The more than 100 full-time and adjunct professors who comprise the Elisabeth Haub School of Law faculty are both scholars and lawyers, with outstanding academic credentials and extensive legal experience. From prior work as attorneys, litigators, regulators, clerks, and counselors, in the corporate, nonprofit, and public sectors, the Elisabeth Haub School of Law faculty brings diverse and unique perspectives to the theoretical principles of law.
Staying current with emerging trends, our faculty provides relevant legal scholarship to our students, surrounding community, and the world. In addition to teaching, Haub Law School professors publish articles, papers, and books, frequently lecture at home and abroad, and serve as advisers, board members, and fellows for a range of prestigious organizations. They are also instrumental in attracting other accomplished and influential visiting scholars to the Haub Law campus.
Submissions from 2004
Religion and Land Use: Westchester Day School v. Village of Mamaroneck, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Religion and Law Use: Constraints on Local Boards' Decision Making, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
SEQRA Challenges: Court Creates New Rule on Statute of Limitations, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Shielding Board Members: Municipalities Should Protect Them From Suits, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Environmental Accountability and Public Involvement, LeRoy C. Paddock
The IUCN Academy of Environmental Law: Seeking Legal Underpinnings for Sustainable Development, Nicholas A. Robinson
New Technology, Old Defenses: Internet Sting Operations and Attempt Liability, Audrey Rogers
A Public-Private Strategy for Enhancing Domestic Security Worldwide, Mark R. Shulman
J'Accuse for the Bush Administration: A Review of Richard A. Clarke's Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror, Mark R. Shulman
Offensive Issue Preclusion in the Criminal Context: Two Steps Foward, One Step Back, Michelle S. Simon
The Case of the Male OB-GYN: A Proposal for Expansion of the Privacy BFOQ in the Healthcare Context, Emily Gold Waldman
Submissions from 2003
Exonerations Change Judicial View on Ineffective Assistance of Counsel, Adele Bernhard
The Irony of Securities Arbitration Today: Why Do Brokerage Firms Need Judicial Protection?, Barbara Black
Economic Suicide: The Collision of Ethics and Risk in Securities Law, Barbara Black and Jill I. Gross
Is Citizen Suit Notice Jurisdictional and Why Does It Matter?, Karl S. Coplan
Sample Forms, in Estate Planning Law and Taxation, 4th ed., Bridget J. Crawford
Defining the Project Purpose Under NEPA: Promoting Consideration of Viable EIS Alternatives, Jason J. Czarnezki
Voting and Electoral Politics in the Wisconsin Supreme Court, Jason J. Czarnezki
Internet Pharmacies and the Need for a New Federalism: Protecting Consumers While Increasing Access to Prescription Drugs, Linda C. Fentiman
Patient Advocacy and Termination from Managed Care Organizations: Do State Laws Protecting Health Care Professional Advocacy Make Any Difference?, Linda C. Fentiman
Improving Charitable Accountability, James J. Fishman
A Response to Russell Engler by Gretchen Flint, Gretchen M. Flint
Back to the Future: Does Apprendi Bar a Legislature's Power to Shift the Burden of Proof Away from the Prosecution by Labeling an Element of a Traditional Crime as an Affirmative Defense?, Leslie Yalof Garfield
Misuse of Scientific Evidence by Prosecutors, Bennett L. Gershman
Specific Relief for Ancient Deprivations of Property, Shelby D. Green
Two Sides of a "Sargasso Sea": Successive Prosecution for the "Same Offence" in the United States and the United Kingdom, Lissa Griffin
A Response to Russell Pearce, John A. Humbach
The Takings Clause and the Separation of Powers: An Essay, John A. Humbach
Foreword: Annual Review of Environmental and Natural Resources Law, Jessica Owley Lippmann
Piney Run: The Permits Are Not What They Seem, Jessica Owley Lippmann
Overlooked Issues in the "Diligent Prosecution" Citizen Suit Preclusion, Jeffrey G. Miller
What Else Can You Do With a Law Degree?, Gary A. Munneke
A Response to Thomas Steele, Gary A. Munneke
Multijurisdictional Practice of Law: Recent Developments in the National Debate, Gary A. Munneke
Opening Remarks, Gary A. Munneke
Dying Twice: Incarceration on Death Row, Michael B. Mushlin
Overlooked Danger: The Security and Rights Implications of Hindu Nationalism in India, Smita Narula
Golden and Its Emanations: The Surprising Origins of Smart Growth, John R. Nolon
Land Preservation, John R. Nolon
Local Authority: Communities Have Means of Influencing Land Use, John R. Nolon
Local Land Use: Decision Expands Federal Government's Role, John R. Nolon
Open Meetings: Land Use Mediation and the Public's Right to Know, John R. Nolon
