agenda, No, Steven H. Goldberg
Development Agreements: Bargained-For Zoning That is Neither Illegal Contract Nor Conditional Zoning, Shelby D. Green
"Which One of You Did It? Criminal Liability for "Causing or Allowing" the Death of a Child, Lissa Griffin
Over-Preemption of State Vacatur Law: State Courts and the FAA, Jill I. Gross
The Magic of Disappearing Wealth Revisited: Using Family Limited Partnerships to Reduce Estate and Gift Tax, Ronald H. Jensen
Harnessing the Treaty Power in Support of Environmental Regulation of Activities That Don't "Substantially Affect Interstate Commerce", Katrina Fischer Kuh
Exacted Conservation Easements: The Hard Case of Endangered Species Protection, Jessica Owley Lippmann
Tribal Sovereignty Over Water Quality, Jessica Owley Lippmann
Targeting the Foreign Born by Race and Nationality: Counterproductive in the "War on Terrorism"?, Thomas Michael McDonnell
The Death Penalty--An Obstacle to the "War on Terrorism"?, Thomas Michael McDonnell
Theme and Variations in Statutory Preclusions Against Successive Environmental Enforcement Actions by EPA and Citizens, Part One: Statutory Bars in Citizen Suit Provisions, Jeffrey G. Miller
Prison Reform Revisited: The Unfinished Agenda, Michael B. Mushlin
Clarifying the Rules and Roles of Land Use Boards, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Redevelopment Tools: Creating and Recreating Urban Centers, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher