Content Posted in 2010
1987 Ethics in Government Act: Financial Disclosure Provisions for Municipal Officials and Proposals for Reform, Mark Davies
2005 Judges' Edition Bench Memorandum: Seventeenth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Carlisle Tuggey
2006 Judges' Edition Bench Memorandum: Eighteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Erin Flanagan
2007 ICC Moot Court Competition Winning Briefs: "Best Brief" Defense, Chad D. Ehrenkranz
2007 ICC Moot Court Competition Winning Briefs: "Best Brief" Prosecution, Lauren DiLeo, Leila Parvizian, and Delon Lewis
2007 ICC Moot Court Competition Winning Briefs: "Best Brief" Victim's Advocate, Bharathi Pillai
2007 Judges' Edition Bench Memorandum: Nineteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Mackenzie Schoonmaker and James Simpson
2009 Judges' Edition Memorandum, Taryn L. Rucinski
2009 Moot Court Problem, Caroline Blanco, Sherry Hutt, Gary Nurkin, David Tarler, and Ole Varmer
2010 Judges' Edition Memorandum, Hana C. Heineken
2010 Moot Court Problem, Jeffrey G. Miller, Alexandra Dapolito Dunn, and Sean T. Dixon
A 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948-1998
A Bicentennial View of the Role of Congress, the President, and the Judiciary in Regard to the Power over War, Steven J. Young
Abortion in International Waters Off the Coast of Ireland: Avoiding a Collision between Irish Moral Sovereignty and the European Community, Allison M. Clifford
A Brief Essay on Inclusionary Zoning and Environmental Values, Donald W. Stever
A Broker's Duty of Best Execution in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, Francis J. Facciolo
Academic Freedom and Academic Contexts, Irwin H. Polishook
Academic Freedom and Tenure, Ernest van den Haag
A Call to Arms: The Posse Comitatus Act and the Use of the Military in the Struggle against International Terrorism, Tom A. Gizzo and Tama S. Monoson
A Call to Attorneys: Brainstorming to Help Captive Elephants, Jane Garrison
Accommodating Growth and Development after Guilderland: Is the New York Legislature about to (Re)Act on Impact Fees?, Michael G. Sterthous
Accountability for Tortious Conduct - Judge Hopkins Parses the Law, Josephine Y. King
Accrediting the Accreditors: A New Paradigm for Correctional Oversight, Lynn S. Branham
A Closer Look at Title III of SARA: Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986, Jayne S.A. Pritchard
A Comparative Analysis of New Jersey's Mount Laurel Cases with the Berenson Cases in New York, John R. Nolon
A Comparative Analysis of United States and Colombian Tort Law: Duty, Breach, and Damages, Natalia M. Bartels and M. Stuart Madden
A Comparison of American and European Experience, Robert Stipe
A Compleat Jurist, Robert MacCrate
A configural approach to understanding MMPI-A PSY-5 scales: Commonly occurring profiles and correlates, Jessica M Sarnicola
A Container Should Never Be a Package: Going beyond Mitsui v. American Export Lines, Inc. , Mary Elizabeth Reisert
A Contractual Theory of Corporate Opportunity and a Proposed Statute, Matthew R. Salzwedel
A Critical Inquiry into the Traditional Uses of Law School Evaluation, Steven Friedland
A Culture of Mismanagement: Environmental Protection and Enforcement at the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Addicted to Fault: Why Divorce Reform Has Lagged in New York, J. Herbie DiFonzo and Ruth C. Stern
Address: A Symposium on Historic Preservation Law, Norman Williams Jr.
Addressing Environmental Values in Resource Planning, Siting, and Acquisition, Paul Tonko
Addressing the High School Hazing Problem: Why Lawmakers Need to Impose a Duty to Act on School Personnel, Marc Edelman
Adequate Protection under the Bankruptcy Code, Its Role in Business Reorganization, Andrew N. Karlen
Admissibility of Testing by the Psychological Stress Evaluator Commentary, John A. Ronayne
A Double Blessing, Our State and Federal Constitutions, Judith S. Kaye
Aesthetics as a Basis for Regulation, Daniel Riesel
A feasibility study of ontology-based automatic document transformation, Anne I Mannette-Wright
Affordable Housing: A Case for State Legislative Action, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Affordable Housing in the New York Courts: A Case for Legislative Action, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Affordable Housing: State Lacks Definition of Need and Municipal Responsibility, John R. Nolon
After a Decade: Theory as Practice at the Center for Environmental Legal Studies, Nicholas A. Robinson
After Ake: Implementing the Tools of an Adequate Defense, Susan S. Brown
Aftermath of a Revolution: A Case Study of Turkish Family Law, Seval Yildirim
Aftershocks of the Loss of the Legislative Veto: Severability and the Need for a Replacement Device, James T. Broyhill and Jane Sutter Starke
Agency Inaction and the Regulatory Commons Theory: Lessons from New York State's Experience with Dry Cleaner Co-Location , John A. Vassallo III
A Glance at the Impact of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis on the Title Insurance Industry, Suzanne M. Garcia
A Guide to Monetary Sanctions for Environment Violations by Federal Facilities, Charles L. Green
Aguilar v. Felton: Will the Court Disentangle the Lemon Test?, Ann Farrissey Carlson
A Historical Perspective Leading Up to and Including the United Nations Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, Donald M. Grzybowski; John M. Deitch,; Sandra E. A. Dwyer; and Daniel S. Eichhorn
A House Is Not a Home: City of Cleburne v. Cleburne Living Center, Elizabeth T. Sharpe
A Law for International Sale of Goods: A Reply to Michael Bridge, Lachmi Singh and Benjamin Leisinger
A Law Guardian by Any Other Name: A Critique of the Report of the Matrimonial Commission, Martin Guggenheim
A Law Guardian by the Same Name: A Response to Professor Guggenheim's Matrimonial Commission Critique, Merril Sobie
Albany's Dysfunction Denies Due Process, Eric Lane and Laura Seago
A Leader in the New York Court of Appeals, George A. Davidson
A Little More Mascara: Response to Making Up Is Hard to Do, Darren Rosenblum
Allocation of Environmental Risk as between Landlords and Tenants: The New York View, James Schwartz and Boris Serebro
Allowing Intervention by Non-Settling PRPS: Not the Environmentally Correct Decision, But One That Is Unavoidable?, Joseph F. Mahoney
All That Glitters: Foreign Investment in Mining Trumps the Environment in the Philippines, Alan Khee-Jin Tan
Almand v. DeKalb County, Georgia: Where to Draw the Line between a Police Officer's Private Acts and Acts Taken under the Color of State Law, Kristen Murphy
Alternative Dispute Resolution in Environmental Enforcement Cases: A Call for Enhanced Assessment and Greater Use, Joseph A. Siegel
Alternatives, Adoption, and Administrative Hearings: Keys to Performing Environmental Reviews for Yucca Mountain, Tyson R. Smith
Alternatives to Ocean Dumping: A Municipal Dilemma, Gina L. Giusti and Nancy J. Grasso
American Association of Law Schools Conference: Foreword, Bobbie Anne Flower
Americanization of International Arbitration, Eric Bergsten
American Muslim Charities: Easy Targets in the War on Terror , Laila Al-Marayati
American Toxic Tort Law: An Historical Background, 1979-87, Robert F. Blomquist
A meta-analysis of pedagogical tools used in introductory programming courses, Frances P Trees
A More Convenient Crime: Why States Must Regulate Internet-Related Criminal Activity under the Dormant Commerce Clause, Laura Ann Forbes
An Accident and a Dream: Problems with the Latest Attack on the Civil Justice System, Daniel J. Capra
An agile course-delivery approach, Mirkeya Capellan
An Analysis of Argentine Environmental Law: Legislative, Administrative, Institutional, and Enforcement Aspects, R. Eugenia Bec
An Analysis of in re Grand Jury Subpoena Duces Tecum (United States v. Doe): Does the Fifth Amendment Protect the Contents of Private Papers?, Sharon Worthy-Bulla
An Analysis of Municipal Wetlands Laws and Their Relationship to the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar), Cheryl L. Jamieson
An Argument for Expanding the Application of Rule 53(b) to Facilitate Reference of the Special Master in Electronic Data Discovery, Richard H. Agins
An Argument for Original Intent: Restoring Rule 801(D)(1)(A) to Protect Domestic Violence Victims in a Post-Crawford World, Andrew King-Ries
Anatomy of the Modern Prisoners' Rights Lawsuit: Coping with the Obstacles, William J. Dean
And a Child Shall Lead Them: Justice O'Connor, the Principle of Religious Liberty and Its Practical Application, Benjamin D. Feder
An Economic Analysis Of The Nuclear Liability Subsidy, Michael G. Faure and Karine Fiore
An Employment Contract Instinct with an Obligation: Good Faith Costs and Contexts, Robert C. Bird
A New Arbitration Law for the Netherlands, Pieter Sanders
A "New Breed" of Treaty: The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, Catherine Tinker
A New Environmental Order: Laying the Legal and Administrative Foundation for Global Environmental Governance, Deepa Badrinarayana
A New Garden of Eden? Stimuli to Enforcement and Compliance in Environmental Law, Andrew Waite
A Nightmare on Main Street (Part MXL): Freddie Joins an Accounting Firm, Gary A. Munneke
Animal Farm Jurisprudence: Hiding Personal Predilections behind the Plain Language of the Takings Clause, Stephen M. Durden
An Impermissible Punishment: The Decline of Consistency as a Constitutional Goal in Capital Sentencing, Karen Appel Oshman
An improved k-NN classification method with application to keystroke biometric authentication, Robert S Zack
An Interest Balancing Test for Entrapment, John Cirace
An International Criminal Court: Recent Proposals and American Concerns, Timothy C. Evered
An International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia?, Alfred P. Rubin
An Interpretation of Article 74 CISG by the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, John Felemegas
An Introduction to the Just War Tradition, John F. Coverdale
Annotated Bibliography on Independent Prison Oversight, Michele Deitch
An Open Courtroom: Should Cameras Be Permitted in New York State Courts?, Jay C. Carlisle
An Ounce of Prevention: The Need for Source Reduction in Agriculture, L. Alenna Bolin
An Overview of Policy Issues in Access to Care for Children with Disabilities, Deborah Spitalnik
An Overview of the Proposed Code's Treatment of Private Causes of Action and Damages, Robert C. Pozen
Answering "The Call of the Wild": An Examination of U.S. Participation in International Wildlife Law, Gary D. Meyers and Kyla Seligsohn Bennett
An Unhappy Return to Confusion in the Common Law of Products Liability - Denny v. Ford Motor Company Should Be Overturned, Victor E. Schwartz and Mark A. Behrens
A Perspective: New York Communities and Impact Fees, Barnard V. Keenan
A Picture of the New York Court of Appeals at the Time of Wood v. Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon, Meredith R. Miller
A Powerful Mandate: NEPA and State Environmental Review Acts in the Courts, Philip Weinberg
Appellant's Brief on the Merits: Seventh Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Philip A. Ferrari, Jeffrey S. Karr, and Guillermo A.M. Sohnlein
Appendix A: Matrimonial Commission of the State of New York, Report to the Chief Judge of the State of New York , Sondra Miller
Application of New York Estates, Powers & Trusts Law Section 3-3.2 to Dispositions to Attesting Witnesses , Gregory E. Koster
Applying abstraction to master complexity: The comparison of abstraction ability in computer science majors with students in other disciplines, Jonathan H Hill
Applying a Strict Limitations Period to RCRA Enforcement: A Toxic Concept with Hazardous Results?, Timothy E. Shanley
Applying World Trade Organization Rules to the Labeling of Genetically Modified Foods, Michele M. Compton
Apposition of Recent U.S. Supreme Court Decisions regarding Tribal Sovereignty and International Indigenous Rights Declarations, Patrick Cleveland
A Practitioner's Guide to Successful Jury Trials on Behalf of Prisoner-Plaintiffs, Alphonse A. Gerhardstein
A Proposal for 'Philosophical Method' in Comparative and International Law, John Martin Gillroy
A Punk's Song about Prison Reform, James E. Robertson
Aquifers: The Porous Legal State of a Primary Water Resource, C. Scott Vanderhoef
Arbitration - A Method Used by China to Settle Foreign Trade and Economic Disputes Lecture, Tang Houzhi
Arbitration Between Foreign Trade Organizations of Socialist Countries and Parties from the Capitalist Economic Sphere, Heinz F. Strohbach
A Recipe for Change: Towards an Integrated Approach to Food under International Law, Donald E. Buckingham
A Reconsideration of Haitian Claims for withholding of Removal under the Convention against Torture, Henry Mascia
A Response to Russell Engler, Gretchen M. Flint
A Response to Russell Pearce, John A. Humbach
A Response to Sam Sue, James Castro-Blanco
A Response to Thomas Steele, Gary A. Munneke
A Review of Climate Change Law: Mitigation and Adaptation by Richard G. Hildreth, David R. Hodas, Nicholas A. Robinson, and James Gustave Speth, Stephen L. Kass
A Ride on the Environmental Liability Roller Coaster , Brian S. B. Lee
A River Beckons Home, Alexandra Dapolito Dunn
Arizona v. Norris: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and Retroactive Relief , Bradford A. Fuller
Armstrong v. McAlpin: Screening Former Government Attorneys , John J. Rapisardi
"Artillery Lends Dignity to What Otherwise Would Be a Common Brawl": An Essay on Post-Modern Warfare and the Classification of Captured Adversaries, Ralph Michael Stein
Artists' Rights: The Free Market and State Protection of Personal Interests, Burton M. Leiser and Kathleen Spiessbach
Asian Americans for Equality v. Koch: The Battle over Affordable Housing, Paul Xavier Lima
A Square Peg and a Round Hole: The Application of Weingarten Rights to Employee Drug and Alcohol and Alcohol Testing, Daniel V. Johns
Assessing the MacCrate Skills: Developing a Good Survey, Sam Sue
A Superfund Solution for an Economic Love Canal, Mehmet K. Konar-Steenberg
A Symposium on Historic Preservation Law: Introduction
A Symposium on the Proposed Federal Securities Code: An Introduction, Hugh L. Sowards
A Symposium on the Proposed Federal Securities Code: Bibliography
Atlantic Yards Community Benefit Agreement: A Case Study of Organizing Community Support for Development, Nathan Markey
A Tribute to Adolf Homburger, Herbert Peterfreund, Charles D. Breitel, Mauro Cappelletti, Matthew J. Jasen, Josephine Y. King, and Robert B. Fleming
A Tribute to Dean Richard L. Ottinger, Alicia Menechino
A Tribute to Hervey M. Johnson, James Hopkins, Janet A. Johnson, James J. Fishman, and Lucille A. Fontana
A Tribute to Justice James D. Hopkins, Milton Mollen, Marcus G. Christ, Frank A. Gulotta, Frank S. McCullough, Wilfred Feinberg, Robert B. McKay, Maurice Rosenberg, Arthur O. Kimball, and Frances R. Schoenbach
A Tribute to Professor Nicholas Triffin, Marie Stefanini Newman
A Tribute to Robert B. Fleming, Jacob D. Hyman, Louis A. Del Cotto, John E. Dunsford, and William B. Lawless
A Tribute to the Honorable Vincent L. Broderik, Susanne Brody
A Tribute to William F. Harrington, Jay C. Carlisle II and Richard L. Ottinger
Attempting to Legislate Attempted Environmental Crimes, Helen M. Maher
Attorney Client Confidentiality in the Criminal Environmental Law Context: Blowing the Whistle on the Toxic Client, Nicholas Targ
Attorney Fees: CERCLA Private Recovery Actions, Janet Morris Jones
Attorney General Robert Jackson's Brief Encounter with the Notion of Preclusive Presidential Power, William R. Casto
Attorneys' Fees as Damages in International Commercial Litigation, Jarno Vanto
Attorneys' Fees as Part of Recoverable Damages, Peter Schlectriem
Augmentative Communication Technology for Adults in the Community with Developmental Disabilities, James P. Lawler
Authenticating American Democracy, Kathleen A. Bergin
Avoiding Estate Depletion in the Face of Catastrophic Illness , Susan T. Baer
Avoiding Further Conflict: A Case Study of the New York City Watershed Land Acquisition Program in Delaware County, NY, Jennifer Church
Away from Ideology: A Review of Products Liability Defenses in the Era of Tort Reform, Norman L. Greene
Ayers v. Township of Jackson: Damages for the Enhanced Risk of Future Disease, James F. O'Brien
Bad Faith Exception to Prosecutorial Immunity for Brady Violations, Bennett L. Gershman
Balancing Exigency and Privacy in Warrantless Searches to Prevent Destruction of Evidence: The Need for a Rule, Barbara C. Salken
Balancing Freedom of Speech with the Right to Privacy: How to Legally Cope with the Funeral Protest Problem , Anna Zwierz Messar
Balancing Individual and Societal Interests Under the First Amendment: How the Eighth Circuit Saved Fantasy Baseball, Salvatore Vetrini
Balancing Investor Protection with Capital Formation Needs after the SEC Chamber of Commerce Case, David S. Ruder
Banding with Brothers: Authorizing Force Through a Concert of Democracies, Alexander Bernard
Bankruptcy and Divorce: The Courts Send a Message to Congress, Ottilie Bello
Banks and Brokers and Bricks and Clicks: An Evaluation of FINRA's Proposal to Modify the "Bank Broker-Dealer Rule", Jill I. Gross
Barbara Salken: Additional Remembrances
Barbara Salken: A Remembrance, Barbara Black
Barriers and Opportunities under the 1994 Argentine Constitutional Amendments for Both Environmental Protection and the Sustainability of the Socio-Economic System, Juan Rodrigo Walsh and Daniel Sabsay
Basel Convention on Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes: Total Ban Amendment, Muthu S. Sundram
Battle for the Ages: Defining Federal Power to Affect Local Land Use, John R. Nolon
Battle of the Forms, Modification of Contract, Commercial Letters of Confirmation: Comparison of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) with the Principles of European Contract Law (PECL), Maria del Pilar Perales Viscasillas
"Battle of the Forms" under the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: A Comparison with Section 2-207 UCC and the UNIDROIT Principles, Maria del Pilar Perales Viscasillas
Be All That You Can Be, But Nothing More: National Mining Association v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Corps' Critical Loss of Wetlands Control, Matthew M. D'Amico
Be Careful What You Ask for: Attacking the Constitutionality of the Clean Air Act Operating Permit Program, Laura Rapacioli
Becoming a Judge: Report on the Failings of Judicial Elections in New York State, John D. Feerick and Cyrus Vance
Behind Closed Doors: The Confidentiality of Psychotherapeutic Records in Medicaid Fraud Investigations, Peter N. Bassano
Being Green Doesn't Need To Be Taxing: How New York State Law Is a Vanguard For Using Green Infrastructure, Keith J. Jones
Belief in God and Transcendental Meditation: The Problem of Defining Religion in the First Amendment , Steven Chananie
Bench Brief: Eleventh Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Shelley Eccleson
Berenson: An Obligation Undefined Is an Obligation Unfulfilled, George M. Raymond
Bersani v. EPA: Wetlands Protection - The EPA Veto Power under the Clean Water Act, Rosalie K. Rusinko
Best Brief, Appellants, Caitlyn Byars, Lindsey Chow, and Steven Lord
Best Brief, Appellees, Thomas Kessler and Ranadeb Mukherjee
Best Brief for Appellant New Union Fly Fisherman's Federation, Inc.: Sixteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Kathy A. Reichbach and Nicole S. Zellweger
Best Brief for Appellant (Province & Village): Nineteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Bryce Baker, Corinne Fratini, and Jeremy Syz
Best Brief for Appellant: Seventeenth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Anthony Cotton, Kristin Eisenbraun, and Randall Green
Best Brief for Appellee: Eighteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Amanda Edge-Gougeon and Michael Bentley
Best Brief for Appellee (EPA): Nineteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Lauren S. Christopher and Andrew F. Lopez
Best Brief for Intervenor: Eighteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Bryce Baker, Justin Garratt, and Mari Lane
Best Brief for Intervenor: Seventeenth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Rochelle Ballard, Kimberly Culp, and Ivo Keller
Best Brief for Intervenor United States: Sixteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Douglas Chartier, Richard Lee, and Erica Tennyson
Best Brief: The Kingdom of Spain, Joseph Mathews and Wei Xiang
Best Brief: The United States of America, Gabrielle Janssens, Michael Minkler, and Monica Bauman
Best Overall Brief: Sixteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Noah AnStraus, Louise Melchor, and Jennifer Sosa
Beyond Our Borders: The International Law Controversy Concerning the Writ of Habeas Corpus and Guanta´Namo Bay, Michael Palitz
Beyond the Constitution: Is the New York Get Legislation Good Law, Lisa Zornberg
Beyond the Four Corners of a Written Contract: A Global Challenge to U.S. Contract Law, Chunlin Leonhard
Beyond Torture: The Nemo Tenetur Principle in Borderline Cases, Luis E. Chiesa
Bichler v. Lilly: Applying Concerted Action to the DES Cases , Andrea Riger Potash
Bill Would Encourage Effective Dispute Resolution, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Bioinformatics Across the Sciences, Nigel Yarlett
Biological Control Agents in Integrated Pest Management: Are They Regulated - A Research Guide, Jamie C. Abrams
Biotechnology Regulation under the Toxic Substances Control Act, Louis S. Sorell
Blanco v. Burton: What Did We Learn from Louisiana's Recent OCS Challenge?, Ryan M. Seidmann and James G. Wilkins
Blinded by the Light: Common Law and the Dangers of Cyberlawyering, John C. Scheffel
Blowing the Whistle on Postmodern Federalism, Bradley C. Bobertz
Blue Skies Ahead: Auction Rate Securities and the Need for a Private Right of Action for New York Investors, Stephanie Myers
Board of Airport Commissioners v. Jews for Jesus, Inc.: A Missed Opportunity to Restore Fundamental Fairness to Public Forum Analysis, Lonnie S. Davis
Board of Education v. Nyquist: A Keen Eye Views the Problems in New York's Educational Financing System, Fred R. Green
Boris Kozolchyk, Ph.D., El Derecho Comercial Ante el Libre Comercio y el Desarrollo Economico, Maria del Pilar Perales Viscasillas
Bowen v. Kendrick: A New Era of Doctrinal Funding?, Richard L. Marasse
Branson, No Seat at the Table: How Corporate Governance and Law Keep Women Out of the Boardroom, Joan Macleod Heminway and Sarah White
Brief for Appellant and Amicus United States Environment Protection Agency: Eighth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Haylee Albert, Jaime Austrich, and David Pearce
Brief for Appellant, Brownfields Redevelopment Associates of New Union: Eighth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Victor E. Cretella III, Dorothy M. Guy, and Thy Christine Pham
Brief for Appellant Canner: Third Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Melissa A. Brown, Allan B. Rappleyea, and John-Henry M. Steele
Brief for Appellant: First Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Christine Hayashi and Ann J. Reavis
Brief for Appellant: Second Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Neal Perryman, Jeffrey C. Toothaker, and Arthur B. DeBruyn
Brief for Appellant Secretary, United States Department of Defense: Fourth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Diana M. Loucks and Jacqueline Brown
Brief for Appellant, Tippecanoe Logging Co.: Sixth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Donna A. Heiser, Jennifer M. Lujan, and David J. Norwood
Brief for Appellant, United States: Fourteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Theresa Elliott, J. Philip Fraley, and John Kroto
Brief for Appellant United States of America: Tenth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Michael Elbaz, Dahlia Fredericks, and Donna Weiner
Brief for Appellee and Amicus, State of New Union: Seventh Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Stephen B. Chapman, Elizabeth M. Hodgkins, and Lynaia Holsapple
Brief for Appellee Defense Contractors Association: Fourth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Sarah Palamara Ellis, Kevin P. Moriarity, and John W. Vorder Bruegge
Brief for Appellee: Eighth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Eric Berkley, Ann E. Lane, and Charles Vorndran
Brief for Appellee: First Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, David I. Goldberg, John R. Mayo, and Michael P. Running Jr.