Exacting Tests: Determining When a Taking Is Unconstitutional, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Regulatory Takings: Governments Can Avoid Successful Challenges, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
'Saddle Rock': Preemption of Local Land Use Prerogatives, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Honorary Degree Citation, Sonia Sotomayor, Doctor of Laws, May 18, 2003, Pace University School of Law
The Current Controversy Regarding TMDLs: Contemporary Perspectives "TMDLs and Pollutant Trading", Ann Powers
Enforcing Environmental Norms: Diplomatic and Judicial Approaches, Nicholas A. Robinson
The Debate Over War Powers, Mark R. Shulman
Submissions from 2002
Take Courage: What the Courts Can Do to Improve the Delivery of Criminal Defense Services, Adele Bernhard
Making It Up As They Go Along: The Role of Law in Securities Arbitration, Barbara Black and Jill I. Gross
Graduation Remarks, Jay C. Carlisle
Dean's Foreword, David S. Cohen
Daughter of Liberty Wedded to Law: Gender and Legal Education at the University of Pennsylvania Department of Law 1870-1900, Bridget J. Crawford
Water Quality Trading: Bringing Market Forces to Bear in Watersheds, Alexandra Dapolito Dunn
Witness Coaching by Prosecutors, Bennett L. Gershman
Securities Analysts' Undisclosed Conflicts of Interest: Unfair Dealing or Securities Fraud?, Jill I. Gross
Renegade Conduct and Punitive Damages in Tort, M. Stuart Madden
Cluster Bombs Over Kosovo: A Violation of International Law?, Thomas Michael McDonnell
A Generational History of Environmental Law and Its Grand Themes: A Near Decade of Garrison Lectures, Jeffrey G. Miller
Practicing Law Across Geographic and Professional Borders: What Does the Future Hold?, Gary A. Munneke
The Truth About Jobs for J.D.s, Gary A. Munneke
Dying Twice: Conditions on New York's Death Row, Michael B. Mushlin
In Praise of Parochialism: The Advent of Local Environmental Law, John R. Nolon
Introduction: Considering the Trend Toward Local Environmental Law, John R. Nolon
Collaborating on Environmental Conservation, John R. Nolon
'Golden' Anniversary: 30-Year-old Decision Is Fabric of Land Use Law, John R. Nolon
Performance Zoning: Shaping Land Development Patterns Today, John R. Nolon
Smart Growth: Intermunicipal Innovation in Orange County, John R. Nolon
'Tahoe' Case: When Environmental Regulations Go 'Too Far', John R. Nolon
Renewable Energy Sources for Development, Richard L. Ottinger
Justice Denied? The Adjudication of Extradition Applications, Ann Powers
Befogged Vision: International Environmental Law a Decade After Rio, Nicholas A. Robinson
Strengthening Sustainable Development in Regional Inter-Governmental Governance: Lessons from the 'ASEAN Way', Nicholas A. Robinson
The Legality and Constitutionality of the President's Authority to Initiate an Invasion of Iraq, Mark R. Shulman
"Artillery Lends Dignity to What Otherwise Would Be a Common Brawl": An Essay on Post-Modern Warfare and the Classification of Captured Adversaries, Ralph Michael Stein
Submissions from 2001
Still Not Behaving Like Gentlemen, Ann Bartow
Second Circuit 2000-2001 Personal Jurisdiction Developments, Jay C. Carlisle
Direct Environmental Standing for Chartered Conservation Corporations, Karl S. Coplan
Grantor Trusts and Income Tax Reporting Requirements: A Primer, Bridget J. Crawford
The Academic Support Student in the Year 2010, Leslie Yalof Garfield
Child Witnesses and Procedural Fairness, Bennett L. Gershman
Now You See It, Now You Don't: Depublication and Nonpublication of Opinions Raise Motive Questions, Bennett L. Gershman
The Prosecutor's Duty to Truth, Bennett L. Gershman
Kosovo Myths: Karadzic, Njegos, and the Transformation of Serb Memory, Alexander K.A. Greenawalt
The Correction of Wrongful Convictions: A Comparative Perspective, Lissa Griffin
Criminal Prosecution for HMO Treatment Denial, John A. Humbach
Just Being a Lawyer: Reflections on the Legal Ethics of a President Under Impeachment, John A. Humbach
A Comparative Analysis of United States and Colombian Tort Law: Duty, Breach, and Damages, M. Stuart Madden
Federal Preemption of Inconsistent State Safety Obligations, M. Stuart Madden
The Enduring Paradox of Products Liability Law Relating to Prescription Pharmaceuticals, M. Stuart Madden
Of Rants and Money, Jack McNeill
Deja Vu All Over Again, Gary A. Munneke
Legal Skills for a Transforming Profession, Gary A. Munneke
Practicing Law Across Geographic and Professional Borders: What Does the Future Hold?, Gary A. Munneke
Battle for the Ages: Defining Federal Power to Affect Local Land Use, John R. Nolon
In Our Backyards: Analyzing Local Authority to Adopt Environmental Laws, John R. Nolon
Local Protection: Raising a Matter of 'Sovereign Concern', John R. Nolon
Our Town: Local Governments Play Larger Role in Environmental Policy, John R. Nolon
Our Town: What Is the Role of Local Government in Environmental Law?, John R. Nolon