The more than 100 full-time and adjunct professors who comprise the Elisabeth Haub School of Law faculty are both scholars and lawyers, with outstanding academic credentials and extensive legal experience. From prior work as attorneys, litigators, regulators, clerks, and counselors, in the corporate, nonprofit, and public sectors, the Elisabeth Haub School of Law faculty brings diverse and unique perspectives to the theoretical principles of law.
Staying current with emerging trends, our faculty provides relevant legal scholarship to our students, surrounding community, and the world. In addition to teaching, Haub Law School professors publish articles, papers, and books, frequently lecture at home and abroad, and serve as advisers, board members, and fellows for a range of prestigious organizations. They are also instrumental in attracting other accomplished and influential visiting scholars to the Haub Law campus.
Submissions from 2012
Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing: The Search for Solutions That are Just Right, John R. Nolon and Tiffany Zezula
Adaptable Due Process, Jason Parkin
Reflections on Oceans and SIDS, Ann Powers
Sea-Level Rise and Its Impact on Vulnerable States: Four Examples, Ann Powers
The Rio+20 Process: Forward Movement for the Environment?, Ann Powers
Reflecting on Measured Deliberations, Nicholas A. Robinson
After Gender?: Examining International Justice Enterprises: An Introduction, Darren Rosenblum
Unsex Mothering: Toward a New Culture of Parenting, Darren Rosenblum
Making Progress: How Eric Bergsten and the Vis Moot Advance the Enterprise of Universal Peace, Mark R. Shulman
Support and Defend: Civil-Military Relations in the Age of Obama, Mark R. Shulman
Reliable Science: Overcoming Public Doubts in the Climate Change Debate, Michelle S. Simon
The Delinquent “Toddler”, Merril Sobie
Submissions from 2011
No Bitin’ Allowed: A Hip-Hop Copying Paradigm for All of Us, Horace E. Anderson Jr.
An Equal Rights Amendment to Make Women Human, Ann Bartow
Counterfeits, Copying and Class, Ann Bartow
Energy Revolution and Disaster Response in the Face of Climate Change, Elizabeth Burleson
From Coase to Collaborative Property Decision-Making: Green Economy Innovation, Elizabeth Burleson
Innovation Cooperation: Energy Biosciences and Law, Elizabeth Burleson
Making Sand Castles as the Tide Comes In: Legal Aspects of Climate Justice, Elizabeth Burleson
Perspective on Economic Critiques of Disability Law: The Multifaceted Federal Role in Balancing Equity and Efficiency, Elizabeth Burleson
The Cancún Climate Conference, Elizabeth Burleson
Water, Climate, and Energy Security, Elizabeth Burleson
Keeping It Legal: Transboundary Management Challenges Facing Brazil and the Guarani, David N. Cassuto
Water Law in the United States and Brazil--Climate Change & Two Approaches to Emerging Water Poverty, David N. Cassuto and Romulo S.R. Sampaio
Consent Is Not a Defense to Battery: A Reply to Professor Bergelson, Luis E. Chiesa
When an Offense is Not an Offense: Rethinking the Supreme Court’s Reasonable Doubt Jurisprudence, Luis E. Chiesa
Punishing Without Free Will, Luis E. Chiesa
Legal Realism, Innate Morality, and the Structural Role of the Supreme Court in the U.S. Constitutional Democracy, Karl S. Coplan
Climate Policy & U.S.-China Relations, Jason J. Czarnezki
Food, Law & the Environment: Informational and Structural Changes for A Sustainable Food System, Jason J. Czarnezki
The Future of Food Eco-Labeling: Organic, Carbon Footprint, and Environmental Life-Cycle Analysis, Jason J. Czarnezki
Taking Supremacy Seriously: The Contrariety of Official Immunities, Donald L. Doernberg
"The Tempest": Shady Grove Orthopedic Associates, P.A. v. Allstate Insurance Co.: The Rules Enabling Act Decision That Added to the Confusion--But Should Not Have, Donald L. Doernberg
Rethinking Addiction: Drugs, Deterrence, and the Neuroscience Revolution, Linda C. Fentiman
The Death of Slander, Leslie Yalof Garfield
The Zealous Prosecutor as Minister of Justice, Bennett L. Gershman
Educating Prosecutors and Supreme Court Justices About Brady v. Maryland, Bennett L. Gershman
Judicial Interference With Effective Assistance of Counsel, Bennett L. Gershman
Prosecutorial Decisionmaking and Discretion in the Charging Function, Bennett L. Gershman
Genocide: A Normative Account by Larry May, Alexander K.A. Greenawalt
The Pluralism of International Criminal Law, Alexander K.A. Greenawalt
Re-Appraising the Appraisers: Expanding Liability to Buyers and Borrowers in the Story of the 2008 Financing Industry Crisis, Shelby D. Green
Pretrial Procedures for Innocent People: Reforming Brady, Lissa Griffin