Brief for Appellee New Union: Eleventh Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Patrick M. Pericak, Bill Thurston, and Eric Morrow
Brief for Appellee: Second Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Richard D. Gluck and William J. Gorham III
Brief for Appellee: Sixth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Catherine Andrew, Julie Litwin, and David E. Peck
Brief for Bernard Barker, Appellant: Third Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, John Davis Buckley, Hans G. Huessy, and David K. Mears
Brief for Industry Plaintiffs - Appellants: Twentieth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, James Holder and Stephanie Rocha
Brief for Intervenor: First Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Michael Burke, Myron Scott, and Laurie Stewart
Brief for Laconic Baykeeper, Inc., Ima Fisher, Sam Schwimmer, Appellants/Cross-Appellees: Twentieth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Alena Buitrago, Megan Bussey, and Mindy Nunez
Brief for Multi-Chem Chemical Company, Intervenor: Second Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Hans G. Huessy, Bradford T. Atwood, and Roger L. Huber
Brief for Plaintiff-Appellee While-U-Wait Photo Service: Ninth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Lauri Hubert Hoese, Blaine Kimrey, and Patricia E. Lin
Brief for Respondent: Eighth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Katherine Abate, Jessica Reid, and Robin Silberzweig
Brief for Respondent: Tenth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Ryan Blanch, Julie Davis, and Wendy Stephens
Brief for Stephen Johnson, Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Appellee: Twentieth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Caroline Brady, Preston McLane, and Ramona Thomas
Brief for the Appellant/Appellee, State of New Union: Fifteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Jill Brown, Melanie Kleiss, and David Zoll
Brief for the Appellant, Birdwatchers of Groveton, Inc.: Fourteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Lorraine A. Lewis, Toby J. Marshall, and Matthew J. Zuchetto
Brief for the Appellant, Blackacre Forest Products, Inc.: Tenth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Matthew J. Haindfield, Jennifer L. Johnson, and Christopher A. Kragnes
Brief for the Appellant: Fifth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, C. Drue Chichi, Anthony F. Cantarella, and EllenBeth Wachs-Augsberger
Brief for the Appellant: Fifth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Dylan W. Wiseman, John E. Russell, and Jeanie A. Gregori
Brief for the Appellant Friends of Lake Tokay, Inc.: Twelfth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Nicolette Corso, Barbara M. Cowherd, and Jennifer Galloway Pike
Brief for the Appellant, Friends of Lustra, Inc.: Thirteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Louise Morrison, Wes Raborn, and Kristi Husher
Brief for the Appellant, Greater Uniontown Vocational School: Ninth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Natalie Paige Drinkard, Bradley Scott Shear, and Kimberly B. Tremel
Brief for the Appellant State of New Union: Twelfth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Mateo Davis, Fritz Ganz, and Brandon Jensen
Brief for the Appellant State of New Union: Twelfth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Matthew Chivers, Elisha Peterson, and Sean Tomko
Brief for the Appellant, State of Rocky Mountain: Thirteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, David A. Grossman, Diane C. McGuire, and Colin C. O'Brien
Brief for the Appellant, State of Rocky Mountain: Thirteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Michael W. Bowling, Brian C. Gruber, and George M. Torgun
Brief for the Appellant, Tyler-2 Mining, Inc.: Sixth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Kimberly A. Manuelides, Christine Nagle, and Gary De Bruin
Brief for the Appellant, United States: Fifteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Della Au Belatti, Summer Kupau, and Stanton K. Oishi
Brief for the Appelle Buena Vista Power Co.: Twelfth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, J.R. Ellingson III, Taylor Koss, and Edward Salanga
Brief for the Appellee: Fifth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Wendy L. Blake, Henry G. Hultquist, and Karl J. Simon
Brief for the Appellee, Friends of the Roaritan, Inc., Measuring Brief: Eleventh Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Thomas J. Cosgrove, Sanne H. Knudsen, and Vivek S. Sankaran
Brief for the Appellee, Goldthumb Mining Co., Inc.: Fifteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Deborah Dunn, Karolyn Klohe, and Shawn Aaron Young
Brief for the Appellee-Respondent Sunpeace: Seventh Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Dianne Chipps, Deanne Chun, and Caroline Park
Brief for the Appellee, Suave Real Properties, Inc.: Fourteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Della Au Belatti, Clavert Chipchase, and Chris Kempner
Brief for the United States: Third Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Karen Roth, Mark Siegel, and James Stipanuk
Brief for XXX Corp.: Eleventh Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Jennifer Anderson, Charles McChesney, and Michael Vollmer
Brief of Appellee, Environmental Friends, Inc.: Fourth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Christopher Fox, Beth McDonald, and Lisa Ramsay
Brief of Appellee, Magma Mining Co.: Thirteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Karen Hart, Amy Magee, and Julie A. Scott
Brief of State of New Union Health Services Agency: Ninth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Marc Brumberger and Kristin Kelley
Bringing Geospatial Technology (GIS) to the Curriculum, Daniel Farkas, Roy Girasa, Joseph F. Ryan, Martha Kelly, and Medaline Philbert
Build a Pace GIS Community Center, Mary Margaret Minnis and Hsui-lin L. Winkler
Bumps in the Road to the Courthouse: The Supreme Court and the Prison Litigation Reform Act t, William C. Collins
Burden of Proof under Article 35 CISG, Anna L. Linne
Burdick v. Takushi: The Anderson Balancing Test to Sustain Prohibitions on Write-in Voting, Jacqueline Ricciani
Business Electronics v. Sharp Electronics - Vertical Restraints: An End to Antitrust Relief for Terminated Discounters, James R. Warnot Jr.
Buttrey v. United States: The Meaning of "Public Hearings" under Section 404, Robert R. Sappe
By Disposition, Richard Gardella
Byram River v. Village of Port Chester: Winning Is Not Enough, Lois R. Murphy
By What Means Justice? The Acceptance of Secret Indictments in the United States and in International Law, Colette Retif
Byzantine-Reliable Domain Name Service protocol in networks with limited public key infrastructure, Alexander Michael Tsekhansky
Cable Television: Local Governmental Regulation in Perspective, John L. Grow
Canada's Capacity to Control the Flow: Water Export and the North American Free Trade Agreement, Scott Philip Little
Can Aggression Be Deterred by Law?, Benjamin B. Ferencz
Can the Pope Be a Defendant in American Courts? The Grant of Head of State Immunity and the Judiciary's Role to Answer This Question, Dina Aversano
Can the United States Talk the Talk & Walk the Walk when It Comes to Libel Tourism: How the Freedom to Sue Abroad Can Kill the Freedom of Speech at Home, Tara Sturtevant
Can't Live Without Air: Title Insurance and the Bursting of the Real Estate Bubble, Marvin N. Bagwell
Carbon Capture and Storage: Wishful Thinking or a Meaningful Part of the Climate Change Solution, Michael I. Jeffery
Cardozo, Anti-Formalism, and the Fiction of Noninterventionism, Larry A. DiMatteo
Cardozo's Opinion in Lady Lucy's Case: Formative Unconscionability, Impracticality and Judicial Abuse, Monroe H. Freedman
Carew-Reid v. Metropolitan Transportation Authority: Free Expression Sound and Fury, David Hebert
Carey v. Lovett: New Jersey's Unsound Expansion of Medical Malpractice Liability, Fredda Fixler-Fuchs
Carpe Diem: An Opportunity to Reclaim Lawyers' Independence, Louis A. Craco
Cary v. Oneok, Inc.: Oklahoma Supreme Court Upholds Plaintiff's Right to Attend Trial, Matthew A. Sokol
Celebrating Thirty Years of the Pace Law Review, Michelle S. Simon
Certificate of Need for Health Care Facilities: A Time for Re-examination, Roberta M. Roos
Champions of Change: Reinventing Democracy through Land Law Reform, John R. Nolon
Changing Nature: The Myth of the Inevitability of Ecosystem Management, Bruce Pardy
Changing Times--Changing Practice: New Roles for Lawyers in Resolving Complex Land Use and Environmental Disputes, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Charles Ashford Pace and Wife Elizabeth, University Archives, Pace University
Charles Ashford Pace as a Young Man, University Archives, Pace University
Charles Ashford Pace - Co-Founder of Pace University, University Archives, Pace University
Charles Fremont Pace and Elizabeth Hamilton Pace, University Archives, Pace University
Charles Fremont Pace and Family, University Archives, Pace University
Charles Richard Pace as a Young Man, University Archives, Pace University
Charles Richard Pace - Third Child of Homer St. Clair and Mabel Vanderhoof Pace, University Archives, Pace University
Cherchez La Politique, Constantine Sidamon-Eristoff
Child Labor and Cultural Relativism: From 19th Century America to 21st Century Nepal, Michele D'Avolio
Child Pornography's Forgotten Victims, Audrey Rogers
Children and Guns, Susan DeFrancesco
China’s Arsenal of Political Persecution - A Double-Edged Sword, Ralph Hua
China’s Implementation of the UN Sales Convention Through Arbitral Tribunals, Mark R. Shulman
Christopher J. Duerksin, Environmental Regulation of Industrial Plant Siting, Arthur A. Palmer
CISG-AC Publishes First Opinion
CISG: Italian Court and Homeward Trend - Queen Mary Case Translation Programme Corte d'Appello di Milano 20 March 1998 Italdecor s.a.s. Yiu's Industries (H.K.) Limited (default) , Angela Maria Romito
CISG: Pace University School of Law Internet World Wide Web Site, Albert Kritzer
City of Louisville v. The Women's Club of Louisville, Carson P. Porter
City of Renton v. Playtime Theatres, Inc.: Court-Approved Censorship through Zoning , William M. Sunkel
City's Watershed Regulation: Localities, Landowners Object to Changes in Jurisdiction, John R. Nolon
Civil and Criminal Enforcement of the Clean Air Act After the 1990 Amendments, James Miskiewicz and John S. Rudd
Civil Commitment in New York City: An Analysis of Practice, Bradley D. McGraw, W. Lawrence Fitch, Hugh Colin Buckley, and Thomas B. Marvell
Civil Forfeiture of Real Property: The Government's Weapon against Drug Traffickers Injures Innocent Owners, Patricia M. Canavan
Civil Liability for Aiding and Abetting: Should Lawyers Be "Privileged" to Assist Their Clients' Wrongdoing?, Eugene J. Schiltz
Civil Liberties for Urban Believers v. City of Chicago: A Defining Case for the Substantial Burden Test under the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act Note, Noelle V. Crisalli
Claims by Non-Citizens under the Americans with Disabilities Act: Proper Extraterritorial Application in Torrico v. International Business Machines, Michelle Shender
Claims of Political Asylum Based on Non-Physical Forms of Harm Such as Economic Sanctions and Deprivations, Dessi Mathew
Clarifying the Rules and Roles of Land Use Boards, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Classification of Participants in Suicide Attacks and the Implications of this Classification on the Severity of the Sentence: The Israeli Experience in the Military Courts in Judea and Samaria as a Model to Other Nations, Amit Preiss and Chagai D. Vinizky
Clean Air Act Colloquium - Directions and Corrections in Clean Air Policy: Foreword, Marc A. Yaggi
Clean Air Act Implementation: An Industry Perspective, Elizabeth M. Morss
Clean Air Act Reform: A Necessity for the Act's Survival, Ernest S. Rosenberg
Clean Air for the Year 2000, David Doniger
Clean Air Litigation in a Restructuring Electricity World, Peter Lehner
Clean-Water Land Use: Connecting Scale and Function, Craig Anthony Arnold
Client-Directed Lawyers for Children: It Is the Right Thing to Do?, Linda D. Elrod
Climate Adaptation Policy at the Continental Level: Natural Resources in North America and Europe, Paul Stanton Kibel
Climate Capitalism: The Business Case for Climate Protection, L. Hunter Lovins
Climate Change and Sustainable Development: The Quest for Green Communities, Part I, John R. Nolon
Climate Change and Sustainable Development: The Quest for Green Communities, Part II, John R. Nolon
Climate Change Framing and Social Marketing: The Influences that Persuade, Edna Sussman
Closer Integration, Controversial Rules: Issues Arising from the CEPA between Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macao, Jiaxiang Hu
Closing the Loopholes in Domestic Violence Laws: The Constitutionality of 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(9), Kerri Fredheim
Clustered Zoning Approaches Reduce Congestion, John R. Nolon
Coastal Smart Growth, Randolph R. Lowell
Coastal State's Jurisdiction over Foreign Vessels, Anne Bardin
Collaborating on Environmental Conservation, John R. Nolon
Collaborative Decision Making on Climate Change in the Federal Government, Joseph A. Siegel
Colloquium: The Rio Environmental Law Treaties IUCN's Proposed Covenant on Environment & Development, Nicholas A. Robinson
Commencement Address, Warren E. Burger
Comments on the Miller Commission Report: A California Perspective, Leonard Edwards
Community for Creative Non-Violence v. Reid: An Incomplete Resolution of the Work for Hire Controversy, Nancy Barbara Morris
Community Involvement: Facilitation Adds Flexibility to Land Use Decision-Making, John R. Nolon
Comparative American-Soviet Environmental Land Use Laws - A. A Soviet View, Mikhail Galyatin
Comparative American-Soviet Environmental Land Use Laws - B. An American View Article/Commentary, Donald W. Stever, Jr.
Comparative Editorial Remarks on the Concept of Good Faith in the CISG and the PECL, John Felemegas
Comparative Land Use Law: Patterns of Sustainability, John R. Nolon
Comparing the General Good Faith Provisions of the PECL and the UCC: Appearance and Reality, Harry Flechtner
Competition, Environment, and the Electric Industry: A Special Symposium on Restructuring at the Crossroads: Introduction, Fred Zalcman and David Nichols
Comprehensive Land Use Planning: Learning How and Where to Grow, John R. Nolon
Computer Hacking: A Global Offense, Robert J. Sciglimpaglia, Jr.
Computer Software Patentability and the Role of Means-Plus-Function Format in Computer Software Claims, Lawrence Kass
Cone v. Nationwide: The Undue Narrowing of the Liability Insurance Policy's Modern Vehicular Exclusion, Gerianne Hannibal
Conflict in Implementing Environmental and Energy Policies, G.S. Peter Bergen
Confrontation, Fidelity, Transformation: The Fundamentalist Judicial Persona of Justice Antonin Scalia, Tom Levinson
Confronting Scientific Reports Under Crawford v. Washington, Bennett L. Gershman
Congressional Efforts to Eradicate Environmental Laws, Gregory Wetstone
Congressional Perspective on the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, Mike Synar, Vincent LoVoi, and Donald R.C. Pongrace
Congress, the President and the United Nations, Louis Henkin
Connecticut v. Mooney: Can a Homeless Person Find Privacy under a Bridge?, Teryl Smith Eisenberg
Connecting Litigation to a Grass Roots Movement: Monitoring, Organizing, and Brad H. v. City of New York, Heather Barr
Consent Decrees and the EPA: Are They Really Enforceable against the Agency?, Marina T. Larson
Consent to Harm, Vera Bergelson
Consequences for Agencies and Groups Responsible for Historic Preservation Programs, David Bonderman
Consequential Damages in CISG Context, Joseph M. Lookofsky
Considerations in Developing Common Environmental Legislation among MERCOSUR Countries, Carlos Vigil
Consolidated Planning Boards: Valid and Valuable - A Reply to Albert Pirro, Philip Weinberg
Constituting Fundamental Environmental Rights Worldwide, James R. May
Constitutional Catarrh: Democracy and Distrust, by John Hart Ely, Judith S. Koffler
Constitutional Framework and Fragile Democracies: Choosing between Parliamentarianism, Presidentialism and Semipresidentialism, Mark Freeman
Constitutionality of Torture in a Ticking-Bomb Scenario: History, Compelling Governmental Interests, and Supreme Court Precedents, Riddhi Dasgupta
Constitutional Taking Doctrine - Did Lucas Really Make a Difference?, Victoria Sutton
Constitution and Environment in Relation to Sustainable Development, Daniel A. Sabsay
Consumer Protection Laws in Bulgaria, Lionel M. Allen, Vincent Brannigan, Janet Corsson, and Bruce D. Ensor
Contacts, Fairness and State Interests: Personal Jurisdiction after Ashai Metal Industry Co. v. Superior Court of California, Bruce N. Morton
Contextualizing Environmental Human Rights: A Relativist Perspective, Roda Mushkat
Convocation on the Face of the Profession: Judicial Institute on Professionalism in the Law, Stephen J. Friedman
Cooper v. City of New York: The Fellow Servant Rule - Wanted Dead or Alive, Monique N. Thoresz
Copenhagen (COP-15) Roundtable, Nicholas A. Robinson, James M. Van Nostrand, Richard L. Ottinger, Andrew C. Revkin, Caleb Christopher, Joanne Kalas, Shakeel Kazmi, and Saleem Ali
Copperweld Corporation v. Independence Tube Corporation: The Death of a Doctrine , John T. O'Connor
Copyright and License Protection for Computer Programs: A Market Oriented Assessment, Lauren Bruzzone
Corporate Influence: How the Media Merger Trend Changed the Book Publishing Industry and the Distribution of Information, Michelle Kratz
Corporations as Victims of Mismanagement: Beyond the Shareholders vs. Managers Debate, Carlos Gomez-Jara Diez
Correcting Injustice: Studying How the United Kingdom and the United States Review Claims of Innocence, Lissa Griffin
Court of Appeals Again Restrains Lower Courts, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Court of Appeals - State Constitutional Law Review, 1990, Vincent Martin Bonventre
Court of Appeals - State Constitutional Law Review, 1991, Vincent Martin Bonventre
Court Prods Municipality: Other States Offer Large Number of Models to Consider, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Court Reviews: The Takings Doctrine and Exactions, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Courts Have Decided a Wide Range of Issues, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Courts v. Governors: Prisoners Torn between States: Who Should Determine Their Fate, Daniel Genet
Creating a Genetic Underclass: The Potential for Genetic Discrimination by the Health Insurance Industry , Carol Lee
Creating an Online Literary and Arts Journal: An Interdisciplinary Use of Technology and Web-based Resources, Deborah Poe, Jane Collins, and Narayan Murthy
Creating a Reacting to the Past Website and Promoting Interdisciplinary Humanities Teaching, Martha Driver and Nancy Raegin
Creation of an Interdisciplinary Program in Management, Technology and Sustainability Through Community Outreach and Empowerment, Claudia G. Green and Jonathan Hill
Creeping CANCOM: Canadian Distribution of American Television Programming to Alaskan Cable Systems, William J. Potts Jr. and James E. Dunstan
Criminal Jurisdiction of United States Forces in Europe , Daniel L. Pagano
Critical Thoughts about Race, Exclusion, Oppression, and Tenure, Deborah W. Post
Cross-Endorsement by Political Parties: A "Very Pretty Jungle"?, Celia Curtis
Cruel and Usual: Sentencing in the Federal Courts Jurist in Residence, John S. Martin, Jr.
Crystal Eastman , Sylvia A. Law
Cumulative Case Legal Arguments and the Justification of Academic Affirmative Action, R. George Wright
Cumulative Impacts in Environmental Review: The New York Standpoint, Scott A. Thornton
Current Issues in European Integration, David O'Keeffe
Current Issues in the Psychiatrist-Patient Relationship: Outpatient Civil Commitment, Psychiatric Abandonment and the Duty to Continue Treatment of Potentially Dangerous Patients - Balancing Duties to Patients and the Public, Linda C. Fentiman, Gaileen Kaufman, Vanessa Merton, Ernest F. Teitell, and Howard Zonana
Current Statutory and Case Law Developments in Historic Preservation, Frank B. Gilbert
Daily Income Fund, Inc. v. Fox: A Door to the Federal Courts Opens Needlessly , Richard John Olson
Damages: A Call for Meaningful Precedents, Thomas R. Newman
Data Mining as Applied to the SocialSciences, Walter Morris
Daubert v. Merrell Dow: Is This Just What the EMF Doctor Ordered?, Roland A. Giroux
David L. Callies, Regulating Paradise: Land Use Controls in Hawaii, Ralph Michael Stein
David Ross Brower and Nature's Laws: In Memoriam, Nicholas A. Robinson
David Sive Award Best Brief Overall: Galleon Enterprises, Inc., Sarah Williams, Elizabeth Pletan, and Matt Riley
David Sive Award Best Brief Overall Intervenor-Appellee, Alexander Casnocha, Juliette McCullough, and Gabriel McWhirter
David Sive Award for Best Brief Overall: Brief for Appellees (the Companies): Nineteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Katherine Gale and Nick Rogers
David Sive Award for Best Brief Overall: Eighteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Patrick Muench, Matthew McDonald, and Dionne Padilla
David Sive Award for Best Brief Overall: Seventeenth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Johanna Hickman and David Suggs
Davis v. Davis: The Embryonic Stages of Procreational Privacy, Leanne E. Murray
Davis v. Israel: When Miranda Warnings Do Not Warn
Dean's Remarks, Richard L. Ottinger
Death Becomes the State: The Death Penalty in New York State - Past, Present and Future, Deborah L. Heller
Death by Intimacy: Risk Factors for Domestic Violence, Janet A. Johnson, Victoria L. Lutz, and Neil Websdale
Death Penalty Jurisprudence in New York 1995 to the Present: How Far Have We Come? Where Are We Headed?, Joseph E. Fahey
Death Penalty Jurisprudence in New York and the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution: How Supreme Is It?, Joseph E. Fahey
Debt for Nature Swaps: An Increasingly Attractive Solution to a Pressing Global Problem, Jose O. Castaneda
DEC's Part 617 Regulations, as Amended: A Guide to the Implementation of SEQRA, Peter R. Paden
Dedication to Dr. Jack S. Schiff, Edward J. Mortola and Robert B. Fleming
Defeating Environmental Law: The Geology of Legal Advantage (1997 Garrison Lecture), William H. Rodgers Jr.
Defeating Environmental Law: The Geology of Legal Advantage: Third Annual Lloyd K. Garrison Lecture on Environmental Law, William H. Rodgers Jr.
Demonstrating the Requisite Level of Proof for a Federal Trademark Dilution Claim: Establishing Actual Dilution Following Moseley v. Victoria's Secret, Michael J. Schwarz
Denial of a Forum to Indirect-Purchaser Victims of Price Fixing Conspiracies: A Legal and Economic Analysis of Illinois Brick, Edmund H. Mantell
Despite Alarmists, 'Kelo' Decision Protects Property Owners and Serves the General Good, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Determining "Takings" under Coastal Zone Management Programs in New York and Connecticut, Stephen Chananie
Developing a genetic algorithm to construct efficient binary decision trees, Christopher Nwosisi
Developing a Legal and Administrative Framework for Land Use Planning and Environmental Protection, Rodolfo Pedro Gasso
Developing and Producing Coalbed Gas: Ownership, Regulation, and Environmental Concerns, Harry Cohen
Development Alternatives for Preservation by Nonprofit Organizations, Michael D. Bailkin
Development of Information Technology Auditing Teaching Modules: An Interdisciplinary Endeavor between Seidenberg and Lubin Faculty, Chienting Lin, Li-Chiou Chen, and Kaustav Sen
Development Rights, Donald H. Elliott
Development Rights and Water Body Protection Colloquium: Introduction
Devising a Compliance Strategy under the ISO 14000 International Environmental Management Standards, Donald A. Carr and William L. Thomas
Didden v. Port Chester: Placing Eminent Domain Debate in Proper Perspective, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Digging Out: As U.S. States Begin to Reduce Prison Use, Can American Turn the Corner on Its Imprisonment Binge?, Vincent Schiraldi
Director Liability for Corporate Crimes: Lawyers as Safe Haven?, John A. Humbach
Dirks v. SEC: New Guidelines for Tippee Liability under Rule 10b-5 , Kathleen Donelli
Disaster Mitigation through Land Use Strategies, John R. Nolon
Discovery Sanctions against the Criminal Defendant: Preclusion, Judicial Discretion and Truth-Seeking, Matthew R. Atkinson
Discriminatory Retaliation: Title VII Protection for the Cooperating Employee, Megan E. Mowrey
Discussing Islam in the Post-9/11 Epistemological Terrain, Seval Yildirim
Disquiet on the Home Front: Disturbing Crises in the Nation's Markets and Institutions, Shelby D. Green
Distinguishing the Various Functions of Effective Prison Oversight, Michele Deitch
Doctrines Regarding the Fight Against Impunity and the Victim's Right for the Perpetrator to be Punished, Jesus-Maria Silva Sanchez
Does Garbage Have Standing?: Democracy, Flow Control and a Principled Constitutional Approach to Municipal Solid Waste Management, Michael D. Diederich Jr.
Does the First Amendment Restrict Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Copyright Judgments and Arbitration Awards?, Sharon E. Foster
Domestic and International Arbitration in Italy after the Legislative Reform, Giorgio Bernini
Don't Take My Sunshine Away: Right-to-Light and Solar Energy in the Twenty-First Century, Tawny L. Alvarez
Doubting Free Will: Three Experiments, John A. Humbach
Dow Chemical Co. v. United States: Aerial Surveillance and the Fourth Amendment, Diane Rosenwasser Skalak
Down but Not Out: How School Districts May Utilize Race-Conscious Student Assignments in the Wake of Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1, Michael A. Stevens
Draft Statute for an International Criminal Court
Dronenburg v. Zech: Sexual Preference Discrimination Sanctioned in the Name of Judicial Restraint , Jeffrey Michael Winn
Drug Problem: Environmental Solution, Lisa Scanga
D. Swartzman, R. Liroff and K. Croke, Cost-Benefit Analysis and Environmental Regulations: Politics, Ethics and Method, Sheri Chrimes
Due Process Challenges to Eyewitness Identification Based on Pretrial Photographic Arrays, Connie Mayer
Dying Twice: Conditions on New York's Death Row, David S. Hammer, Art C. Cody, Risa B. Gerson, Norman L. Greene, Michael B. Mushlin, and Richard T. Wolf
Dyson Distinguished Lecture: Precedent and Policy in Constitutional Law, Harry W. Jones
Dyson Distinguished Lecture: The ABM Treaty and the Strategic Defense Initiative, Abram Chayes
Earning Deference: Reflections on the Merger of Environmental and Land-Use Law , Michael Allan Wolf
Earth Jurisprudence: The Moral Value of Nature, Judith E. Koons
Ecological and Legal Problems of Agro-Chemicalization, M. M. Brinchuk
Ecological Security: The International Aspect, A. S. Timoshenko
Economic Analysis, Alan Krupnick
Economic Due Process and the Takings Clause, John A. Humbach
Economic Impact Analyses, Susan E. Dudley
Economic Impact Analysis: The EPA Perspective, Ronald Evans
Economic Returns on Historic Properties, Ralph C. Menapace Jr.
Ecosystem Management in Question: A Reply to Ruhl, Bruce Pardy
ECRA Verdict: The Successes and Failures of the Premiere Transaction-Triggered Environmental Law Commentary, David B. Farer
Educational Policymaking and the Courts: An Empirical Study of Judicial Activism, James J. Fishman
Effective Corrections Oversight: What Can We Learn from ACA Standards and Accreditation?, David M. Bogard
Effective Post-PLRA Settlement Models: A Case Study of Arizona's Protective Segregation Lawsuit, Debbie A. Hill, Larry Hammond, and Bruce Skolnik
Effective Representation of Clients in Environmental Dispute Resolution, Gail Bingham, Pamela Esterman, and Christopher Riti
Effective Self-Monitoring of Correctional Conditions, Carl Reynolds
Effect of a Remedy Limitation Clause on Specific Performance: S.E.S. Importers, Inc. v. Pappalardo, Victor Gartenstein and Lester B. Herzog
Efficacy of the Obama Policies to Combat Al-Qa'eda, the Taliban, and Associated Forces--The First Year, Jeffrey F. Addicott
Eighth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition
Electric Utility Regulation Reform in New York: Economic Competitiveness at the Expense of the Environment?, James D. Elliott
Electric Vehicles: A Breath of Fresh Air for the Next Millennium, Bobbie Anne Flower
Electronic Portfolios Across the Disciplines: Using Technology as an Authentic Assessment Tool, Linda Anstendig and Beth Klingner
Elizabeth Neville Pace, Pace University
Eminent Domain Exercised - Stare Decisis or a Warning: City of Oakland v. Oakland Raiders , Michael Schiano
Emotional intelligence and beliefs about children, discipline and classroom practices among pre-service teachers, Maryclare E Flanagan
Employment Division, Department of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith: The Erosion of Religious Liberty, Paul S. Zilberfein
Ending Exploitative Child Labor Practices, Maureen Moran
Ending the War and Securing Peace in Former Yugoslavia, Philip J. Cohen
Energy and Environmental Challenges for Developed and Developing Countries: Keynote Address Presented at the United Nations Meeting on Energy and Environment in the Development Process, Richard L. Ottinger
Energy Policy in America Since 1945: A Study of Business-Government Relations, William R. Slye
Enforceability of Predispute Arbitration Agreements under the Federal Securities Laws: Shearson/American Express, Inc. v. McMahon, Lori Stewart Blea
Enforcement of the Statutes Governing Disposal and Cleanup of Hazardous Wastes, Carol E. Dinkins
Engaging Students in Real-life Data and Network Security Assessment of Pace Computing Environment, Narayan Murthy and Ravi RAvishanker
Enhancing Criminal Penalties for Catastrophic Discharges: Closing a Clean Water Act Loophole That a Leaking Supertanker Can Sail Through, Robert W. Vinal
Enhancing Pace’s Informatics Platform though the Fine Arts Digital Photo Program., Roger Sayre
Ensuring Progress: Accountability Standards Recommended by the National Prison Rape Elimination Commission, Jamie Fellner
Environmental Accountability and Public Involvement, LeRoy Paddock
Environmental Catastrophes and Flags of Convenience - Does the Present Law Pose Special Liability Issues?, L. F.E. Goldie
Environmental Dispute Resolution in the Law School Curriculum, Jill I. Gross and Alexandra D. Dunn
Environmental Ethics for Engineers, R. J. Piaggione
Environmental Framework Laws in Latin America, Felipe Paez
Environmental Law Administration and Policy in the USSR, Oleg S. Kolbasov
Environmental Law and Justice in New York City, Where a Park is Not Just a Park , Christopher Rizzo
Environmental Law and the General Welfare (1998 Garrison Lecture), Oliver A. Houck
Environmental Law and the General Welfare: Second Annual Lloyd K. Garrison Lecture on Environmental Law , Oliver Houck
Environmental Law and the Supreme Court: Three Years Later (2002 Addendum), Richard J. Lazarus
Environmental Law in the Political Ecosystem - Coping with the Reality of Politics: Eighth Annual Lloyd K. Garrison Lecture on Environmental Law, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Environmentally Based Land Use Planning and Regulation, Arthur E. Palmer
Environmental Protection and Economic Competitiveness, Horacio Carmona
Environmental Regulatory Reform, Carol M. Browner
Environmental Security, Environmental Management, and Environmental Justice, Bernard A. Weintraub
Environmental Statutes That Control U.S. Agency Projects Abroad: The Endangered Species Act and Defenders of Wildlife v. Lujan, Carol Conyers
Environment, Law, and Nonprofits: How NGOs Shape Our Laws, Health, and Communities, Peter Lehner
Equality and Non-Discrimination in the Law of European Union, Richard Plender
Equal Opportunity in Higher Education: An Affirmative Response, Harlan A. Loeb
Equal Protection Minus Strict Scrutiny Plus Benign Classification Equals What ? Equality of Opportunity, Johnny C. Parker
Equitable Defenses against the Government in the Natural Resources and Environmental Law Context, Mary V. Laitos, Danielle V. Smith, and Amy E. Mang
Estimating intrinsic engineering value of emerging software innovations, Visveshwar (Vishu) Reddy
Ethical Considerations for Sustainable Development: Third Annual Gilbert and Sarah Kerlin Lecture, Juan Mayr Maldonado
Ethical Impulses from the Death Penalty: Old Sparky's Jolt to the Legal Profession, Joseph W. Bellacosa
Ethical Issues in the Practice of Environmental Law, John French III
EU Membership and an Independent Basque State, Lindsay Murphy
European Environmental Law and the Constitution, Alexandre Kiss
Evaluating Farmland Preservation through Suffolk County, New York's Purchase of Development Rights Program Comment, Mark R. Rielly
Evaluating the Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution Techniques and Processes in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Enforcement Cases: Views of Agency Attorneys, Susan Raines and Rosemary O'Leary
Everything Old is New Again: An Essay Review of Anthony G. Amsterdam & Jerome Bruner, Minding the Law, Steven D. Jamar
Evolutionary Statutory Interpretation: Mr. Justice Scalia Meets Darwin, Jeffrey G. Miller
Exacting Tests: Determining When a Taking Is Unconstitutional, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Exclusionary Zoning: Mount Laurel in New York?, Terry Rice
Exclusive Contracts and Hospital-Based Physicians, Michael K. Yarbrough
Exemptions to the Disclosure Requirements, David L. Ratner
Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies - New Dimensions since Darby, William Funk
Expanding the Use of Environmental Trading Programs into New Areas of Environmental Regulation, Richard E. Ayres
Exploring (Social) Class in the Classroom: The Case of Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon, Miriam A. Cherry
Exploring the Strategic Alignment of Performing Arts and Computing: Creating and Delivering Multimedia Performing Arts Content, Linda Calloway and Robert Meffe
Exploring Web 2.0 Technologies to Internationalize the Teaching of Psychology, Richard Velayo
Extending Extraterritorial Abduction Beyond Its Limit: United States v. Alvarez-Machain, Joseph Miller
Extradition and the International Criminal Court: The Future of the Political Offense Doctrine, Christine E. Cervasio
E.Z. v. Coler: Can the Constitution Protect Our Children?, Carol DiSalvatore
Fairness in Securities Arbitration: A Constitutional Mandate?, Sarah Rudolph Cole
Fair Use or Foul Play? The EC Directive on the Legal Protection of Computer Programs and Its Impact on Reverse Engineering, Marc A. Ehrlich
Falconry: Legal Ownership and Sale of Captive-Bred Raptors, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Fallout from Kelo: Ruling Spurs Legislative Proposals to Limit Takings, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Family Vacation with Charles Richard Pace, University Archives,Pace University
Family Vacation with Son Robert Scott Pace, Pace University
Federal Common Law and the Role of the Federal Courts in Private Law Adjudication - A (New) Erie Problem?, George D. Brown
Federal Environmental Review Process, John M. Fowler
Federal Environmental Statutes, Kevin Madonna
Federal Preemption of Inconsistent State Safety Obligations, M. Stuart Madden
Federal Regulation of Testing with Laboratory Animals: Future Directions, Kinsey S. Reagan
Federal Sentencing Guidelines: What Is the Fair Interpretation of Mixture or Substance?, Joseph Rizzo
Federal Swap Program, Creating Jobs, and Trade Equilibrium, Narendra C. Bhandari
Federal Wetlands Regulatory Policy: Up to Its Ears in Alligators, Hope Babcock
Fencing the Fifth Amendment in Our Own Backyard, Christine L. Reimann
Feticide Laws: Contemporary Legal Applications and Constitutional Inquiries, Marka B. Fleming
FIFRA Lite: A Regulatory Solution or Part of the Pesticide Problem?, Pamela A. Finegan
Fifth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition: Introduction
Fighting Terror and Defending Freedom: The Role of Cost-Benefit Analysis , Daniel J. Mitchell
Filling the Void in an Otherwise Occupied Field: Using Federal Common Law to Regulate Carbon Dioxide in the Absence of a Preemptive Statute , Sarah Olinger
Final Status Report [Thinkfinity Website Translation], Jing Zhao
Financing for Eternity the Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel: A Crisis of Law and Policy Precipitated by Electric Deregulation Will Face New President, Michael A. Mullett
Finding the Middle Ground: Acuna v. Turkish and the New Jersey Supreme Court's Reaffirmation of a Doctor's Role Under the Doctrine of Informed Consent in the Digital Age, Allyson M. Rucinski
First Annual International Criminal Court Moot Competition: Best Memorial for Defense, Louisiana State University Law Center
First Annual International Criminal Court Moot Competition: Best Memorial for Prosecution, University of Connecticut School of Law
First Annual International Criminal Court Moot Competition: Best Memorial for Victims' Advocate, Santa Clara University School of Law
First Annual International Criminal Court Moot Competition: Moot Problem 2005
First, Do No Harm, Susan E. Brown
FISA Amendments Act 2008: Protecting Americans by Monitoring International Communications--Is It Reasonable?, Jessica LoConte
Five Lessons from the Clean Air Act Implementation, David M. Driesen
Fixing Our Drinking Water: From Field and Forest to Faucet, Keith S. Porter
Flexibility in the Law: Reengineering of Zoning to Prevent Fragmented Landscapes, John R. Nolon
Florida Audubon Society v. Bentsen: An Improper Application of Lujan to a Procedural Rights Plaintiff, William M. Orr
Fluoridation of Public Water Systems: Valid Exercise of State Police Power or Constitutional Violation, Douglas A. Balog
Flying Above the Law and Below the Radar: Instilling a Taxpaying Ethos in Those Playing by Their Own Rules, Richard Lavoie
Following the Yellow Brick Road of Evolving Standards of Decency: The Ironic Consequences of Death-is-Different Jurisprudence, William W. Berry, III
Forecasting Significant Air Act Implementation Issues: Permitting and Enforcement, Daniel Riesel
Forensic Testimony: What Judges Want, Laurence Loeb
Forensic Testimony: What Judges Want, Ronald B. Adrine
Forest Fires as a Common International Concern: Precedents for the Progressive Development of International Environmental Law, Nicholas A. Robinson
Foreword, Lee Paddock and Cindy Burda
Foreword, Kenneth M. Karas
Foreword, Janice Pargh
Foreword: A Symposium on the Proposed Federal Securities Code, Seymour Arthur Casper
Foreword: Celebrating the Life of Barbara C. Salken Memorial Service - November 21, 1996
Foreword: Eastern Water Law Symposium: Integrating Land Use Law and Water Law: The Obstacles and Opportunities, Lee Paddock and Megan Smith
Foreword - Prison Reform Revisited: The Unfinished Agenda, Michael B. Mushlin
Foreword: Symposium , J. Patrick Carley III
Foreword Symposium: Victims and the Criminal Justice System, Luis E. Chiesa
Formulation of a State's Response to Terrorism and State-Sponsored Terrorism, John Alan Cohan
Forum Non Conveniens and the Need For Availability of an Alternative Forum Under CPLR 327: Is the Islamic Republic Case an Anomaly?, Anthony J. Centone
Forum Shopping and Other Reflections on Litigation Involving U.S. and European Businesses, Donald C. Dowling, Jr.