Arbitration Case Law Update 2011, Jill I. Gross
There's a Will, But No Way--Whatever Happened to the Doctrine of Testamentary Freedom and What Can (Should) We Do to Restore It?, Irene D. Johnson
Capturing Individual Harms, Katrina Fischer Kuh
Preface to the Paperback Edition of United States, International Law, and the Struggle against Terrorism, Thomas Michael McDonnell
Let the Sunshine In: The ABA and Prison Oversight, Michael B. Mushlin
Integrating Sustainable Development Planning and Climate Change Management: A Challenge to Planners and Land Use Attorneys, John R. Nolon
Land Use for Economic Development in Tough Financial Times, John R. Nolon
“Minimum Standards:” The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Nicholas A. Robinson
Symposium on Indigenous Rights Introduction, Nicholas A. Robinson
Unsex CEDAW, or What's Wrong With Women's Rights, Darren Rosenblum
The Family Court—A Short History, Merril Sobie
Badmouthing Authority: Hostile Speech About School Officials and the Limits of School Restrictions, Emily Gold Waldman
Students' Fourth Amendment Rights in Schools: Strip Searches, Drug Tests, and More, Emily Gold Waldman
Submissions from 2010
We Can Work It Out: Co-op Compulsory Licensing as the Way Forward in Improving Access to Anti-Retroviral Drugs, Horace E. Anderson
Jurists for Jesus, Barbara L. Atwell
Iflas and Chapter 11: Classical Islamic Law and Modern Bankruptcy, Abed Awad and Robert E. Michael
Handcrafted Collaborative Copyright, Ann Bartow
Legalism and Decisionism in Crisis, Noa Ben-Asher
Raising the Bar: Standards-Based Training, Supervision, and Evaluation, Adele Bernhard
China in Context: Energy, Water, and Climate Cooperation, Elizabeth Burleson
Climate Change Consensus: Emerging International Law, Elizabeth Burleson
Climate Change Displacement to Refuge, Elizabeth Burleson
Emerging Law Addressing Climate Change and Water, Elizabeth Burleson
From Nondiscrimination to Civil Marriage, Elizabeth Burleson
Non-State Actor Access and Influence in International Legal and Policy Negotiations, Elizabeth Burleson
Non-State Actor Access and Influence in International Legal and Policy Negotiations, Elizabeth Burleson
Recent Statute of Limitations Developments in the New York Court of Appeals, Jay C. Carlisle II
A Tribute to William F. Harrington, Jay C. Carlisle II and Richard L. Ottinger
Autores y Cooperadores, Luis E. Chiesa
Public Trust Limits on Greenhouse Gas Trading Schemes: A Sustainable Middle Ground?, Karl S. Coplan
Sticky Copyrights: Discriminatory Tax Restraints on the Transfer of Intellectual Property, Bridget J. Crawford
Taxation, Pregnancy, and Privacy, Bridget J. Crawford
The Currency of White Women's Hair in a Down Economy, Bridget J. Crawford
The Third Wave's Break from Feminism, Bridget J. Crawford
Sovereignty in the Age of Twitter, Donald L. Doernberg
Investment in Water and Wastewater Infrastructure: An Environmental Justice Challenge, a Governance Solution, Alexandra Dapolito Dunn
Siting Green Infrastructure: Legal and Policy Solutions to Alleviate Urban Poverty and Promote Healthy Communities, Alexandra Dapolito Dunn
Commentary: The Federalization of Nonprofit Regulation and Its Discontents, James J. Fishman
Stealth Preemption: The IRS's Nonprofit Corporate Governance Initiative, James J. Fishman
Bad Faith Exception to Prosecutorial Immunity for Brady Violations, Bennett L. Gershman
“Hard Strikes and Foul Blows”: Berger v. United States 75 Years After, Bennett L. Gershman
Privacy Revisited: GPS Tracking as Search and Seizure, Bennett L. Gershman
The Government-Speech Doctrine: “Recently Minted,” but Counterfeit, Steven H. Goldberg
Review of Defending Humanity: When Force is Justified and Why by George P. Fletcher and Jens David Ohlin, Alexander K.A. Greenawalt
Understanding CERCLA Through Webster's New World Dictionary and State Common Law: Forestalling the Federalization of Property Law, Shelby D. Green
Untangling Double Jeopardy in Mixed-Verdict Cases, Lissa Griffin
Banks and Brokers and Bricks and Clicks: An Evaluation of FINRA's Proposal to Modify the "Bank Broker-Dealer Rule", Jill I. Gross
The End of Mandatory Securities Arbitration?, Jill I. Gross
Director Liability for Corporate Crimes: Lawyers as Safe Haven?, John A. Humbach
Doubting Free Will: Three Experiments, John A. Humbach
Free Will Ideology: Experiments, Evolution and Virtue Ethics, John A. Humbach
Returning Prosecutions to the States: A Proposal for a Criminal Justice Restoration Act, John A. Humbach
“Sexting” and the First Amendment, John A. Humbach
Teens, Porn, and Video Games: Is It Time to Rethink Ginsberg?, John A. Humbach