For Whom the Bell Tolls: Religious Properties as Landmarks under the First Amendment Comment, Karen L. Wagner
Foundation on Economic Trends v. Heckler: Genetic Engineering and NEPA's EIS Requirement, Elizabeth Pizzulli
Fourth Annual Conference on Animals and the Law: Foreword, Shari E. Clemens
Fourth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition: Introduction
Framework Evidence vs. Syndrome Evidence, Audrey Stone
Framework Laws - The Key to Sustainable Development in the Americas: Foreword, Michael G. Murphy
Framing Technology and Link Liability, Peter Jakab
Freedom: Long Term Recording Agreements and the International Music Industry, Karl Zucconi
Free Speech, Terrorism, and European Security: Defining and Defending the Political Community, Shawn Marie Boyne
Free Will Ideology: Experiments, Evolution and Virtue Ethics, John A. Humbach
Friends of the Earth v. Crown Central Petroleum: The Surrogate Enforcer Must Be Allowed to "Stand Up" for the Clean Water Act, John Dolgetta
From 10 to 20: A Guide to Utilizing the MacCrate Report over the Next Decade, Russell Engler
From Euclid to Growing Smart: The Transformation of the American Local Land Use Ethic into Local Land Use and Environmental Controls , Patricia E. Salkin
From Sea to Shining Sea: Manifest Destiny and the National Land Use Dilemma, Henry R. Richmond
From the Amazon to the Alps: A Comparison of the Pharmaceutical Biodiversity Legal Protection in Brazil and Switzerland, Albena P. Petrova
From the Furies of Nanking to the Eumenides of the International Criminal Court; The Evolution of Sexual Assaults as International Crimes, Samantha I. Ryan
From the Sandbox to Sandblasting: Regulation of Crystalline Silica , Linda Regis
From White Plains to Austin: The Road from the Prison Reform Revisited Conference to the Opening Up a Closed World Conference, Michael B. Mushlin
Fulfilling Lucy's Legacy: Recognizing Implicit Good-Faith Obligations within Explicit Job Duties, Emily Gold Waldman
Full Speed Ahead: International Law concerning Marine Pollution and the United States Navy - Steaming towards State Responsibility and Compliance, Florencio J. Yuzon
Furthering the Uniform Application of the CISG: Sources of Law on the Internet, Camilla Baasch Andersen
Fusing Economic and Environmental Policy: The Need for Framework Laws in the United States and Argentina, John R. Nolon
Garcia v. San Antonio Metropolitan Transit Authority: The Commerce Clause and the Political Process, Debra E. Young and Thomas G. Gardiner
Garrett v. Holiday Inns, Inc.: Expanding the Right of Apportionment and Municipal Tort Liability , Jean E. Burke
Garrison Lecture 2002 Reunion Roundtable Transcript
Garrison Summary - A Generational History of Environmental Law and Its Grand Themes: A Near Decade of Garrison Lectures, Jeffrey G. Miller
Gasperini v. Center for Humanities, Inc.: State Jury Award Controls Supplant Seventh Amendment Protections, Joseph B. Koczko
Gay Parenting: Myths and Realities, Marianne T. O'Toole
Gedenkschrift in Honor of E. Allan Farnsworth (1928-2005), Karen Einsidler
Gender, Development, and the Law in the Middle East and North Africa, Nadereh Chamlou
Gender differences in parental representations and their effect on adolescent individuation and depression, Adriana DiMatteo
General Permits Under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, Steven G. Davison
Generosity and America's Trade Relations with Sub-Saharan Africa, Raj Bhala
Genes for Free: The Effect of Publication of the Human Genome on the Patentability of Genes and Gene-Based Inventions, Robert S. Schwartz
Genocide: The Namibian Case against Germany, Lynn Berat
Getting Serious about an International Criminal Court, Michael P. Scarf
Getting the Sticker Price Right: Incentives for Cleaner, More Efficient Vehicles, Nathanael Greene and Vanessa Ward
Getting to Yes in a PLRA World, Elizabeth Alexander
Gideon v. Wainwright: A Lesson in the Obvious, Judith S. Kaye
Gideon v. Wainwright: A Quarter-Century Later, Yale Kamisar
Gideon v. Wainwright in Death Penalty Cases, Ronald Tabak
Gideon v. Wainwright Revisited: What Does the Right to Counsel Guarantee Today? Foreword, Michael B. Mushlin
Gideon v. Wainwright's Application in the Courts Today, Paula Semmes Deutsch, Susan Hofkin Salomon, Barbara D. Underwood, Charles Ogletree, Jack B. Weinstein, and Michael R. Juviler
Giving Every Child a Chance: The Need for Reform and Infrastructure in Intercountry Adoption Policy, Rachel J. Wechsler
Global Climate Change: A Civic Republican Moment for Achieving Broader Changes in Environmental Behavior, Hope M. Babcock
Global Climate Change Kyoto Protocol Implementation: Legal Frameworks for Implementing Clean Energy Solutions, Richard L. Ottinger and Mindy Jayne
Global Warming: Zoning May Be an Antidote to Climate Change, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Globe Newspaper: Sounding the Death Knell for Closure in Courtroom Proceedings , John C. Hearn
Golden and Its Emanations: The Surprising Origins of Smart Growth, John R. Nolon
'Golden' Anniversary: 30-Year-old Decision Is Fabric of Land Use Law, John R. Nolon
Golden v. Planning Bd. of Ramapo Revisited: Old Lessons for New Problems, Jill Devine
Goldman v. Weinberger: Deference or Abdication, Susan Anisfield Vallario
Goodman & Epstein, Listening to Battered Women: A Survivor-Centered Approach to Advocacy, Mental Health and Justice, Julie Goldscheid
Governor Mario M. Cuomo - Commencement Address 1989, Mario M. Cuomo
Grade 6-8 Living Things, Theresa Gomez
Grade 7 Earth Day Statistics with Circle and Bar Graphs, Joanne Erenberg
Grade 7 Native Americans, Bryan Fierson
Grade 9-10 Spanish food and cooking, Montsernat Ballina Llosa
Grades 11-12 Short Stories, Lauren Russo
Grades 6-8 Ecology, Jessica Williams
Grades 7-8 Independent and Dependent Variables, Danielle Carpentieri
Grades 9-10 Algebra: Graphic Quadratics on the Coordinate Plane, Michelle Darcy
Grades 9-10 Global History: Enlightenment, Rachel Kupersmith
Grades 9-12 Earth Science, Katie Whittaker
Grades 9 - 12 Surrealism, Angela Zornetsky
Graduation Dinner, University Archives, Pace University
Graduation Remarks, Jay C. Carlisle
Grandfathering Under SEQRA: How to Determine Which Actions Are Excluded from the Environmental Impact Statement Requirement, Rochel Stein
Greater Public Participation in the Enforcement of the Clean Water Act, John Bliss
Green Fees and the Need for Fiscal Restructuring: Opportunities and Challenges, Roger C. Dower and Robert Repetto
Greening State Energy Taxes: Carbon Taxes for Revenue and the Environment, Frank Muller and J. Andrew Hoerner
Greenmail: Is It Just Passing the Buck?, Nancy A. Lester-Lawson
Groundwater Pollution Control: A National Aim, A Regional Strategy, Sheila F. Anthony
Grubart v. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company: A Reasonable Conclusion to the Debate on Admiralty Tort Jurisdiction, Dale Van Denmark
Grupo Protexa, S.A. v. All American Marine Slip, Stephen M. De Luca
Guardianship Proceedings in New York: Proposals for Article 81 to Address Both the Lack of Funding and Resource Problems, Julie M. Solinski
Gubernatorial Office of Regulatory Reform and the Environmental Regulated Community, Robert King
Habeas Corpus in Times of Emergency: A Historical and Comparative View, Brian Farrell
Hallstrom v. Tillamook County: Interpreting the Notice Provisions of Environmental Statutes, Karen P. Ryan
“Hard Strikes and Foul Blows”: Berger v. United States 75 Years After, Bennett L. Gershman
Harnessing Wind Is Not (by Nature) Environmentally Friendly, Victoria Sutton and Nicole Tomich
Have the Courts Made a Difference in the Quality of Prison Conditions? What Have We Accomplished to Date?, Vincent M. Nathan
Hazardous Waste Liability, M. Stuart Madden
Hazardous Waste Management After Shell Oil , Lori Caramanian
Health Care Access for Children with Disabilities, Linda C. Fentiman
Hearing Reports under the Environmental Conservation Law: Their Function, Preparation, and Importance, Daniel A. Ruzow and J. Langdon Marsh
Hearing the Victim's Voice: Analysis of Victims' Advocate Participation in the Trial Proceeding of the International Criminal Court, Gerard J. Mekjian and Mathew C. Varughese
Heeding the Call of Cassano v. Cassano: The Need to Amend the Child Support Standards Act, Laurie Dichiara
He Knew More: Balzac and the Law, Daniel J. Kornstein
Helen Pace - Daughter and First Child of Homer and Mabel Pace, University ARchives, Pace University
Herb's Welding v. Gray: "Maritime Employment" Remains Undefined, Jeffrey A. Weiss
Hewlett, Off-Ramps and On-Ramps: Keeping Talented Women On the Road to Success, Rachel J. Littman
Hidden Diagnosis and Misleading Testimony: How Courts Get Shortchanged, Michael Welner
Hidden Prisons: Twenty-Three-Hour Lockdown Units in New York State Correctional Facilities, Jennifer R. Wynn and Alisa Szatrowski
High School Microsoft Powerpoint, Ladane Du Boulay
Hills v. Commissioner: Failure to File Insurance Claim Not a Bar to Theft Loss Deduction , Rona Senior
Historical Overview of the American Land Use System: A Diagnostic Approach to Evaluating Governmental Land Use Control, John R. Nolon
Historical Perspective: The Evolution of Mercosur in a South American Integration, Enrique J. Aramburu
Historic Preservation and the Law: Appraisals of Realty for Taxation, Eugene J. Morris
Historic Preservation Law and Advocacy, Paul Spencer Byard
Historic Preservation Law: The Metes & (and) Bounds of a New Field, Nicholas A. Robinson
Historic Preservation Litigation: A Case Study, Stephen L. Kass
H.J. Leonard, Are Environmental Regulations Driving U.S. Industry Overseas?, Gary D. Cohen
Hogwash! Why Industrial Animal Agriculture is Not beyond the Scope of Clean Air Act Regulation , Sarah C. Wilson
Homer Pace and Family, University Archives, Pace University
Homer St. Clair Pace and Dog, University Archives, Pace University
Homer St. Clair Pace as a Co- Founder of Pace University, University Archives, Pace University
Homer St. Clair Pace as a Young Man, University Archives, Pace University
Homer St. Clair Pace At Work, University Archives, Pace University
Homer St. Clair Pace in a Casual Pose, University Archives, Pace University
Homer St. Clair Pace in his Study, Pace University
Homer St. Clair Pace - President, University Archives, Pace University
Honorable Justice: The Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes by S. Novick, James J. Fishman
Hopwood and Its Consequences, Michael S. Greve
Hospice: An Alternative Treatment of Care for the Terminally Ill, Audrey Sander Hagerman
Howell v. New York Post: Patient Rights versus the Press, Padraic D. Lee
How May I Serve You? Service of Process by Mail under the Hague Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters, Patricia N. McCausland
How New York Should Implement the Federal Full Faith and Credit Guarantee for Out-of-State Orders of Protection, Victoria L. Lutz and Cara M. Bonomolo
How Not to Process Stateless Enemies: A Review of Andrew McCarthy's Willful Blindness: A Memoir of the Jihad, Timothy Connors
How Shall They Be Known? Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals and Eyewitness Identification, Peter J. Cohen
How to Fix Unpaid Arbitration Awards, Per Jebsen
H.R. 3641: Mitigating Antitrust Sanctions for Research and Development Joint Ventures , J. Patrick Ovington
Hudson v. Palmer: Return to the Hands-Off Approach to Prisoners' Rights?, Patricia Yak
Human Rights and Non-State Actors, Thomas M. McDonnell, Winston P. Nagan, Richard Dicker, and Patricia Armstrong
ICSID Arbitration Proceedings: Practical Aspects, Georges R. Delamue
Ideal to Law to Practice: The Universal Declaration Today and Tomorrow, Paul Chevigny, Louis Sohn, Georges Abi-Saab, and Theodor Meron
Identifying Landmarks, Jerry L. Rogers
IFRS v. U.S. GAAP: Impact on a Company's Earning and Activities, Linda Li
Illegal Drug Laboratories: A Growing Health and Toxic Waste Problem, Geraldine Gardner
Impact Statements: Regulations Leave Room for Delays in SEQRA Proceedings, John R. Nolon
Implementing the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990: Major Rules - 1995-2000, Shannon Broome
Implications of the Grand Central Terminal Litigation and Likely Effects on State and Municipal Government Programs, Herbert Gleason
Implied, Inferred, and Imposed: Default Rules and Adhesion Contracts - the Need for Radical Surgery, Peter Linzer
Improper Interference: The Perils of Defending Suspected Terrorists in Northern Ireland, Una Lucey
Improving the Teaching of Econometrics at Pace University Using Stata, Gregory Colman
In Accordance with a Comprehensive Plan, the Need for Planning Consistency in New York State, Peter Q. Eschweiler
In An Instant, Renee Cotten
Inaugural Presentation of the Elizabeth Haub Prize for Environmental Diplomacy: Acceptance Address, Bo Kjellen
In Celebration of the Life of Vincent L. Broderick, Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Inclusionary Zoning in Westchester County, New York: Is It a Viable Tool to Reduce a County-Wide Housing Crisis?, Ann S. Matthews
Inclusionary Zoning: The Effect of Market Forces on Local Housing Law, John R. Nolon
Increasing High School STEM Participation Through Robotics Training and Tournaments (INTERIM REPORT), Richard Kline
Independent Correctional Oversight Mechanisms Across the United States: A 50-State Inventory, Michele Deitch
Independent, Mainstream and In Between: How and Why Indie Films Have Become Their Own Genre, Carrie Szabo
Informatics and Natural Computation: Final Report, Francis T. Marchese
Injustice Ignored: The Internment of Italian - Americans during World War II, Paula Branca-Santos
In Our Backyards: Analyzing Local Authority to Adopt Environmental Laws, John R. Nolon
In Praise of Parochialism: The Advent of Local Environmental Law, John R. Nolon
In re Conroy: A Limited Right to Withold or Withdraw Artificial Nourishment, Helen L. Siegal
In re Edwin L.: When Process Isn't Due, Debra Bloomer
In re Estate of Wilson: Judicial Reformation of Discriminatory Charitable Trusts , Carla Driansky Glassman
In Re Extradition of Atta: Tension between the Political Offense Exception and U.S. Counterterrorism Policy, Lorenzo L. Lorenzotti
In re Storar: Euthanasia for Incompetent Patients, a Proposed Model , Joram Graf Haber
In Search of a Cause: Addressing the Confusion in Proving Causation of a Public Nuisance, Steven Sarno
In Search of Equality in Legal Education: The Grutter v. Bollinger Case, Rudy Sandoval and Laura Lisa Sandoval
Insolvency of a German Limited Liability Company: De Facto Shareholders, Group Liability for Individual Shareholders, Daniela Weber-Rey
Insurance as a Mitigation Mechanism: Managing International Greenhouse Gas Emmissions through Nationwide Mandatory Climate Change Catastrophe Insurance, Anastasia Telesetsky
Integrating Academic Skills into First Year Curricula: Using Wood v. Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon to Teach the Role of Facts in Legal Reasoning, Deborah Zalesne and David Nadvorney
Integrating Ecology and Information Technology: Conserving Natural Resources, Melissa M. Grigione and Dan Farkas
Integrating Local Waterfront Revitalization Planning into Local Comprehensive Planning and Zoning, Patricia E. Salkin
"Intelligence" Searches and Purpose: A Significant Mismatch Between Constitutional Criminal Procedure and the Law of Intelligence-Gathering, Robert C. Power
Interactive Whiteboard, Mortola Library and CTLT (Center for Teaching Learning and Technology)
Inter-American Commercial Arbitration - Unicorn or Beast of Burden?, Charles Robert Norberg
Intermunicipal Agreements: The Metamorphosis of Home Rule , Mary E. Mohnach
Intermunicipal Compacts; Regional Land Use Strategies Work at the Grassroots Level, John R. Nolon
International Adoption: A Step Towards a Uniform Process, Mary Ann Candelario McMillan
International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration , Yves Derains
International Criminal Courts: The Legacy of Nuremberg, Benjamin B. Ferencz
International Effects of Noncompliance with Environmental Standards, Julio Barberis
International Election Observation, W. Michael Reisman
International Environmental Harmonization - Emergence and Development of the Andean Community, Victor Tafur-Dominguez
International Environmental Law: A Canadian Perspective , Francois A. Mathys
International Extradition: The Canadian Example of Justice and Fair Play, Roy Carleton Howell
International Humanitarian Law from Nuremberg to Rome: The Weighty Precedents of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Kingsley Chiedu Moghalu
International Law in the Curriculum, Anthony D'Amato
International Law Students Association: Fall Conference 2005: Note from the Editor
International Legality, the Use of Military Force, and Burdens of Persuasion: Self-Defense, the Initiation of Hostilities, and the Impact of the Choice Between Two Evils on the Perception of International Legitimacy, Geoffrey Corn and Dennis Gyllensporre
International Monetary Fund Response to the Brazilian Debt Crisis: Whether the Effects of Conditionality Have Undermined Brazil's National Sovereignty?, Anthony Galano III
International Service of Process: The Trend Moves away from Uniformity, Kim M. Forcino
International Trade and the Environment, Charles E. Di Leva
International Trade and the Environment, Timothy Whitehouse
International Trade and World Health Policy: Helping People Reach Their Full Potential, Phillip Countryman
Interpretation, Gap-Filling and Further Development of the U.N. Sales Convention, Peter Schlechtreim
Interpretation Rules and Good Faith as Obstacles to the UK's Ratification of the CISG and to the Harmonization of Contract Law in Europe, Nathalie Hofmann
Interpreting Law and Literature: A Heremeneutic Reader and Doiung What Comes Naturally: Change, Rhetoric, and the Practice of Theory in Literacy and Legal Studies, James D. Hopkins
In the Matter of Pearson: Partisan Politics and Political Pressure Contravene Congressional Intent, April E. Schwendler
In the Name of Fetal Protection: Why American Prosecutors Pursue Pregnant Drug Users (And Other Countries Don't), Linda C. Fentiman
Introduction: Academic Freedom and Tenure Symposium, Burton M. Leiser
Introduction: Considering the Trend toward Local Environmental Law, John R. Nolon
Introduction: Copenhagen Climate Change Conference--Success or Failure?, Richard L. Ottinger
Introduction: Domestic Violence and the Law Symposium, Michael G. Dowd
Introduction: First Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Jeffrey G. Miller
Introduction: Land Use Law Reform Symposium, John R. Nolon
Introduction: Lloyd K. Garrison Lecture on Environmental Law
Introduction: Seminar on the Law of Sustainable Development - Argentina, Pedro Tarak
Introduction: Seminar on the Law of Sustainable Development - United States, John R. Nolon
Introduction to CISG Articles, David M. Sobel
Introduction to the Special Issue on the Comparison of the Principles of European Contract Law with the Uniform Commercial Code, Henry D. Gabriel
Introduction--Tribute: Vincent L. Broderick, Jeff Greaves
Intrusions of a Parvenu: Science, Religion, and the New Biology, George P. Smith II
Investment in Water and Wastewater Infrastructure: An Environmental Justice Challenge, a Governance Solution, Alexandra Dapolito Dunn
In Your F.A.C.E.: Federal Enforcement of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act of 1993, Arianne K. Tepper
Iraq as a Psychological Quagmire: The Implications of Using Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as a Defense for Iraq War Veterans, Erin M. Gover
Irreversible and Catastrophic: Global Warming, Terrorism, and Other Problems: Eleventh Annual Lloyd K. Garrison Lecture on Environmental Law, Cass R. Sunstein
Is a Mentally Ill Defendant Still Considered Competent to Waive the Right to Counsel in New York After Indiana v. Edwards?, John H. Wilson
Is International Environmental Law Really Law?: An Analysis of Application in Domestic Courts, Carl Bruch
Is It the End of the Legal World as We Know It?, Charles L. Brieant
Is Judicial Discipline in New York State a Threat to Judicial Independence?, Gerald Stern
Islam & International Criminal Law: A Brief (In) Compatibility Study, Michael J. Kelly
Islam, the West, and the Rule of Law, Mark David Welton
Is New Always Better? The Case For License Renewal In The Next Generation, Tamar J. Cerafici
Issue Preclusion in Products Liability, M. Stuart Madden
Issuer Registration and Distributions, Lee B. Spencer Jr.
Issues Related to Legal Protection of Wild Plants, Aida Bagratovna Iskoyan
Is There a Compelling Interest to Compel ? Examining Pre-Hearing Subpoenas under the Federal Arbitration Act, Dean W. Sattler
Is there a link between technical advances and the number of obese people in the United States?, Amanda Pneuman
It's the "Supreme Law of the Land": Using the Migratory Bird Treaty Act to Protect Isolated Wetlands Left High and Dry by SWANCC, Erin R. Flanagan
Jackson v. New York State Urban Development Corporation: Standard of Review for Sufficiency of Environmental Impact Statements, Steven F. Meyer
James D. Hopkins, an Appreciation, John P. Cohalan Jr.
Japan's Accession to the CISG: The Asia Factor, Hiroo Sono
Japan Whaling Association v. American Cetacean Society: The Great Whales Become Casualties of the Trade Wars, Virginia A. Curry
John Jay and the Federalist Papers, Harry A. Blackmun
Jones v. Barnes and the Right to Counsel on Appeal: Is Effective Assistance of Counsel More than Faerie Gossamer?, Richard N. Allman
Joseph A. v. Gina L.: The Suit Must Go on , Amy Baldwin Littman
Judge James D. Hopkins' Philosophy of Judicial Decision Making and His Contributions to Appellate Procedural Reform, Arthur Karger
Judges and Participants: Second Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition
Judges' Bench Brief: Fifth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Jeb Boyt, Deborah A. Primps, and Matthew J. Smith
Judges' Bench Brief: Fourth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Melanie H. Fund, Deborah M. Robertson, and Paul M. Schmidt
Judges' Bench Brief: Sixth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Timothy E. Cox, Ronald S. Doering, and Claudio Ternieden
Judges' Bench Brief: Third Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Brian Henderberg, David M. Moore, and Michael G. Sterthous
Judges' Bench Memorandum: Eighth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Staff of the Pace Environmental Moot Court Board
Judges' Bench Memorandum: Fifteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Megan Brillault
Judges' Bench Memorandum: Fourteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Michelle D. Land
Judge's Bench Memorandum: Ninth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Laura M. Rapacioli
Judges' Bench Memorandum: Seventh Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Editorial Staff of the Pace Environmental Law Review
Judges' Bench Memorandum: Sixteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Kirstin Etela
Judges' Bench Memorandum : Tenth Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, Barbara A. Clay
Judges' Bench Memorandum: Thirteenth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, Jessica Huhn-Kenzik
Judges' Bench Memorandum: Twelfth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition
Judges Memorandum: First Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition
Judges' Memorandum: Second Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition
Judicial Notification: A Simple Solution to Ensure Compliance with the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, Michael Candela
Judicial Recusals, Harold S. Levy
Judicial Review: A Wasting Asset, Louis Lusky
Judicial Scrutiny of Expert Testimony in Environmental Tort Litigation, Alani Golanski
Junk Science v. Novel Scientific Evidence: Parental Alienation Syndrome, Getting It Wrong in Custody Cases, Alayne Katz
Jurisdiction and the Internet, Steven Betensky
Just Compensation for Per Se Environmental Takings, George Galgano
Justice Abandoned: Forty Years of Stalemate in Actions for Divorce on the Ground of Abandonment, Dolores Gebhardt and Sondra Miller
Justice - A Reality or an Illusion, Nicholas Katzenbach
Justice Brennan and the Death Penalty, Ronald J. Tabak
Justice Brennan and the First Amendment Minefield: In Respectful Appreciation, Ralph Michael Stein
Justice Brennan and the Law of Obscenity, Gerald M. Rosberg
Justice Brennan and the Religion Clauses, Nadine Strossen
Justice Hopkins and Restraints on the Press, Floyd R. Gibson
Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. - The Moral Force of His Language , Bennett L. Gershman
Just Molly and Me and Baby Makes Three - Or Does It? Child Custody and the Live-In Lover: An Empirical Study, Donald H. Stone
Just Say Know: The Rights of Putative Fathers in New York to Veto the Adoption of Their Children, Maria Ashley
Just War and Human Rights , Oscar Schachter
Juzwin v. Amtorg Trading Corp: Multiple Assessments of Punitive Damages in Toxic Tort Litigation, David Lafferty
Katrina's Lament: Reconstructing Federalism, John R. Nolon
Keck Considered: A New Doctrinal Model for the Free Movement of Goods in the European Union, Richard Chriss
Keeping Client Confidences: Attorney-Client Privilege and Work Product Doctrine in Light of United States v. Adlman, Emily Jones
Keeping Promises to Immigrant Youth, Theo S. Liebmann
Keeping the Coast Clear: Lessons about Protecting the Natural Environment by Controlling Industrial Development under Delaware's Coastal Zone Act, Kenneth T. Kristl
Kelly v. Gwinnell: Imposing Third-Party Liability on Social Hosts , Maura E. Mahon
Kelo's Wake: In Search of a Proportional Benefit, Jennie C. Nolon
Keynote Address: The Future U.S. Relationship with the International Criminal Court - An Address on October 14, 2005, David Scheffer
Keynote Speech - Prison Reform Revisited: The Unfinished Agenda, Alvin J. Bronstein
Kleeman v. Rheingold: There Are No Small Mistakes - A Process Server's Negligence Leads to the Creation of a Nondelegable Duty, Barbara S. Goldstein
K Mart Corp. v. Cartier, Inc.: Is Continued Gray Market Importation a Result of Gray Statutory Language or Judicial Legislation?, Raymond R. Mandra
Knight-Ridder Broadcasting v. Greenberg: Is the Judiciary Making Policy?, Shelley R. Halber
Laboratory Animal Act: A Legislative Proposal, David Favre
Land Use Cases Highlight Lessons, Evolving Patterns: The Year in Review, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Land Use Development: Proper Planning Creates Smart Growth, Prevents Sprawl, John R. Nolon
Land Use, Land Abuse and Land Re-Use: A Framework for the Implementation of TMDLs for Nonpoint Source Polluted Waterbodies, Paula J. Lebowitz
Land Use Law in New York State: Playing "Hide & SEQRA" with the Elusive Comprehensive Plan, Robert Crespi
Land Use Symposium - Preface, John R. Nolon
Land Use & the Protection of Drinking Water Supplies, Sarah J. Meyland
Late Payment Directive 2000/35 and the CISG, Pilar Perales Viscasillas
Law and Society East and West: Dharma, Li, and Nomos Their Contribution to Thought and to Life, Surya Prakash Sinha
Law Day at Pace University School of Law, George E. Pataki
Law, Ethics, and the Visual Arts and Art Law: Rights, Liabilities of Creators and Collectors, James J. Fishman
Law Reform in Soviet Environmental Law, W. E. Butler
Lawrence W. Newman & David Zaslowsky, Litigating International Commercial Disputes 1996 Edition, Eric E. Bergsten
Lawyers, Accountants, and the Battle to Own Professional Services, Gary A. Munneke
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights: Islam and Justice: Debating the Future of Human Rights in the Middle East and North Africa, A. Yasmine Rassam
Leadership & Correctional Reform, James B. Jacobs and Elana Olitsky
Least-Cost Utility Planning and Demand-Side Management: A Bibliography, Richard L. Ottinger, Susan E. Babb, Elizabeth Barbanes, and Carol Padron
Leave the Driving to Us: Florida v. Bostick, Linda S. Berman
LeFrancois v. Rhode Island: A Case in Which the Leaf Falls Very Far from the Tree, Kathleen O'Neill
Legal Challenges to the New NAAQS, Kathryn Williams Smith
Legal Control Over the Supply of Handguns: An Analysis of the Issues, with Particular Attention to the Law and Economics of the Hamilton v. Beretta Lawsuit against Handgun Manufacturers, George J. Benston and Frank Vandall
Legal Framework of International Philanthropy: The Potential for Change, Marcus S. Owens
Legal Holes, Noa Ben-Asher
Legal Protection of Land in the USSR, I. A. Iconitskaya
Legal Protection of Plants in the United States, Faith Campbell
Legal Protection of the Environment from Pollution by Dangerous Industrial Wastes, M. M. Brinchuk
Legal Requirements for Widespread Implementation of CO2 Sequestration in Depleted Oil Reservoirs, Stephanie M. Haggerty
Legal Skills for a Transforming Profession, Gary A. Munneke
Legislative Oversight of an Executive Budget Process: Impoundments in New York, Eric Lane
Legislative Proposals Protecting Animals in Entertainment: At the Crossroads, Lisa Weisberg
Legislative Representation and the Environment in African Constitutions, Carl Bruch, Elana Roffman, and Eugene Kim
Lehr v. Robertson: A Constricted View of the Rights of Putative Fathers , Davida S. Scher
Leiper, Bar Codes: Women In the Legal Profession; Mossman, The First Women Lawyers: a Comparative Study of Gender, Law and the Legal Professions, Renee Newman Knake
Les Mains Sales: The Ethical and Political Implications of SLAPP Suits, Richard O. Brooks
Letter of a Loving Son, University Archives, Pace University
Letter of Credit Transactions: The Banks' Position in Determining Documentary Compliance - A Comparative Evaluation under U.S., Swiss and German Law, Paolo S. Grassi
Lewis v. Casey: Tightening the Boundaries of Prisoner Access to the Courts?, David Steinberger
Liability of Psychiatrists under New York Law for Failing to Identify Dangerous Patients, Scott Rogge
Liability of Public Authorities in Cases of Non-Enforcement of Environmental Standards, K. J. de Graaf and J. H. Jans
License to Oppress: The Aftermath of Bowers v. Hardwick Is Still Felt Today: Shahar v. Bowers, Sherene D. Hannon
Literacy for Life, Sr. St. John Delaney and Caitlin Gordon
Litigating against the Government for Fun and Profit? A Review of Recent Environmental Attorneys' Fee Decisions, Donald W. Stever Jr.
Litigation or Arbitration? The Influence of the Dispute Resolution Procedure on Substantive Rights, Roy Goode
Living in Legal Limbo: Israel's Settlers in Occupied Palestinian Territory, John Quigley
Local Authority: Communities Have Means of Influencing Land Use, John R. Nolon
Local Environmental Impact Review: Integrating Land Use and Planning through Local Environmental Impact Reviews , Kathryn C. Plunkett
Local Environmental Laws: Forging a New Weapon in Environmental Protection , Philip Weinberg
Local Governments Weigh Green Building Standards, John R. Nolon and Jennie C. Nolon
Local Housing Efforts: The Maturation of Laws Promoting Affordability, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Local Land Use: Decision Expands Federal Government's Role, John R. Nolon
Local Protection: Raising a Matter of 'Sovereign Concern', John R. Nolon
Long Island Sound: A Bibliography of Legal and Related Materials Bibliography, Ann Powers and Eric S. Andreas
Long term effects of childhood trauma: A study of child survivors of the Holocaust using narrative coding analysis, Gila Sandler
Looking Back ... Looking Ahead: Pace Celebrates the 10th Anniversary of Pace Center for Environmental Legal Studies - Introduction, Michael D. Madnick
Looking Beyond Environmental Law's Mid-Life Crisis, Linda A. Malone
Looking for the Big Picture - Developing a Jurisprudence for a Biotechnological Age, Joan M. Ferretti
Losing Your Head in the Washer – Why the Brainwashing Defense Can Be a Complete Defense in Criminal Cases, Rebecca Emory
Lost in the Flood, Joseph P. Tomain
Low-Tide Elevations: Reassessing Their Impact on Maritime Delimination, Hugo Ignacio Llanos
Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council Colloquium: Introduction
Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council: Its Historic Context and Shifting Constitutional Principles, Cotton C. Harness III
Lynch v. Donnelly: One Giant Step over the Wall?, Naomi Katz
Mabel and Helen Pace : Mother and Daughter, University Archives, Pace University
Mabel Vanderhoof Pace in Egypt, University Archives, Pace University
Mabel Vanderhoof - Wife of Homer St. Clair Pace, University Archives, Pace University
MacCrate's Missed Opportunity: The MacCrate Report's Failure to Advance Professional Values Symposium, Russell G. Pearce
Madsen v. Women's Health Center, Inc.: Protection against Antiabortionist Terrorism, Joanne Neilson
Maintaining Uniformity in International Uniform Law via Autonomous Interpretation: Software Contracts and the CISG, Frank Diedrich
Mal-Adjusted: Integration of Selves in Joss Whedon's Firefly, Rose Buscemi
Malevolent Destruction of a Muslim Charity: A Commentary on the Prosecution of Benevolence International Foundation , Matthew J. Piers
Mallard v. United States District Court for the Southern District of Iowa: The Supreme Court Ducks Pro Bono Issues, Hinda Keller Farber
Managing a Law Practice: What You Need to Learn in Law School, Gary A. Munneke
Managing for Results to Enhance Government Accountability and Achieve Environmental Justice, Ann E. Goode and Suellen Keiner
Managing Growth: Local Governments: Drawing the Boundaries, John R. Nolon
Mandated Training: Program Proposed for Local Decision-Makers, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Mandatory Disclosure: A Controversial Device with No Effects, Kuo-Chang Huang
Marchica v. Long Island Railroad: "AIDS-Phobia" Recovery under the Federal Employers' Liability Act, Joseph Loparco
Market Solutions to Market Problems: Re-Examining Arbitral Immunity as a Solution to Unfairness in Securities Arbitration, Peter B. Rutledge
Marriage in New York: An Economic Partnership?, Cheryl E. Hader
Measuring Damages under the CISG - Article 74 of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, Eric C. Schneider
Media Production for the Classroom, Maria T. Luskay
Mediation as a Tool in Local Environmental and Land Use Controversies, John R. Nolon
Medical Waste, a Loaded Gun on the Verge of Firing: United States v. Plaza Health Laboratories, Inc., Ann M. Babigian
Methods of Limiting Damages under the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, Djakhongir Saidov
Mexican Insolvency Law, John A. Barrett, Jr.
Michigan Department of State Police v. Sitz: Constitutionality of Sobriety Checkpoint Programs, Janice A. Willner
Military Inc.: Regulating and Protecting the "A-Team[s]" of the Post-Modern Era, Matt Heibel
Milwaukee v. Illinois: An Interstate Water Pollution Dispute, Millicent Greenberg
Minding the Public Interest: How the Not-So-Effective Standard Has Led to the Destruction of Wetlands in Louisiana, Megan Bierlein
Mining and the World Heritage Convention: Democratic Legitimacy and Treaty Compliance, Nathasha Affolder
Misguided Fears about the International Criminal Court, Benjamin B. Ferencz
Missed Opportunities: California Energy Fears, New York Energy Policy and the New York Power Authority's New York City Turbine Projects, John L. Parker and James Malatras
Mobil Corp. v. Marathon Oil Co.: Tender Offeror's Right to Injunctive Relief Recognized , Mark F. Liscio
Modern Ecological Policy and the Utilization of a Global Environmental Protection Strategy, Oleg S. Kolbasov
Modernization of New York's Land Use Laws Continues to Meet Growing Challenges of Sustainability, Patricia E. Salkin and Jessica A. Bacher
Modernizing Animal Law: The Case for Wildlife Commentary, Walter E. Bickford
Monopoly Pricing on Campus: New York's Textbook Access Act, Gary Minda
Moore v. Sims: A Further Expansion of the Younger Abstention Doctrine
Moral Rights of Artists in an International Marketplace, Leslie A. Pettenati
Morse v. Frederick: Evaluating a Supreme Hit to Students' First Amendment Rights, Kellie A. Cairns
Mortgage Market Reform and the Fallacy of Self-Correcting Markets, Robin Paul Malloy
Motivating Enforcement: Institutional Culture and the Clean Water Act, William L. Andreen
Moving Towards an Integrated System for Environmental Protection, Charles Shaw
Mu'min v. Virginia: Reexamining the Need for Content Questioning during Voir Dire in High Profile Criminal Cases, Brian P. Coffey
Municipal Ethical Standards: The Need for a New Approach Report, John D. Feerick, Carol Schachner, Mark Davies, and Sherrie McNulty
Municipal Lobbying: Regulations May Affect Land Use Practitioners, John R. Nolon
Murray v. United States: The Emasculation of the Fourth Amendment Warrant Clause, John P. Eckberg
Must the American Criminal Justice System Be Impotent?, Ernest van den Haag
Myths and Misconceptions about Domestic Violence, Karla M. Digirolamo
NAFTA: A Catalyst for Environmental Change in Mexico , Michael D. Madnick
NAFTA's Investment Protections and the Division of Authority for Land Use and Environmental Controls, Vicki Been
Nally v. Grace Community Church of the Valley: Clergy Malpractice - A Threat to Both Liberty and Life, C. Grace McCaffrey
Nationalization, De-Nationalization, Re-Nationalization: Some Historical and Comparative Perspective, Mark A. Edwards
National Preconceptions That Endanger Uniformity, Ingeborg Schwenzer
National Security Courts: A European Perspective, Mindia Vashakmadze
National Wildlife Federation v. Watt: The Property Clause and the Legislative Veto, Michael Latini
Natural Resource Damages: A Research Guide, David Hodas
Natural Resources under Occupation: The Status of Palestinian Water under International Law, Gamal Abouali
Navigating the Confluence among Real Estate, Land Use, and Environmental Law, Lee Paddock
Negligence in the Air? Should Alternative Liability Theories Apply in Lead Paint Litigation?, John S. Gray and Richard O. Faulk
Negligence in the Paint: The Case for Applying the Risk Contribution Doctrine to Lead Litigation -- A Response to Gray & Faulk, Peter G. Earle, Fidelma Fitzpatrick, and Douglas M. Raines
NEPA and the Next America: Designing Our Transition to Global Sustainabililty, Andrew Euston
Neutral Standardizing of Contracts, Joseph M. Perillo
New Aspects in the Structure and Jurisdiction of the COMECON regarding the Protection of the Environment, A. V. Leont'eva
New Developments in Federal Takings Law, Eugene J. Morris
New Jersey's Solid Waste Flow Control Regulations Have Been Trashed: Are Environmental Investment Charges the Answer?, Christine LaRocca
New Legal Foundations for Global Survival: Security Through the Security Council by Benjamin B. Ferencz, Janet A. Rosen
New Loopholes or Minor Adjustments? A Summary and Evaluation of the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act, Joel A. Mintz
New Rights and Remedies: The Federal Crime Victims' Rights Act of 2004, David E. Aaronson
"New Thinking" in Soviet Approaches to International Politics and Law, John N. Hazard
New York and the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments, Thomas M. Allen
New York Attorney Malpractice Liability to Non-Clients: Toward a Rule of Reason & Predictability, Lucia Ann Silecchia
New York Case Law Reaches Maturity, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
New York City's Drinking Water - Champagne or Beer?, Stephanie Perez
New York City's Watershed Agreement: A Lesson in Sharing Responsibility, Michael C. Finnegan
New York Environmental Law Handbook, Daniel J. McMahon
New York Family Court Practice (Merril Sobie, Editor-in-Chief), Norman B. Lichtenstein
New York Land Use System Opinion Survey, Alistair M. Hanna
New York No-Fault Automobile Insurance Work Loss Benefit Computation - A Comparative Analysis , Kent S. Nevins
New York Revised Limited Partnership Act, John A. Ronayne
New York's Expanded Son of Sam Law and Other Fiscal Measures to Deter Prisoners' Suits While Satisfying Outstanding Debts, Anthony J. Annucci
New York's SEQRA in the Courts, Gail Bowers
New York State Club Association v. City of New York: The Demise of the All-Male Club, Katherine E. Speyer
New York Third Party Bad Faith: Is It a Plaintiff's Dream or a Defendant's Nightmare?, Joan B. Lefkowitz
New York v. Quarles: Safety First?, Cynthia K. Fichera and Philip Quaranta
Ninth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition: Introduction
Nix v. Williams: Conjecture Enters the Exclusionary Rule, Vincent A. Nagler
Non-Immigrant Category Update, Jan H. Brown
Non-Material Damages - Recovery under the CISG?, Peter Schlechtriem
Norfolk Southern Corp. v. Oberly: Coastal Protection Wins in Delaware, Carolyn Cunningham
No Second Chances: Leandra's Law and Mandatory Alcohol Ignition Interlocks for First-Time Drunk Driving Offenders, Joseph Marutollo
Nuclear Energy and Environmental Protection: Responses of International Law, Elena Molodstova
Obesity, Public Health, and the Food Supply, Barbara L. Atwell
Objections Overruled: The Trial Advocacy Course Should Be Mandatory, Malachy E. Mannion
O'Brien v. O'Brien: A Failed Reform, Unlikely Reformers, Ira Mark Ellman
Obstacles in Current Water Pollution Legislation, Horacio Paya
Obstacles to the Proper Resolution of Argentina's Environmental Problems, Federico Zorraquin
Ocean Dumping: An Old Problem Continues, Martin G. Anderson
Of Farm Animals and Justice, Steven M. Wise
Of Persons and the Criminal Law: (Second Tier) Personhood as a Prerequisite for Victimhood, Luis E. Chiesa
Of Razorbacks and Reservoirs: The Endangered Species Act's Protection of Endangered Colorado River Basin Fish, James H. Bolin Jr.
Of Zombie Permits and Greenwash Renewal Strategies: Ten Years of New York's So-Called Environmental Benefit Permitting Strategy, Karl S. Coplan
Old Wine in New Wineskins? Appraising Professor Bergelson's Plea for Comparative Criminal Liability, Inigo Ortiz de Urbina Gimeno
Olowo v. Ashcroft: Granting Parental Asylum Based on a Child's Refugee Status, Meredith Aherne
On Golden Parachutes - Ripcords or Ripoffs? Some Comments on Special Termination Agreements, Martin Riger
On the Decision to Make New Law: The Needs of Society Versus the Rights of the Accused, Robert M. Jarvis
On the Wrong Side of the Railroad Tracks: Public Access to the Hudson River, Matthew R. Atkinson
On Vincent Broderick, Robert Morganthau
Opening Up a Closed World: What Constitutes Effective Prison Oversight?, Michael B. Mushlin and Michele Deitch
Open Meetings: Land Use Mediation and the Public's Right to Know, John R. Nolon
Order: First Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition, M. B. Remus
Order: Second Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition
Oregon v. Elstad: The Supreme Court Puts the Cat Back in the Bag, Gail Matthews Kambic
Organic Plus: Regulating beyond the Current Organic Standards , Kate L. Harrison
Ostrofe v. H.S. Crocker Co.: Antitrust Standing under Section 4: A Departure from the Definitional Approach , J. Michael Naughton Jr.
Our Town: Local Governments Play Larger Role in Environmental Policy, John R. Nolon
Our Town: What Is the Role of Local Government in Environmental Law?, John R. Nolon
Overcoming Barriers to Health Services for Adolescents, Wallace R. Jenkins, Jr.
Oversight of Law Enforcement is Beneficial and Needed—Both Inside and Out, Barbara Attard
Overview of the Tax Treatment of Nonprofit Hospitals and Their For-Profit Subsidiaries: A Short-Sighted View Could Be Very Bad Medicine Comment, Andrea I. Castro
Pace Law Review Symposium: New York Matrimonial Commission - Introduction, Judith S. Kaye
Pace's Digital Photography Platform, Roger Sayre
Pace University: Holistic Academic Advisement, Cristina Cerbelli
Pace University Honor Board: Philip Blank Ethics Lecture, Bill Wagner
Pace University School of Law International Law Day Colloquium: Preface, Charles H. Sarlo
Pace Women's Justice Center - The Second Annual Domestic Violence Think Tank - Introductory Remarks, Victoria L. Lutz
Pace Women's Justice Center - The Second Annual Domestic Violence Think Tank - Opening Remarks, Robert G.M. Keating
Pacific Gas & Electric: Opening the Door to State Regulation in the Nuclear Field, Marla B. Rubin
Pangaea: Converging Global Approaches to Bundled Brokerage and Soft Dollar Practices, Andrew R. Mannarino
Paradigm Regained: How Competition from Accounting Firms May Help Corporate Attorneys to Recapture the Ethical High Ground, Peter C. Kostant
Parallels in Predicting Dangerousness - What Price Security?, Adele Bernhard, Vanessa Merton, Henry J. Steadman, and Scott Rogge
Parental influences on ethnic identity development: Implications of parenting style, attachment, and ethnic socialization, Rula Abu-Sbaih
Parental Rights and Family Integrity: Forgotten Victims in the Battle against Child Abuse, Michael Compitello
Parent attachment and affect regulation in young adults: The mediating role of self-representations, Catherine Cianci Cinguina
Parenting behavior frequency related to children's math and English language achievement, Lauren Becker
Parenting behaviors related to maternal age and ethnicity, Angelina T Morales
Patronage and Public Employment after Branti v. Finkel , Barry P. Biggar
Patterson v. McLean Credit Union: Denying the Equality of Effect in the Right to Contract, Christopher Mellevold
Paying Women For Their Eggs For Use In Stem Cell Research, Pamela Foohey
Peace Parks for Mountain Forests: The Law and Policy of Transforming Conflict to Stewardship, Elaine C. Hsiao
Pediatric Environmental Health Hazards and the Role of Government in Adopting Standards to Protect Children, Jennifer Brown
Pennsylvania v. Conroy: Expanded Administrative Expense Priority for State-Funded CERCLA Cleanups Note, Seth M. Mandelbaum
Pension Plan Funding Effect on Shareholder Equity, Larisa Parchomovsky
People's Rights Organization, Inc. v. City of Columbus: The Sixth Circuit Shoots down Another Unconstitutional Assault Weapons Ban, Scott Charles Allan
People v. Branch: Testing the Limits of Judicial Discretion in Allowing Midtestimony Conferences, Ian A. Shavitz
People v. Hodge: The Preliminary Hearing as a Critical Stage and More , Mary C. Neary
People v. Hughes: A Pretrial Procedure for Excluding Testimony Influenced by Hypnosis , Albert J. D'Aquino
People v. Kagan and New York Banking Law Section 673: A Study in Misapplication , Donald M. Ferencz
People v. Roth: Should Physicians Be Exempt from New York Antitrust Law , Dean A. Cambourakis
People v. Thomas: The Condititional Guilty Plea , Gerard A. Riso
Peremptory Challenges in Transition , Kendra J. Golden
Perestroika and Priroda: Environmental Protection in the USSR, Nicholas A. Robinson
Performance Zoning: Shaping Land Development Patterns Today, John R. Nolon
Perspectives of a Landmark Owner, Stephen Dittman
Perspectives of the Real Estate Community on Historic Preservation, John R. White
Petition Clause Interests and Standing for Judicial Review of Administrative Lawmaking, Karl S. Coplan
Pity the Child: The Age of Delinquency in New York, Merril Sobie
Plain View Revisited, Howard E. Wallin
Platte River: Reservation and Quantification of Federal Reserved Water Rights - Firefighting & Administrative Purposes Only, Robert F. Snow
Playing for Free - The Legality and Enforceability of On-Line Gambling Debts, Charles B. Brundage
Playing the Blame Game, Online: Who is Liable when Counterfeit Goods are Sold Through Online Auction Houses?, Todd Evan Lerner
Playing Tricks on the Dead: Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Company, an Historical Inquiry, Richard Allan Gerber
Policy Considerations on Interstate Cooperations in Criminal Matters, M. Cherif Bassiouni
Political and Other Risk Insurance: OPIC, MIGA, EXIMBANK and Other Providers , S. Linn Williams
Political Risk Insurance and Breach of Contract Coverage: How the Intervention of Domestic Courts May Prevent Investors from Claiming Insurance, Paola Morales Torrado
Pollution Taxes for Roadway Transportation, Charles Komanoff
Pollution Tax Forum: Colloquium - Introduction
Portrait of Mabel Vanderhoof Pace, University Archives, Pace University
Portrait of the Judge as an Artist (with Apologies to James Joyce), Margaret Mary Fitzpatrick and John Sherlock
Post-Rio Treaties: Implementation Challenges, Irina O. Krasnova
Post-September 11 Fortified Anti-Terrorism Measures Compel Heightened Due Diligence , Nina J. Crimm
Potential Legal Standards for Resolving the R.S. 2477 Right of Way Crisis, Harry R. Bader
Practically Grounded: Convergence of Land Use Law Pedagogy and Best Practices, John R. Nolon
Practitioners Need Broader Expertise: Real Estate Law is Undergoing Profound Changes, John R. Nolon and Shelby D. Green
Pre-Enforcement Review of Administrative Orders to Abate Environmental Hazards, David Montgomery Moore
Preface, Janet A. Johnson
Preface, Dinah Bear
Preferred Communications: Preamble to Breakup of Local Cable Franchising, Sol Schildhause
Prescription Ethics: Can States Protect Pharmacists Who Refuse to Dispense Contraceptive Prescriptions?, Maryam T. Afif
Preserving Biological Diversity in the United States: The Case for Moving to an Ecosystems Approach to Protect the Nation's Biological Wealth, Julie B. Bloch
Preserving Open Lands: Local Zoning and Financing Authority Work Together, John R. Nolon
Preserving Our Heritage: Tools to Cultivate Agricultural Preservation in New York State, Sean F. Nolon and Cozata Solloway
Preserving the Public Interest Through the Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Utility Retail Rate Cases, James M. Van Nostrand and Erin P. Honaker
Preventing the Sixth Plague: Microbial Forensics in the War against Terrorism, Amanda Mickley
Preventive Detention: A Comparison of Bail Refusal Practices in the United States, England, Canada and Other Common Law Nations, Kurt X. Metzmeier
Prisoners of the Census: Electoral and Financial Consequences of Counting Prisoners Where They Go, Not Where They Come From, Eric Lotke and Peter Wagner
Prison Inspection and the Protection of Prisoners’ Rights, Anne Owers
Prison Oversight and Prison Leadership, Stan Stojkovic
Prison Reform and the Power of Ideas: Building Political Will, Vivien Stern
Prison Reformation: A Five- Step Plan and Evidence of Community Support, Nicole Borger
Prison Reform Efforts around the World: The Role of Prison Administrators, Andrew Coyle
Prison Reform Revisited: A Judge's Perspective, Morris E. Lasker
Prison Reform through Offender Reentry: A Partnership between Courts and Corrections, Reginald A. Wilkinson, Gregory A. Bucholtz, and Gregory M. Siegfried
Privacy in Public and Private E-Mail and On-Line Systems, Myrna L. Wigod
Privacy Revisited: GPS Tracking as Search and Seizure, Bennett L. Gershman
Privacy Revisited: GPS Tracking as Search and Seizure, Bennett L. Gershman
Private Lives and Professional Responsibilities? The Relationship of Personal Morality to Lawyering and Professional Ethics, Carrie Menkel-Meadow
Private Property Investment, Lucas and the Fairness Doctrine, John R. Nolon
Private Public Interest Environmental Law: History, Hard Work, and Hope, John E. Bonine
Private Well Owners Pay Price as MTBE Contamination Exposes the Lack of Groundwater Protection in Federal and New York Law , Todd A. Frampton
Privatizing the Patriot Act: The Criminalization of Environmental and Animal Protectionists as Terrorists, Ethan Carson Eddy
Problems of a Wartime International Lawyer, L. C. Green
Product Design and Post-Manufacture Alteration: The Law of Subsequent Modification in New York State, Gerald A. Stein
Products Liability: Principles of Justice for the 21st Century, David G. Owen
Professionalism in Corrections and the Need for External Scrutiny: An International Overview, Andrew Coyle
Professional Responsibility in Appellate Practice: A View from the Bench Lecture, Roger J. Miner
Program Introduction, Archibald Murray, Burt Neuborne, and Alexander D. Forger
Property Rights and Growth Management in Florida: Balancing Opportunity and Responsibility in a Changing Political Climate, Michael Murphy
Proposal for Institutionalization of Emergency Response to Global Environmental Disasters, Robert J. Goldstein
Proposal for Senior Offender Law, Peter M. Leavitt
Proposals for Environmental Regulatory Reform Colloquium: Foreword, Sean Marchese
Proposed Revision of New York CPLR 5519 (a)(1) to Assure Consistency with SEQRA
Prosecutorial Misconduct, by Bennett L. Gershman, John S. Edwards
Protecting Scenic Assets: Regulations Based on Study, Expert Reports and Rationality, John R. Nolon
Protection of the Everglades Ecosystem: A Legal Analysis, Cheryl Lynn Jamieson
Protection of Wetlands by International Law, Alexandre S. Timoshenko
Protection of Women's Human Rights under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, Jo Lynn Southard
Providing Legal Certainty in South America: Can MERCOSUR Help?, Camilo A. Rodriguez Yong
Psychological service usage among college students related to three specific college-experience related variables, Naomi L Davidson
PTSD, RTS, and Child Abuse Accommodation Syndrome: Therapeutic Tools or Fact-Finding Aids, Donna Gaffney
PTSD, RTS, and Child Abuse Accommodation Syndrome: Therapeutic Tools or Fact-Finding Aids, Cindy Kanusher
Public Actions to Accomodate Changes in Property Values, John C. Nelson
Public and Private Sector Legal Process Outsourcing: Moving Toward a Global Model of Legal Expertise Deliverance, Sasha Borsand and Amar Gupta
Public Participation in Environmental Issues, Diego Gallegos
Public Participation in Soviet Environmental Policy, J. William Futrell
Public Process and State Judicial Rulemaking, Jeffrey A. Parness and Christopher C. Manthey
Public Rights in the Navigable Streams of New York, John A. Humbach
Pushing RBST: How the Law and the Political Process Were Used to Sell Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin to America, David Aboulafia
Putting Persuasion Back in the Equation: Compliance in Cap and Trade Programs, Lesley K. McAllsiter
Putting the Focus on the Batterer, Ann Jones
Quality in Judicial Opinions, Robert A. Leflar
Quantifying a Direct Threat: Risks That Health Care Providers Must Take While Treating Infectious Patients - Bragdon v. Abbott , Deborah L. Slowata
Race and Crime: Social Perceptions, Diana Teverovskaya
Ralston v. Robinson: Changing a Youth Corrections Act Sentence in Midstream , Robert J. Camera
RCRA Citizen Suits and State Courts: Jurisdictional Trap after Davis v. Sun Oil Company, A. Mark Segreti Jr.
RCRA versus CERCLA: The Clash of the Titans in Colorado v. United States Dep't of the Army, James M. Lenihan
Real Property, Mortgages, and the Economy: A Call for Ethics and Reforms, Shelby D. Green
Reassessing the Scope of Federal Biotechnology Oversight, Peter Mostow
Recent Developments in Patent Rights for Pharmaceuticals in China and India, Averie K. Hason and Jean E. Shimotake
Recent Jurisdiction Developments in the New York Court of Appeals, Jay C. Carlisle
Recent Statute of Limitations Developments in the New York Court of Appeals, Jay C. Carlisle II
Recollections of Vincent Broderick, Whitman Knapp
Reconciling Economic and Environmental Components of Sustainable Development, Richard Barth
Reconciling Globalization and Extraterritorial Application of the Lanham Act: An Analysis of McBee v. Delica, Co., Tom Villecco
Recording Industry Missteps: Suing Anonymous Filesharers as a Last Resort, Nicholas M. Menasche
Recreational Zoning: Concept Used in Inappropriate Context Raises Troubling Issues, John R. Nolon
Redevelopment Tools: Creating and Recreating Urban Centers, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Re-Evaluating the Balance between Zoning Regulations and Religious and Educational Uses, Terry Rice
Re-examining Acts of God, Jill M. Fraley
Reflections on 60 Years of Outside Scrutiny of Prisons and Prison Policy in the United States, Nicholas de B. Katzenbach
Reflections on a Government Model of Correctional Oversight, Richard T. Wolf
Reforming Divorce: What's Needed and What's Not, Marsha Garrison
Reforming the Law Applicable to the Award of Restoration Damages as a Remedy for Environmental Torts, James R. Cox
Regan v. Wald and the Grandfather Clause of Trading with the Enemy Act: A Lesson in Explicit Vagueness , Mary Keenan Harrington
Regional Planning in New York State: A State Rich in National Models, Yet Weak in Overall Statewide Planning Coordination, Patricia E. Salkin
Regrettably Unfair: Brooke Astor and the Other Elderly in New York, Joseph A. Rosenberg
Regulating Nuclear Power In The New Millennium (The Role Of The Public), Anthony Z. Roisman, Erin Honaker, and Ethan Spaner
Regulation of Medical Waste in the United States, Laura Carlan Battle
Regulatory Reform in the Department of Environmental Conservation, John P. Cahill
Regulatory Regionalism in Metropolitan Areas: Voter Resistance and Reform Persistence, John Kincaid
Regulatory Takings: Analyzing Governmental Invasions of Private Property Rights, John R. Nolon
Regulatory Takings: Governments Can Avoid Successful Challenges, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Rejecting the Adage Children Should Be Seen and Not Heard - The Mature Minor Doctrine, Joan-Margaret Kun
Religion and Land Use: Westchester Day School v. Village of Mamaroneck, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Religion and Law Use: Constraints on Local Boards' Decision Making, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Remarks: A Symposium on Historic Preservation Law, Kent L. Barwick
Remarks at Memorial Service for the Honorable Morris E. Lasker, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, Michael B. Mushlin
Remarks at Memorial Service for the Honorable Morris E. Lasker, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, Nicholas A. Robinson
Remarks Made at Pace University School of Law on October 23, 1993, Benjamin B. Ferencz
Remarks Made at Pace University School of Law on October 23, 1993, Muhamad Sacirbey
Remarks Made at Pace University School of Law on October 23, 1993, Kresimir Pirsl
Remarks Made at Pace University School of Law on October 23, 1993, Bratislav Djordjevic
Remarks Made at Pace University School of Law on October 23, 1993, Robert Rosenstock
Remarks Made at Pace University School of Law on October 23, 1993, Larry Johnson
Remarks Made at Pace University School of Law on October 23, 1993, Roy S. Lee
Remarks of Michael B. Mushlin, Presiding at the Memorial Service Celebrating the Life of Professor Barbara C. Salken, Michael B. Mushlin
Remarks of the Chief Judge of the State of New York, Lawrence H. Cooke
Remarks on the Occasion of the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Pace Law Review, Stephen J. Friedman
Report on Chinese Heritage Culture and Language Learning - Spring Report, Huan Li
Representing Clients in Family Offense Proceedings, Ronald J. Bavero
Research and Accountability: The Need for Uniform Regulation of International Pharmaceutical Drug Testing, Dawn Joyce Miller
Reservations About Extending Bivens to Reservations: Seeking Monetary Relief Against Tribal Law Enforcement Officers for Constitutional Violations, Blake R. Bertagna
Res Judicata in the ICJ's Genocide Case: Implications for Other Courts and Tribunals?, Michael Ottolenghi and Peter Prows
Resolving International Conflict of Laws by Federal and State Law, James A.R. Nafziger
Responding to Environmental Risk: A Pluralistic Perspective, Robert V. Percival
Restoring the Nation's Wetlands: Can the Clean Water Act's Dredge and Fill Guidelines Do the Job?, Joan M. Ferretti
Restructuring the Electric Utility Industry and Its Effect on the Environment, William G. Rosenberg
Rethinking International Women's Human Rights Through Eve Sedgwick, Darren Rosenblum
Rethinking Regulatory Reform after American Trucking, Daniel A. Farber
Rethinking the Death Penalty: Can We Define Who Deserves Death? A Symposium Held at the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, May 22, 2002, Martin J. Leahy, Robert Blecker, William M. Erlbaum, Jeffrey Fagan, Norman L. Greene, Jeffrey L. Kerchmeier, and David Von Drehle
Returning Prosecutions to the States: A Proposal for a Criminal Justice Restoration Act, John A. Humbach
Return to Vermont Yankee and the Foreclosure of Judicial Review of the NRC's Generic Rulemaking: Baltimore Gas & Electric Co. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Brian L. Wamsley
Reuse of Publicly-Owned Properties, Michael S. Gruen
Revenue Ruling 94-38: The Uncertainty Continues - A Look at Using the Tax Code to Effectuate Environmental Remediation , Pasquale Sommella
Reverence for Life and Rights for Nature , Steven Chananie
Review of Defending Humanity: When Force is Justified and Why by George P. Fletcher and Jens David Ohlin, Alexander K.A. Greenawalt
Revitalizing Indirect Purchaser Claims: Antitrust Enforcement under New York Law, Robert F. Roach
RFRA Is Not Needed: New York Land Use Regulations Accommodate Religious Use, John R. Nolon
Rising Tides--Changing Title: Court to Mull Takings Issue, John R. Nolon
Robert Scott Pace as a US Army Photographer, University Archives, Pace University
Robert Scott Pace as President of Pace University, University Archives, Pace University
Robert Scott Pace in Normandy, University Archives, Pace University
Robert Scott Pace - Second Child of Homer St. Clair and Mabel Vanderhoof Pace, University Archives, Pace University
Robert Scott Pace with the Army, University Archives, Pace University
Rodeo Is Cruel Entertainment, Peggy W. Larson
Role of the Correctional Association of New York in a New Paradigm of Prison Monitoring, Jack Beck
Rome, 11/15/1998: Extradition or Political Asylum for the Kurdistan Workers Party's Leader Abdullah Ocalan?, Hanz Chiappetta
Ross, Women's Human Rights: The International and Comparative Law Casebook, Mary Pat Treuthart
Rubanick v. Witco Chemical Corp. and Landrigan v. Celotex Corp.: The Admissibility of Expert Testimony in Toxic Tort Litigation, Alex R. DeSevo
Rule Based, Automated Control and Compliance Systems: The Strategic Alignment Between Accounting and Data Mining, Catherine Dwyer and Susanner O'Callaghan
Russian Federation's Law No. 87- ф 3: Political Machination or Procedural Reform?, Kirill Ershov
'Saddle Rock': Preemption of Local Land Use Prerogatives, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Sailing in Safe Harbors: Recent Developments Regarding Lender Liability under CERCLA, Ron Burke
Salient Features of the Principles of European Contract Law: A Comparison with the UCC, Ole Lando
Sanctuary for the Whales: Will This Be the Demise of the International Whaling Commission or a Viable Strategy for the Twenty-First Century?, Judith Berger-Eforo
Santulli v. Englert, Reilly & McHugh, P.C.: The New York Court of Appeals Pounds Another Nail in the Coffin of CPLR Section 214(6), Gregory D. Zahs
Satellite Data and Environmental Law: Technology Ripe for Litigation Application, Sharon Hatch Hodge
Schumacher v. Richards Shear Co.: A Warning to Successor Corporations , Carol L. Van Scoyoc
Science and Public Policy: New Ambient Air Quality Standards under the Clean Air Act, William F. Pedersen
Scientific Research for Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter, John Vandenberg
Scientific Research for Ozone and Fine Particulate Standards, George D. Thurston
Scientific Research for Ozone and Fine Particulate Standards: The Industry Perspective, Gordon Beals
Search and Seizure: A Reasoned Approach, Matthew F. Bogdanos
Searching for Justice in the World of Realpolitik, M. Cherif Bassiouni
Second-Guessing the Security Council: The International Court of Justice and Its Powers of Judicial Review, Ken Roberts
Second Hand Smoke and Child Custody Determinations - A Relevant Factor or a Smoke Screen, Merril Sobie
Secretary of State v. Joseph H. Munson Co.: State Regulation of Charitable Fundraising Costs , Jeffrey T. Zachmann
SEC Rule 415: Resolving the Dilemma of Shelf Registrations Creates Problems of Its Own , Mary C. Neary
Section 112, Paragraph 6 - Means Claim and Limitation to Specific Algorithm - Is This a Stricter Standard Than Gentry Gallery and Related Mechanical Cases?, Todd M. Oberdick
Section 309(c) of the Clean Water Act: Using the Model Penal Code to Clarify Mental State in Water Pollution Crimes, Andrew C. Hanson
Securing a Right to View: Broadening the Scope of Negative Easements, Tara J. Foster
Security and Innocence under CERCLA: The Battle against Confusion, Bruce Taterka
Security Council Reform: Creating a More Representative Body of the Entire U.N. Membership, Amber Fitzgerald
Security Pacific Business Credit, Inc. v. Peat Marwick Main & Co.: Just in Case You Had Any Doubts - There Is No Tort of Negligent Misrepresentation in New York, Richard D. Holahan Jr.
Security@Web: Teaching Security with Alignment in Trust on the Web (INTERIM REPORT), Li-Chiou Chen and Mary Long
Seeking 'Alternatives to Detention' : Unaccompanied Immigrant Children in the U.S. Immigration System, Alejandra Lopez
Seeking Truth, Preserving Rights - Battered Women's Syndrome/Extreme Emotional Distress: Abuse Excuse or Syndrome Defense, Daniel D. Angiolillo
Seeking Truth, Preserving Rights - Battered Women's Syndrome/Extreme Emotional Distress: Abuse Excuse or Syndrome Defense, Wanda Lucibello
Selected Topics on the Application of the CISG in China, Xiao Yongping and Long Weidi
Self-Incrimination and the Non-Resident Alien, Roberto Iraola
Senior Citizen Overlay Districts and Assisted Living Facilities: Different but the Same, Cori Menkin
SEQRA Challenges: Court Creates New Rule on Statute of Limitations, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Settlement Raises Questions About Housing Obligations, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Seventh Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition: Introduction
Sex and Political Legitimacy: an Examination of Byzantine Empresses (399 -1056 c.e.), Cheridan E. Austin
Sharp v. Norwood: New York Offers Little Guidance on Whether Chronically Late Rent Payments Constitute a Nuisance, Michael Maiter
Shedding Some Light on Calls for Hearsay Reform: Civil Law Hearsay Rules in Historical and Modern Perspective, Jeremy A. Blumenthal
Sherrice Iverson Act: Duty to Report Child Abuse and Neglect, Alison M. Arcuri
Shielding Board Members: Municipalities Should Protect Them From Suits, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Shifting Paradigms of Lawyer Honesty, John A. Humbach
Shining the Spotlight on European Union Environmental Compliance, Clifford Rechtschaffen
Should Being a Victim of a Crime be a Defense to the Same or a Different Crime?, Russell L. Christopher
Should Environmental Laws Be Integrated?, Robert M. Sussman
Should New York Courts Hear Certified Questions From the Securities and Exchange Commission?, Verity Winship
Silent Blight: New York's Brownfields & Environmental Justice, Nicholas Capuano
Silkwood v. Kerr-McGee Corp.: Federal Regulatory Scheme in Nuclear Energy Industry Does Not Preclude Application of State Tort Law, Marcia H. Rimland
Simply Too Tenuous McCoy v. American Suzuki Motor Corporation: The Application of the Rescue Doctrine to a Products Liability Claim, Robert C. DeDona
Sixth Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition
SLAPPs: Strategic Lawsuits against Public Participation, George W. Pring
SLAPP Suits: A Slap at the First Amendment, Ralph Michael Stein
Small Claims and Arbitration - Parallel Alternative Methods of Dispute Resolution, Herbert B. Evans and William A. Bulman
Smart Growth: Community Planning Requires Protecting Open Space, John R. Nolon
Smart Growth: Finding Mediation Tools for Regional Land Use Disputes, John R. Nolon
Smart Growth: Intermunicipal Innovation in Orange County, John R. Nolon
Smart Growth: Localism: A Theoretical Analysis, John R. Nolon
Smart Growth: Resolving Home Rule Conflicts and Settling Border Wars, John R. Nolon
Smart Growth: The Duty to Supply Water to Developing Regions, John R. Nolon
Smart Growth: Wetlands Protection Invites Reflection on Federal Law, John R. Nolon
Smoke and Mirrors: Predatory Lending and the Subprime Mortgage Loan Securitization Pyramid Scheme, Navid Vazire
Smoking Parents, Their Children, and the Home: Do the Courts Have the Authority to Clear the Air?, Michael S. Moorby
Soering's Case: Waiting for Godot - Cruel and Unusual Punishment?, James M. Lenihan
Solar Energy: New York City Sets Pace in Adopting Sound Policies, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Solidarity in the Practice and Discourse of Public International Law, R. St. J. MacDonald
Some Reflections on the Nationality of Judges of the International Court of Justice, Manfred Lachs
Some Thoughts on the Role of Substantive Due Process in the Federal Constitutional Law of Property Rights Protection, Eric Pearson
Sommer v. Federal Signal Corp.: Clarifying the Confusion over the Tort/Contract Borderland and the Rules of Contribution, Natasha V. Konon
South/North Exchange of 2009 - Territorial Projections of Law from the Left: Cities, Communities and Transnational Spaces. The Case of Mexico in the Context of the Global South, Miguel Rabago Dorbecker
South/North Exchange of 2009 - The Challenges of Climate Change Regulation for Governments on the Political Left: A Comparison of Brazilian and United States Promises and Actions, Colin Crawford, Solange Teles da Silva, and Kevin Morris
South/North Exchange of 2009 - The Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Peoples in Latin America, Gonzalo Aguilar, Sandra LaFosse, Hugo Rojas, and Rebecca Steward
Soviet Environmental Protection: The Challenge for Legal Studies, Nicholas A. Robinson
Sowing Seeds Uncertain: Ocean Iron Fertilization, Climate Change, and the International Environmental Law Framework, Randall S. Abate and Andrew B. Greenlee
Space Debris Legal Research Guide , Irene Atney-Yurdin
Specific Intent, Substituted Judgment and Best Interests: A Nationwide Analysis of an Individual's Right to Die, Jeffrey J. Delaney
Spoliation of Evidence and Medical Malpractice, Anthony C. Casamassima
Spotlight On Safety At Nuclear Power Plants: The View From Oyster Creek, Richard Webster and Julia LaMense
Standards of Conduct for Directors of Nonprofit Corporations, James J. Fishman
State Framework Laws for Guiding Urban Growth and Conservation in the United States, Douglas R. Porter
State Growth Management: The Intergovernmental Experiment, Douglas R. Porter
State Implementation Plans Under the 1990 Clean Air Act: Can New York Conform?, Catherine V. Greco
State Law Responses to Global Warming: Is It Constitutional to Think Globally and Act Locally?, David R. Hodas
State Liability Under CERCLA for Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal: Preparing for the Inevitable, Cheryl Kessler Clark
Statement By Dr. Sachiko Kuwabara-Yamamoto, Sachiko Kuwabara-Yamamoto
State No Fault Systems - Attorney's Guide to Statutory Provisions - The Statutory Architecture of State (No Fault Systems Survey), Josephine Y. King
State Regulation of Motion Picture Distributors , Martin G. Anderson
State Subprime Lending Litigation and Federal Preemption: Toward a National Standard, Alan H. Scheiner
Statutory Interpretation in Econotopia, Nathan Oman
Statutory Protection for Farm Animals, Richard F. McCarthy and Richard E. Bennett
Staying Alive: The challenges Facing University Presses in the Dawn of the Digital Age, Whitney Simmons
Sticky Copyrights: Discriminatory Tax Restraints on the Transfer of Intellectual Property, Bridget J. Crawford
Stoppage in Transit and Right of Control: "Conflict of Rules"?, Caslav Pejovic
Strategic Lawsuits against Public Participation (SLAPP) Address, Robert Abrams
Strategic Principles for Sustainable Development, Raimondo Florin
Streamlining the System for Settlement of Disputes under the Law of the Sea Convention, A. O. Adede
Strengthening of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act in 1984: The Original Loopholes, the Amendments, and the Political Factors Behind Their Passage, Richard Ottinger
Strict Acceleration in New York Mortgage Foreclosure - Has the Doctrine Eroded?, Bruce J. Bergman
Striking the Peremptory Challenge from Civil Litigation: Hey Batson, Stay Where You Belong, Eric D. Katz
Subsequent Performance and Delivery Deadlines - Avoidance of CISG Sales Contracts due to Non-Conformity of the Goods, Peter Schlechtriem
Summary of the United States Seminar on Our National Environmental Laws, John R. Nolon
Superfund and the Hazardous Waste Site Next Door: Can Citizens Clean It Up?, Andrea L. Bull
Supervisory Power of the New York Courts, Bennett L. Gershman
Supplemental Environmental Impact Statements: How Significant Should New Information Be?, Peter A. Turchick
Supplemental Environmental Projects: A Bargain for the Environment, Laurie Droughton
Supreme Court Takes a Look at Takings, John R. Nolon
Surya Prakash Sinha - In Memory of Our Colleague, Teacher and Friend, Ralph Michael Stein
Sweet Land of Liberty: The Case against the Federal Marriage Amendment, Sarah C. Courtman
Swinging Back and Forth between Impunity and Impeachment: The Struggle for Justice in Latin America and the International Criminal Court, Alberto L. Zuppi
Symposium: Comparing New York and Federal Evidence Law - A Brief Look at New York's Efforts to Codify Its Law of Evidence, Barbara C. Salken
Symposium: Foreword, David Cohen
Symposium Foreword: Immigration Law Post 9/11 and Its Impact on the Human Rights Issues, Michael Maggi
Symposium: Introduction, Donald L. Doernberg
Symposium of the Advent of Local Environmental Law
Symposium on the Miller Commission on Matrimonial Law: Editor's Overview, Janet A. Johnson
Symposium: Should There Be an International Tribunal for Crimes against Humanity? An Introductory Note, Surya Prakash Sinha
Synopsis of the Report of the Second Circuit Task Force on Gender, Racial and Ethnic Fairness in the Courts, Jay C. Carlisle
'Tahoe' Case: When Environmental Regulations Go 'Too Far', John R. Nolon
Takeover Regulation in the United States and Europe: An Institutional Approach, William J. Magnuson
Taking Out the Trash - Where Will We Put All This Garbage?, Daniel M. Weisberg
'Takings' Clarified: U.S. Supreme Court Provides Clear Direction, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Takings Law in Light of Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council , Judith M. LaBelle
Taking the MOLST (Medical Orders for Lifesustaining Treatment) Statewide, Robert S. Olick, Joel Potash, and Amy T. Campbell
Talvi, Women Behind Bars: The Crisis of Women in the U.S. Prison System, Giovanna Shay
Targeting the Foreign Born by Race and Nationality: Counter-Productive in the War on Terrorism, Thomas M. McDonnell
Taub v. State: Are State Anti-Cruelty Statutes Sleeping Giants?, Larry Falkin
Taxation of Cable Television Systems in New York - A Survey of Tax Liability of Operating Cable Television Systems under State and Municipal Law in New York, Joshua Noah Koenig
Taxation, Pregnancy, and Privacy, Bridget J. Crawford
Teaching Ethics in Context: Wood v. Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon in the First Year Curriculum, Celia R. Taylor
Teens, Porn, and Video Games: Is It Time to Rethink Ginsberg?, John A. Humbach
Telepossession Is Nine-Tenths of the Law: The Emerging Industry of Deep Ocean Discovery, Drew F.T. Horrell
Temkin & Krahe, Sexual Assault and the Justice Gap: A Question of Attitude, Elisabeth McDonald
Tennessee v. Garner: Invoking the Fourth Amendment to Limit Police Use of Deadly Force, Geraldine N. Lewis
Tenure and Its Discontents: The Worst Form of Employment Relationship Save All of the Others, James J. Fishman
Tenure, Speech, and the Jeffries Case: A Functional Analysis, Robert J. Spitzer
Terminating Parental Rights: Mental Illness Disguised as Permanent Neglect, In re Hime Y, William F. Bogle Jr.
Terrorism and Money Laundering: Illegal Purposes and Activities , Victoria B. Bjorklund, Jenni I. Reynoso, and Abbey Hazlett
Testing the Responsiveness of Merit-Appointed and Elected Judges, Jerome O'Callaghan
Thai-ing up the TRIPS Agreement: Are Compulsory Licenses the Answer to Thailand's AIDS Epidemic?, Stephanie Skees
That Dog Don't Hunt: The Twelfth Amendment after Jones v. Bush, Christopher Scott Maravilla
That Which Does Not Kill Us, Does It Makes Us Stronger? Legal Aspects of Pain Management in Great Britain, Wendy E. Smith
The 42nd Street Development Project: How Litigation Obstructs Public Goals, Eric J. Lobenfeld
The Acceptance of the Unified Sales Law (CISG) in Different Legal Systems, Martin F. Koehler and Guo Yujun
The ADA - A Practitioner's Guide in the Aftermath of Sutton: Sutton v. United Air Lines, Nora Belanger
The Admissibility of Novel Scientific Evidence in New York State: Has New York Been Left Out to Frye?, Brian W. Burke
The Adopted Judge of the New York State Court of Appeals: James D. Hopkins, Joseph W. Bellacosa
The Alexis C. Coudert Memorial Lecture - Introductory Remarks, David Nachman; Edwin S. Matthews, Jr; and Michael A. Cooper
The Alexis C. Coudert Memorial Lectures - Keynote Address, George J. Mitchell
The Americans with Disabilities Act: Will the Court Get the Hint? Congress' Attempt to Raise the Status of Persons with Disabilities in Equal Protection Cases, Lisa A. Montanaro
The Animal Welfare Act and USDA: Time for an Overhaul, Valerie Stanley
The Application of an Offer of Judgment in a Title VII Suit , Margaret M. Lyons
The Asbestos Dragon: The Ramifications of Creative Judicial Management of Asbestos Cases, Valle Simms Dutcher
The Ascent of Man: Legal Systems and the Discovery of an Environmental Ethic , Nicholas A. Robinson
The Assertion of Personal Jurisdiction over Japanese Corporations by New York Courts, Peter Nadler and Ryan P. Parham
The Axiology of the International Bill of Human Rights, Surya Prakash Sinha
The Beach Zone: Using Local Land Use Authority to Preserve Barrier Islands , Jessica VanTine and Tiffany B. Zezula
The Bill of Rights as a Whole: The Interrelations of the First Ten Amendments, Jay Wishingrad
The Biosafety Protocol and the World Trade Organization: Can the Two Coexist?, Gretchen L. Gaston and Randall S. Abate
The BRAC Act, the State Militia Charade, and the Disregard of Original Intent, Nathan Zezula
The BTU Tax Experience: What Happened and Why It Happened, Dawn Erlandson
The Bush Doctrine and the Emerging Norm of Anticipatory Self-Defense in Customary International Law, John Alan Cohan
The Case for State Pollution Taxes, Richard L. Ottinger and William B. Moore
The Casey Martin and Ford Olinger Cases: The Supreme Court Takes a Swing at ADA Uncertainty, Roy R. Galewski
The CERCLA's Daily Penalty and Treble Damages Provisions: Is Any Cause Sufficient Cause to Disobey an EPA Order?, Patricia Lindauer
The Characteristics of an Offer in CISG and PECL, Predrag Cvetkovic
The Civil Rights Act: A Need for Re-Evaluation of the Non-Exhaustion Doctrine Applied to Prisoner Section 1983 Lawsuits, Kevin Thomas Duffy
The Clash between the WTO and the ESA: Drowning a Turtle to Eat a Shrimp, Matthew Brotmann
The Climate Change Convention and Evolving Legal Models of Sustainable Development, David Hoda
The Commission's Process and Recommendations, Sondra Miller
The Common Law of Supermax Litigation, David C. Fathi
The Community College Programming Contest, Sylvester Tuohy and Bernice Houle
The Community Patent System Proposal and Patent Infringement Proceedings: An Eye towards Greater Harmonization in European Intellectual Property Law, Kara M. Bonitatibus
The Conflict of Laws in the Context of the CISG: A Chinese Perspective, Chen Weizuo
The Confrontation Clause in Search of a Paradigm: Has Public Policy Trumped the Constitution?, Ruth L. Friedman
The Connecticut Recreational Use Statute: Should a Municipality Be Immune from Tort Liability?, Joan M. O'Brien
The Constitutionality of Large Scale Police Tactics: Implications for the Right of Intrastate Travel, Jonathan Hangartner
The Constitution and Political Patronage: Supreme Court Jurisprudence and the Balancing of First Amendment Freedoms, Brian L. Porto
The Contemporaneous Ownership Rule in New York
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and the Debate over Sustainable Use , John L. Garrison
The Cost of Good Intentions: Why the Supreme Court's Decision Upholding Affirmative Action Admission Programs Is Detrimental to the Cause, Leslie Yalof Garfield
The Courts, Daubert, and Environmental Torts: Gatekeepers or Auditors?, Anthony Z. Roisman
The Court's Failure to Re-Enfranchise Felons Requires Congressional Remediation, Otis H. King and Jonathan A. Weiss
The Currency of Terrorism: An Alternative Way to Combat Terrorism and End the Trade of Conflict Diamonds, Michael Maggi
The Current and Future Trends in Chinese Environmental and Energy Law and Policy, Mingde Cao
The Debate on Physician-Assisted Suicide Reaches the Federal Courts - A Discussion of the Decisions of the The District and Circuit Courts in Compassion in Dying v. Washington State, Elizabeth Gmyrek England
The Declaration Abroad: A Comparative Perspective, Michael P.D. Ellman, Abderrahim Jamai, Eugenio Gay Montalvo, and Muhamed Mugraby
The Demand Requirement and the Business Judgment Rule: Synergistic Procedural Obstacles to Shareholder Derivative Suits, Carole F. Wilder
The Development of Environmental Policies in the United States and the Soviet Union, Marshall I. Goldman
The Development of Realism in Law and Literature During the Period 1883-1933: The Cultural Resemblance, James D. Hopkins
The Development of Uniform Laws - A Historical Perspective, Bruno Zeller
The Dilemma of the European Union: Balancing the Power of the Supernational EU Entity against the Sovereignty of Its Independent Member Nations, Barbara Crutchfield George, Paul L. Frantz, and Jutta Birmele
The Disparity in Treatment of International Custody Disputes in American Courts: A Post-September 11th Analysis, Lexi Maxwell
The Doctrine of O'Brien v. O'Brien: A Critical Analysis, Kenneth R. Davis
The Doctrines of Impossibility of Performance and Clausula Rebus SIC Stantibus in the 1980 Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the Principles of European Contract Law - A Comparative Analysis, Dionysios P. Flambouras
The Duty of Confidentiality of Banks in Switzerland: Where It Stands and Where It Goes - Recent Developments and Experience - The Swiss Assistance to, and Cooperation with the Italian Authorities in the Investigation of Corruption among Civil Servants in Italy (The "Clean Hands" Investigation): How Much Is Too Much?, Paolo S. Grassi and Daniele Calverese
The Effect of Increased Coverage on U.S. Medical Expenditures, Ayaz S. Alam
The Effect of the Clean Air Act on Environmental Quality: Air Quality Trends Overview, Christine Sansevero
The effects of technological and organizational innovations on business value in the context of a new product or service deployment, Eddie A Davis
The Eighth James D. Hopkins Lecture - Is Securities Arbitration Fair to Investors?, Barbara Black
The Elk Creek Dam Story, Neil Kagan
The Elusive Balance between Investor Protection and Wealth Creation, Barbara Black and Jill Gross
The End of an Evolution: From Air France v. Saks to Olympic Airways v. Husain - The Term "Accident" under Article 17 of the Warsaw Convention Has Come Full Circle, Domenica DiGiacomo
The End of Mandatory Securities Arbitration?, Jill I. Gross
The Enduring Legacy of Wood v. Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon, James J. Fishman
The Enduring Paradox of Products Liability Law Relating to Prescription Pharmaceuticals, M. Stuart Madden
The Environmental Duties of Public Utilities Commissions, Michael Dworkin, David Farnsworth, and Jason Rich
The Environmental Review Process in the City of New York: CEQR, J. Kevin Healy
The EPA's Proposed Phase-III Expansion of the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Reporting Requirements: Everything and the Kitchen Sink, Barbara Ann Clay
The Erosion of Home Rule through the Emergence of State-Interests in Land Use Control, John R. Nolon
The European Communities' Mergers & Acquisitions Regulation: Two-Year Review, Luisa M. Critofano
The European Directive on the Protection of Groundwater: A Model for the United States, Richard Thomas
The Evolution of Revolution: The Dilemma of Censorship and Fifth Generation Filmmakers, Elizabeth C. Urban
The Evolving Role of Citizens in United States-Canadian International Environmental Law Compliance, Noah D. Hall
The FDA's Decision to Regulate Tobacco Products, William B. Schultz
The Feasability of a Small Claims Procedure in Customs Matters, Philip Shuchman
The Federal Courts and the Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards , Robert S. Matlin
The Federal Government as a Useful Enemy: Perspectives on the Bush Energy/Environmental Agenda from the Texas Oilfields: Second Annual Gilbert and Sarah Kerlin Lecture, Jacqueline Lang Weaver
The Forest and the Trees in Constitutional Law, Charles Black
The Forgotten Repatriation of Persons of Mexican Ancestry and Lessons for the War on Terror, Kevin R. Johnson
The Formation of Contracts & the Principles of European Contract Law, Maria del Pilar Perales Viscasillas
The Founders, Executive Power, and Military Intervention, Christopher A. Preble
The Founding Brothers : Homer and Charles Pace, University Archives, Pace University
The Free Press: Essential to Robust Debates, Lawrence H. Cooke
The Future of Biotechnology Litigation and Adjudication, Gregory N. Mandel
The Future of Death Futures: Why Viatical Settlements Must Be Classified as Securities, Miriam R. Albert
The Future of Electromagnetic Field Litigation, Michael C. Anibogu
The Future of Environmental Law: Adjusting Expectations after Tahoe-Sierra, Robert J. Goldstein
The Future of Environmental Rule of Law Litigation (2000 Garrison Lecture), A. Dan Tarlock
The Future of Environmental Rule of Law Litigation and There Is One (2002 Addendum), A. Dan Tarlock
The Future of Environmental Rule of Law Litigation: Sixth Annual Lloyd K. Garrison Lecture on Environmental Law, A. Dan Tarlock
The Future of International Criminal Justice, M. Cherif Bassiouni
The Future of the International Criminal Court: The Long Road to Legitimacy Begins with the Trial of Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, Sara Anoushirvani
The Future of the "Wrongful Birth" Cause of Action, Rachel Tranquillo Grobe
The Gay Olympics: San Francisco Arts & Athletics v. United States Olympic Committee, Lois Nitti
The Gel Documentation System: A Cornerstone to the Implementation of the Introduction to Biotechnology and Introduction to Bioinformatics Cross-Disciplinary Course Series, Marcy Kelly, Gregory Lampard, and Constance Knapp
The General Warrant of the Twentieth Century? A Fourth Amendment Solution to Unchecked Discretion to Arrest for Traffic Offenses, Barbara C. Salken
The Genesis of the Declaration: A Fresh Examination, Martin Flaherty, Richard N. Gardner, Blanche Wiesen Cook, and Oscar Schachter
The German "Plea Bargaining" Debate, Thomas Swenson
The Globalization of Environmental Law , Robert V. Percival
The Gulf Crisis and Collective Security under the United Nations Charter, Stephen M. De Luca
The Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994: Zero Tolerance Takes Aim at Procedural Due Process, Kathleen M. Cerrone
The Hand That Rocks the Cradle: Maternal Gatekeeping after Divorce, Marsha Kline Pruett, Lauren A. Arthur, and Rachel Ebling
The Harlem Renaissance - The Journey to Freedom: An Interdisciplinary Unit, Natalie Bolden
The History of Gideon v. Wainright, Abe Krash and Anthony Lewis
The Hopkins' Opinions: Criminal Law and Procedure, William A. Grimes
The ICJ and the Future of Transboundary Harm Disputes: A Preliminary Analysis of the Case Concerning Aerial Herbicide Spraying (Ecuador v. Colombia), Robert Esposito
The Ideal Victim, Leo Zaibert
The Impact of Environmental Liabilities on Real Estate Contract Negotiations, Gail V. Karlsson
The Implication of a Private Damage Action from the Taylor Law's Ban on Public Sector Strikes, Andrew A. Peterson
The Implication of Jota v. Texaco and the Accountability of Transnational Corporation, Peggy Rodgers Kalas
The Importance of Deceptive Practice Enforcement in Financial Institution Regulation, Prentiss Cox
The Importance of Dialogue and Cooperation in Prison Oversight, Silvia Casale
The Importance of Lawyers in Judge Barksdale's Writings, Andrew C. W. Lund
The Information Edge - Library Newsletter - Spring 2010 issue, Karen DeSantis
The Insanity of the Mens Rea Model: Due Process and the Abolition of the Insanity Defense, Jean K. Gilles Phillips and Rebecca E. Woodman
The Insider Trading Sanctions Bill - A Neglected Opportunity, Milton V. Freeman
The Insurance Liability Crisis in New York: Is Article 16 Our Saving Grace?, Gail Huberty Glance
The Insurer's Duty to Defend: New York Folds the Four Corners of the Complaint Rule in Fitzpatrick v. American Honda Motor Co., Clifford A. Platt
The International Character of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: An Italian Case Example, Francesco G. Mazzotta
The International Committee of the Red Cross - How Does It Protect Victims of Armed Conflict?, Jean-Philippe Lavoyer
The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and Its Mission to Restore Peace, Franca Baroni
The International Struggle to Save the Ozone Layer, Louis P. Oliva
The Internet and the Practice of Law, Mark Pruner
The Interplay Between Land Use and Environmental Law, David L. Callies
The Island Trees Decision: The Constitutional Burden of School Boards , Elaine Price
The IUCN Academy of Environmental Law: Seeking Legal Underpinnings for Sustainable Development, Nicholas A. Robinson
The IUCN Sustainable Soil Project and Enforcement Failures, J. William Futrell
The Judicial Prerogative, Thomas W. Merrill
The Jurisdiction of an International Criminal Tribunal in Kosovo, Kerry R. Wortzel
The Land Use Recodification Project, James A. Coon, Sheldon W. Damsky, and Dianne L. Rosen
The Land Use System, Alistair M. Hanna
The Last Prisoners of World War II, Margaret M. Mastroberardino
The Law and Terrorism Panel Discussion
The Law and Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies: The Case for Precautionary Measures, Susanne Aberbach-Marolda
The Lawmaking Power of the Federal Courts, Larry Kramer
The Law of Sustainable Development, Nicholas A. Robinson
The Law of Sustainable Development: Keeping Pace, John R. Nolon
The Law of Sustainable Development: Keeping Pace, John R. Nolon
The Lawyer as Process Advocate: Encouraging Collaborative Approaches to Controversial Development Decisions, Sean F. Nolon
The Lawyer's Duty to Keep Clients Informed: Establishing a Standard of Care in Professional Liability Actions, Gary A. Munneke and Theresa E. Loscalzo
The Legalities of Stream Interventions: Accretive Changes to New York State's Riparian Doctrine Ahead, D. S. Pensley
The Legality of the NATO Bombing Operation in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Aaron Schwabach
The Legal Status of the International Olympic Committee, David J. Ettinger
The Legitimacy of Federal Common Law, Martha A. Field
The Limitation Convention: The Forerunner to Establish UNCITRAL's Credibility, Kazuaki Sono
The Limits of Federal Arbitrage Replacement Theories, Kirk Patrick Thornton
The Litigation Process in the Development of Environmental Law (1995 Garrison Lecture), David Sive
The Long Island City Power Outage Settlement: A Case Study in Alternative Dispute Resolution, Eleanor Stein
The MacCrate Report: Its Impact on Education in Law Firm Management, Thomas M. Steele
The MacCrate Report: Ten Years Later -Symposium: Introductory Remarks, Kevin J. Wilson
The MacCrate Report: Ten Years Later-Symposium: Opening Remarks, Gary A. Munneke
The Magna Carta of the Defendant According to the New Bill of Rights in Israel - A Comparative Study, Emanuel Gross
The Mandatory Arrest Law: Police Reaction, Kevin Walsh
The "Manufacture" of Judgments at the International Court of Justice, Mohammed Bedjaoui
The Measure of a Marketer: Analyzing the Value of Certification in Direct Marketing, Kaitlin T. Gallucci
The Measure of Damages under the Proposed Code, Arnold Jacobs
The Missing Link - Contribution without Common Liability: Nolechek v. Gesuale, Sandra B. Edlitz
The "Misuse" Defense in Drug Products Liability Cases, Jonathan E. Grant
The Moratorium Is over: Fringe Benefits Under the Tax Reform Act of 1984, Julia Kalmus
The Most Dangerous Power of the Prosecutor, Bennett L. Gershman
The Myth of the Idea/Expression Dichotomy in Copyright Law, Richard H. Jones
The Myth of What Is Inevitable under Ecosystem Management: A Response to Pardy, J. B. Ruhl
The Myths and Truths That Ended the 2000 TMDL Program, Linda A. Malone
The National Association of Honest Lawyers: An Essay on Honesty, Lawyer Honesty and Public Trust in the Legal System, John A. Humbach
The National Land Use Policy Act, John R. Nolon
The National Security of the United States as the Host State for the United Nations, Elisabeth Zoller
The Need for Legislative Reform in the Area of Federal Programs for Historic Preservation, Nellie L. Longworth
The Negotiation of the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court and International Lawmaking in the 21st Century, John Washburn
The New Adventures of the Common Law, Damien P. Horigan
The New Biology: Law, Ethics and Biotechnology, Barry S. Reed
The Newly-Enacted CPLR 3408 for Easing the Mortgage Foreclosure Crisis: Very Good Steps, but not Legislatively Perfect, Mark C. Dillon
The New Rule for Patent Venue for Corporate Defendants: Kansas Was Never Like This, William C. Johnson
The New York City Water Supply System - An Assessment, Maurice Hinchey
The New York Courts' Lack of Direction and Discretion Regarding the Admissibility of Expert Identification Testimony, David M. Shofi
The New York Death Penalty: Are Murderers in Your County Excluded?, Kerry E. Ford
The New York Rosario Rule Applied to Computerized Documents: The Rigid and Impractical Duplicative Equivalent Doctrine Requires Modification, John T. Bandler
The Nineteenth Annual Blaine Sloan Lecture on International Law: International Criminal Court and the Enforcement of International Justice, Philippe Kirsch
Theodore W. Kheel: An Exemplar for Alternative Dispute Resolution and a Pioneer in Environmental Interest Disputes , John D. Feerick
The Oil Pollution Act of 1990, Paul S. Edelman
The Ombudsman as a Monitor of Human Rights in Canadian Federal Corrections, Howard Sapers and Ivan Zinger
The Pardy-Ruhl Dialogue on Ecosystem Management, Part IV: Narrowing and Sharpening the Questions, J. B. Ruhl
The Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes in Practice, Ian Brownlie
The Performance and Prospects of the World Court, Stephen M. Schwebel
The Plenary Power in a Human Rights Perspective, Mark R. Von Sternberg
The Political Economy of Energy Taxes: An Assessment of the Opportunities and Obstacles, Henry Lee
The Pollution-Exclusion Conspiracy: A Newly Recognized Basis for Recovery, John G. Nevius and Steven J. Dolmanisth
The Post-Apartheid City in the New South Africa: A Constitutional "Triomf"?, Becky L. Jacobs
The Potential Role of Local Governments in Watershed Management , A. Dan Tarlock
The Power of a Patent: The Impact of Intellectual Property Protections in the Free Trade Area of the Americas Agreement on the Plight of Prescription Drug Availability and Affordability in Central and South America, Angelina Yearick Heimel
The Practice of Teaching, the Practice of Law: What Does It Mean to Practice Responsibly?, Howard Lesnick
The Price for Driving While Intoxicated: Should It Be Blood?, Laura Ellen Carabillo
The Prison Conditions Cases and the Bureaucratization of American Corrections: Influences, Impacts and Implications, Malcolm M. Feeley and Van Swearingen
The Probate of Lost Wills: In re Kleefeld , Julia Kalmus
The Problem of Preventing Damage to the Environment in National and International Law, Alexandre S. Timoshenko
The Process of Factfinding in Judicial Rulemaking: "Some Kind of Hearing" on the Factual Premises Underlying The Judicial Rules, Jeffrey A. Parness and Sandra B. Freeman
The Process Patent Quagmire, John Christopher Hunt
The Proposed Google Book Settlement: The Why and How, Tara Hart
The Proposed Indoor Air Quality Acts of 1993: The Comprehensive Solution to a Far-Reaching Problem , Grace C. Guiffrida
The Proposed Securities Code: A Sweeping Grant of Power to the Securities and Exchange Commission, Lewis D. Lowenfels
The Public Interest, Convenience, or Necessity: A Dead Standard in the Era of Broadcast Deregulation?, Marc Sophos
The Public Purpose Limitation on the Power of Eminent Domain: A Constitutional Liberty under Attack, William Epstein
The Public Trust Doctrine and Private Property: The Accommodation Principle, Michael C. Blumm
The Quiet Revolution Redux: How Selected Local Governments Have Fared , David L. Callies
The Quixotic Dilemma, California’s Immutable Culture of Incarceration, Geri Lynn Green
The Rebate "Rip-Off": New York's Legislative Responses to Common Consumer Rebate Complaints, Matthew A. Edwards
The Recession and Its Effect on the Romance Genre, Jessica DiVisconte
The Regulation of Deep-Well Injection: A Changing Environment Beneath the Surface, Earle A. Herbert
The Regulation of Domestic and Foreign Financial Institutions in Japan, Dean C. Alexander
The Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by New York State from a Legal Perspective: Is a Tax or Market-Based System Optimal?, Christopher Aung
The relationship between online dating and personality characteristics, Marisa Picheny Goldberg
The Remedies of Specific Performance, Price Reduction and Additional Time (Nachfrist) Under the CISG: Are These Worthwhile Changes or Additions to English Sales Law?, Peter A. Piliounis
The Return of Article 42: Enemy of the Good for Collective Security, Sarah Rumage
The Return of Cultural Treasures, By Jeanette Greenfield, Daniel C. Turack
The Return to Returnables: New York Enacts a Bottle Bill , Carolyn H. Fiske
The Reunion of a Great Camp: The Sagamore Amendment to the N.Y. Constitution, James A. Economides
The Rhetoric of Public Expection: An Enquiry into the Concepts of Responsiveness and Responsibility Under the Environmental Laws, Gerald M. Levine
The RICO Enterprise Controversy: Judicial Legislation versus Judicial Interpretation , Kirk Patrick Thornton
The Right of the Elderly to Self-Determination and New York's Legislative Imperative, A. Kathleen Tomlinson
The Right to Participate in Decisions That Affect the Environment, Neil A.F. Popovic
The Ripple Effect: Guantanamo Bay in the United Kingdom's Courts, C.R.G. Murray
The River Basin Concept and Global Climate Change, Ludwik A. Teclaff
The Role of Citizens and Non-Profit Advocacy Organizations in Providing Oversight, Vivien Stern
The Role of Civilian Organizations with Prison Access and Citizen Members—The New York Experience, John M. Brickman
The Role of Comparative Law in the Development of Turkish Civil Law, Arzu Oguz
The Role of County Government in the New York State Land Use System, Jeff LeJava
The role of dissociation and eating disorder symptoms in facing loss, abandonment and sexual abuse trauma sequelae in the case of "Ana", Kanchan Khemchandani
The Role of Regulators: Energy Efficiency, David Nichols
The Role of the Courts in American Society: The Final Report of the Council on the Role of the Courts, James D. Hopkins
The Saga of Cable TV's "Must-Carry" Rules: Will a New Phoenix Rise from the Constitutional Ashes?, Mark A. Conrad
The Sands of Time: Reflections on the Copenhagen Climate Negotiations, Nicholas A. Robinson
The Science of Endocrine Disruption - Will It Change the Scope of Products Liability Claims?, Karen Fassuliotis
The Scienter Standard of Liability under the Proposed Federal Securities Code, Fredric J. Klink
The Second Circuit Clears the Murk of Gorsuch and Consumers Power fron the Esopus Creek, John H. Paul
The Securities and Exchange Commission's 1992 Proxy Amendments: Questions of Accountability, Joseph Evan Calio and Rafael Xavier Zahralddin
The Sense of Self and Other Scale: An exploratory study and evaluation of construct validity, Lilline Senet Adler
The SLAPP from a Sociological Perspective, Penelope Canan
“The Slow Creep of Complacency”: Ongoing Challenges for Democracies Seeking to Detain Terrorism Suspects, Maureen T. Duffy
The Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act of 2002: Promoting a Multi-Jurisdictional Policy, Jesse M. Keenan
The Soft Drink Act: Soft on Vertical Restraints , Anna Bilden Parker
The Soul of the Profession, Mario M. Cuomo
The Sound of One Hand Clapping: Limitations to Integrated Resources Water Management in the Dead Sea Basin, Richard Laster, Dan Livney, and Darrin Holender
The South Won't Rise Again but It's Time to Study the Defunct Confederacy's Constitution, Ralph Michael Stein
The Sphere of Application of the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, Kevin Bell
The State of the Argentine Environment: An Overview, Sean F. Nolon
The State Secrets Privilege in the Post-9/11 Era, Steven D. Schwinn
The Status of Hong Kong and Macao under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, Ulrich G. Schroeter
The "Sudden" Interpretation: Northville Industries Corp. v. National Union Fire Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh, Liberty F. Cagande
The Summary Jury Trial and Toxic Tort Litigation, Stephen J. Wenderoth
The Supreme Court of Israel: A Safeguard of the Rule of Law, Shoshana Netanyahu
The Supreme Court's New Federalism: The Authority of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Does Not Extend over Isolated Intrastate Wetlands under the Migratory Bird Rule, Paul Edward Svensson
The Supreme Court’s Rationale in Capital Cases: A One Way Street?, Kimberly Bliss
The Taking of America?, Stefanie Sovak
The Takings Clause and the Separation of Powers: An Essay, John A. Humbach
The Taxation of Punitive Damages: Recent Interpretation of the Section 104(a)(2) Exclusion, Wendy S. Kennedy
The Thin Blue Line: Art or Trial in the Fact-Finding Process?, Bennett L. Gershman
The Tortured Reality of Suburban Exclusion: Zoning, Economics, and the Future of the Berenson Doctrine, Alan Mallach
The Torture Victim Protection Act: A Vital Contribution to International Human Rights Enforcement or Just a Nice Gesture?, Jennifer Correale
The Transfer of Sentenced Persons - Comments on the Relevant Council of Europe Legal Instruments, Ekkehart Muller-Rappard
The Transition to Sustainable Development Law: Ninth Annual Lloyd K. Garrison Lecture on Environmental Law, J. William Futrell
The Treasury Guidelines Have Had Little Impact Overall on U.S. International Philanthropy, but They Have Had a Chilling Impact on U.S.-Based Muslim Charities , Barnett F. Baron
The Treaty System from Stockholm (1972) to Rio de Janeiro (1992), Andronico O. Adede
The Truth Behind Gitmo, Scott Horton
The Uncertain Future of the Class Action Suit in School Asbestos Litigation Comment, Joseph M. Pastore III
The UNCITRAL Electronic Contracts Convention: Will It Be Used or Avoided?, Charles H. Martin
The Unconscionability of a Liquidated Damage Clause: A Practical Application of Behavioral Decision Theory, Paul Bennett Marrow
The Unfinished Business of Mutual Fund Reform, Thomas R. Hurst
The UNIDROIT Principles and CISG - Sources of Inspiration for English Courts?, Michael Joachim Bonell
The United Nations Charter as a Constitution, Blaine Sloan
The United Nations' Effort to Establish a Right of the Peoples to Peace, John H.E. Fried
The United States and Turkmenistan: Striking a Balance between Promoting Religious Freedom and Fighting the War against Terrorism, Christina M. Kelly
The United States Claims Court: A Safe "Harbor" from Government Regulation of Privately Owned Wetlands, Patrick Kennedy
The United States: Human Rights Leader or Laggard?, Minna Schrag; Kenneth Roth; Penny Venetis; John S. Martin, Jr.; and Ruth Wedgewood
The Unnecessary Complexity of Free Speech Law and the Central Importance of Alternative Speech Channels, R. George Wright
The usage of Facebook as it relates to narcissism, self-esteem and loneliness, Madeline Schwartz
The Use of Non-Human Animals for Human Entertainment
The Utility of International Law for Protecting Women's Health Rights, Vanessa Merton
The Vienna Convention and the Defense of Noncitizens in New York: A Matter of Form and Substance, Kweku Vanderpuye and Robert W. Bigelow
The Vieux Carre: The Administration of Municipal Laws, Lynda C. Friedmann
The Virtue of a Proportional Response: The United States Stance Against the Convention on Cluster Munitions, Joseph Anzalone
The War Powers Resolution after the Libya Crisis, Robert G. Torricelli
The World Bank Adopts Environmental Impact Assessments, Jose O. Castaneda
Thinkfinity Grant Mid- Project Status Report: Differentiations, Roberta Wiener
Thinking out of the Bar Exam Box: A Proposal to "MacCrate " Entry to the Profession, Kristin Booth Glen
Thinking Outside the Box: Property Rights as a Key to Environmental Protection, Robert H. Cutting and Lawrence B. Cahoon
Thinking outside the Cell: Prison Reform Litigation and the Vision of Prison Reform, Michele Deitch
Third Annual Conference on Animals and the Law, Ed Bangs
Third Annual Conference on Animals and the Law, Kevin Cleary
Third Annual Conference on Animals and the Law, David Farve
Third Annual Conference on Animals and the Law, Nina Fascione
Third Annual Conference on Animals and the Law, Lisa Weinberg
Third Annual Pace National Environmental Moot Court Competition
Thirty Years of Environmental Protection Law in the Supreme Court (1999 Garrison Lecture), Richard J. Lazarus
Thirty Years of Environmental Protection Law in the Supreme Court: Fifth Annual Lloyd K. Garrison Lecture on Environmental Law, Richard J. Lazarus
Thoughts on Environmental Rights and Ownership, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Threats to Academic Freedom and Tenure, Burton M. Leiser
Three Challenges for Professor Nolon, A. Dan Tarlock
Three Sheets to the Wind: An Intersection of the Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit, Congressional Political Posturing, and an Unsustainable Energy Policy, Christopher Riti
Thurgood Marshall's Dissents in Defense of the Poor, John T. Hand
Thurgood Marshall: The Lawyer as Judge, Bennett L. Gershman
Time for a Change? Restoring Nazi-Looted Artwork to Its Rightful Owners, Rebecca L. Garrett
To Catch an Entrapper: The Inadequacy of the Entrapment Defense Globally and the Need to Reevaluate Our Current Legal Rubric, Paul W. Valentine
To Codify or Not to Codify - That Is the Question: A Study of New York's Efforts to Enact an Evidence Code, Barbara C. Salken
Too Close for Comfort: The Potential Dilemma Facing the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Public Accounting Oversight Board, David H. Roberts
Tort Law and Environmental Risk, Marshall S. Shapo
Tourism and Environmental Protection, O. B. Romanova
Toward a Housing Imperative and Other Reflections on Balanced Growth and Development, John R. Nolon
Toward an International Standard of Abortion Rights: Empirical Data from Africa, Chad M. Gerson
Toward a Recognition of the Rights of Non-States in International Environmental Law, David Scott Rubinton
Toward a Renewed Spirit of Reform, Robert Abrams
T. Pawlick, A Killing Rain, The Global Threat of Acid Precipitation, Robert H. Boyle
Trade Equilibrium, Trade Deficits, and Jobs, Narendra C. Bhandari
Transferring Development Rights: Purpose, Problems, and Prospects in New York, Joseph D. Stinson
Transit Orientation Reduces Car Dependency, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Translation from German - Court of Appeal (Oberlandesgericht) of Braunschweig - October 28, 1999 - Docket No. 2 U 27/99, Jarno Vanto and Ruth M. Janal
Translation from Spanish - Colombia Corte Constitucional May 10, 2000 - Case No./Docket No. Sentencia C-529/00; Referencia: Expedient LAT-154, Pablo A. Santos Jiménez Ritch and Jorge Oviedo Albán
Transplanting Emissions Trading to Interstate Areas: Will It Take Root?, Stephen P. Winslow
Trash: A Matter of Privacy?, Hope Lynne Karp
Triaging Family Court Services: The Connecticut Judicial Branch's Family Civil Intake Screen, Peter Salem, Debra Kulak, and Robin M. Deutsch
Tribute to Barbara Salken, Tom D. Kapp
Tribute to Barbara Salken, Ellen Schall
Tribute to Barbara Salken, Joseph W. Mazel
Tribute to Barbara Salken, Michelle Simon
Tribute to Barbara Salken, Harry Subin
Tribute to Barbara Salken, Barbara Wolfert
Tribute to Barbara Salken, Bennett L. Gershman
Tribute to Barbara Salken, Donald L. Doernberg
Tribute to Dean Philip B. Blank, James J. Fishman
Tribute to Nuremberg Prosecutor Jackson , Benjamin B. Ferencz
Tribute to Vincent Broderick, Henry G. Miller
Trois Sortes de Pouvoir: In Changing Times , Josephine Y. King
Truth in Lending: The Right to Rescind and the Statute of Limitations, Daniel Rothstein
Twenty-First Annual Pace University Law School National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition
Twenty-Second Annual Pace National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition
Twenty Years of Morgan: A Criticism of the Subjectivist View of Mens Rea and Rape in Great Britain, Dolly F. Alexander
Unbarring the Bar of Justice: Standing in Environmental Suits and the Constitution, Philip Weinberg
Unbreakable Codes: RSA Public Key Cryptosystem, Razia Amzad
UNCITRAL's Work Towards a Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration, Gerold Herrmann
Unconscionability as 'Lemon Aid', Kurt M. Saunders
Unconstitutional Jury Instructions in Death Penalty Cases - Was the Missouri Supreme Court's Reliance on Walton Correct in Feltrop v. Missouri?, Daniel Eric Estrin
Underground Water: A Fugitive at the Border, Adrienne Paule
Understanding and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Water Pollution Laws in Argentina, Carlos Ben
Understanding CERCLA Through Webster's New World Dictionary and State Common Law: Forestalling the Federalization of Property Law, Shelby D. Green
Understanding Separation of Powers, Arnold I. Burns and Stephen J. Markman
Underutilized Weapon against AIDS: The Workplace: A Strategic Approach, Frank Murtha
UNHCR's Involvement in the Great Lakes Refugee Crisis, Kristen Wagner
Uniformity and Diversity in the Law of International Sale, Michael G. Bridge
United States Pollution Control Laws, Jeffery G. Miller
United States' Use of the Doctrine of Anticipatory Self-Defense in Iraqi Conflicts, Donald Nungesser
United States v. Boynton: A Bona Fide Reason for Applying a Subjective Standard to the Exceptions of the Anti-Baiting Regulation, William E. Sulzer
United States v. Burke: The Taxation of Damages Recovered in Title VII Discrimination Actions, Michael J. Minihan
United States v. Cherokee Nation - Indian Water Rights: Giving with One Hand and Taking with the Other, Leanora A. Kovacs
United States v. County of Westchester: Invalidation of an Airport Curfew, Mark H. Henderson
United States v. Hayashi: Taking Aim at the Marine Mammal Protection Act, Marc A. Yaggi
United States v. Johnson & Towers, Inc.: Corporate Employee Criminal Liability under RCRA, Robert T. McGovern
United States v. Maynard and Enforcement of United States Drug Trafficking Laws on the High Seas: How Far Does United States Jurisdiction Really Reach?, Frances S. Blakeslee
United States v. Mezzanatto: An Unheeded Plea to Keep the Exclusionary Provisions of Federal Rule of Evidence 410 and Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(e)(6) Intact, Pamela Bennett Louis
United States v. Monsanto: The Supreme Court Swings and Misses - Attorney Fee Forfeiture under RICO and CCE, Steven C. Bauman
United States v. Newman: Misappropriation of Market Information by Outsiders , James M. Robertson
United States v. Olin Corporation: How a Polluter Got Off Clean, Mary Frances Palisano
United States v. Pollution Abatement Services of Oswego, Inc.: Expansion of Shareholder Corporate Officer Liability in a Closely-Held Corporation, Amelia M. Wagner
United States v. Tull: A Polluter's Right to a Jury Trial, Richard S. Altman
United States v. Villamonte-Marquez: Administrative Customs Stops - Randomness Is Reasonable on Inland Waters , S. Dwight Stephens
United States v. Waste Industries: Federal Common Law and Imminent Hazards, Paul L. Brozdowski
Unsafe Loans in a Deregulated U.S. Mortgage Market, Vincent Di Lorenzo
Untangling Double Jeopardy in Mixed-Verdict Cases, Lissa Griffin
Updating the Laboratory Notebook: Electronic Documentation Software in Teaching and Research, Zhaohua Dai and Dan Strahs
Upstream of Peril: The Role of Federal Lands in Addressing the Extinction Crisis: Twelfth Annual Lloyd K. Garrison Lecture on Environmental Law, Karin P. Sheldon
Use of Domestic Violence History Evidence in the Criminal Prosecution: A Common Sense Approach, Lisa A. Linsky
Use of the Comparative Method by the Court of Justice of the European Communities, C. N. Kakouris
Using International Human Rights Laws and Standards for U.S. Prison Reform, Alvin J. Bronstein and Jenni Gainsborough
Using Property Rights to Attack Environmental Protection (1996 Garrison Lecture), Joseph L. Sax
Using Property Rights to Attack Environmental Protection: Second Annual Lloyd K. Garrison Lecture on Environmental Law, Joseph L. Sax
Using the Doctrine of Equivalents to Provide Broad Protection for Pioneer Patents: Limited Protection for Improvement Patents, Esther Steinhauer
Using the Tools We Have: An Integrated Approach to Protect the Sea of Okhotsk, Julia LeMense Huff
U.S. Legal Requirements Affecting Trade with Cuba, Maria L. Pagan
U.S.-USSR Cooperation in Environmental Policy, Gary Waxmonsky
Valuation of Historic Properties, Mary E. Mann
Vested Rights: Do Land Developers Need More Protection?, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Vicarious Trauma in Attorneys, Andrew P. Levin and Scott Greisberg
Victims and Self-Liability in Criminal Law: Beyond Contributive Negligence and Foreseeability (Without Blaming the Victim), Maniel Cancio Melia
Victims and the Significance of Causing Harm, Guyora Binder
Video Game Piracy in the Philippines: A Narrowly Tailored Analysis of the Video Game Industry & Subculture, Jennifer Kim Vitale
Videostories: Using technology to give voice to adolescents with disabilities, Leslie Sodak
Village of Ossining v. the Planning Board of the Town of Ossining: When SEQRA Leaves No Alternative but to Study the Alternative, Jane P. Builder
Vincent L. Broderick - A Distinguished Jurist and Great Teacher, Jay C. Carlisle
Vincent L. Broderick - Jurist for the Twenty-First Century , Richard A. Givens
Virtual Crime Scene Reconstruction Laboratory, Demos Athanasopoulos
Vision or Villainy: Origins of the Owens Valley Los Angeles Water Controversy, James E. Coombs
Voluntary Facility-Level Sustainability Performance Reporting: Current Status, Relationship to Organization-Level Reporting, and Principles for Progress, Mark Stoughton and Elizabeth Levy
Volunteer motivations and satisfaction in a tutoring program: Implications for recruitment and retention, Kimberly Gonzalez
Wachtler v. Cuomo: Does New York's Judiciary Have an Inherent Right of Self-Preservation?, Walter E. Swearingen
Wachtler v. Cuomo: The Limits of Inherent Power, Howard B. Glaser
Walking a Fine Line: Are SSRIs Really Depression Wonder Drugs or Threats to Patient Safety?, Aisling V. O'Sullivan
War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity, David J. Scheffer
Ward v. Rock against Racism: Reasonable Regulations and State Sponsored Sound, Kate Mishkin
Watching the Watchmen after Termination of Injunctive Relief, Elizabeth Alexander
Water Quality and Land Use Regulation under the Water Framework Directive, William Howarth
Watt's Going On?: Illuminating New York's Electric Generation Siting Process, John A. Poakeart
We Are Mad as Hell and We Do Not Intend to Get over It: Where Were the Troops?, Otis King and Jonathan A. Weiss
Web 2.0 Instructional Technology in the Classroom, Darren Hayes
Web 2.0 Tools in the Foreign Language, Andres Villagra
Web-based Microsimulations (Interim Report), Kathy Winsted, Allen Stix, and Vinnie Monaco (student collaborator)
Wedinger v. Goldberger: A Victory for Freshwater Wetlands, William A. Cooney
Weiner v. McGraw-Hill, Inc.: Is Employment in New York Still at Will?, Ann Bickford
Welcome: Seminar on the Law of Sustainable Development - United States, Richard L. Ottinger
Wetlands Controls: Untangling an Intricate Web of Rules, John R. Nolon
Wetlands: Federal Law and National Policy Research Guide, Christine J. McCulloch
Wetlands Loss and Agriculture: The Failed Federal Regulation of Farming Activities under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, Joseph G. Theis
What Do You Think Should Happen? Public Participation in Transitional Justice, Anna Triponel and Stephen Pearson
Whatever Happened to the Best Interests Analysis in New York Relocation Cases?, Sondra Miller
Whatever Happened to the Best Interests Analysis in New York Relocation Cases? A Response, Merril Sobie
What Is a COGSA "Package"?, Nancy A. Sharp
What Is a Human Right? Universals and the Challenge of Cultural Relativism, Paul Dubinsky, Tracy Higgins, Michel Rosenfeld, Jeremy Waldron, and Ruti Teitel
What Is Behind the "Property Rights" Debate?, John A. Humbach
What is Commercial Speech? An Analysis in Light of Kasky v. Nike, Stephanie Marcantonio
What is Law? Reflections on Surya P. Sinha's Monograph, Mieczyslaw Maneli
What Is Our Clean Air Policy?, Michael C. Finnegan
What Is Reasonable Cause To Believe?: The Mens Rea Required For Conviction Under 21 U.S.C. § 841, Jonathan L. Hood
What It's Worth to Do Your Best, Andrew Tettenborn
What Rights for Animals? A Modest Proposal, Roger W. Galvin
What's An Intimate Relationship, Anyway? Expanding Access to the New York State Family Courts for Civil Orders of Protection, Jennifer Cranstoun, Christopher O'Connor, and Tracey Alter
What's Really Needed to Effectuate Resource Protection in Communities , Jayne E. Daly
What's So Great About Lay Judgments? What's So Bad About Expertise?, Stephen Gilles
When Is an Arbitral Award Nondomestic Under the New York Convention of 1958?, Albert Jan van den Berg
When Less is More: Changes to the New York Court of Appeals' Civil Jurisdiction, Luke Bierman
When Paradigms Collide: Exploring the Psychology of Family Violence and Implications for Legal Proceedings, Sharon Portwood
When Paradigms Collide: Exploring the Psychology of Family Violence and Implications for Legal Proceedings, Jay G. Silverman
When the Cheering Stopped: An Overview and Analysis of New York's Death Penalty Legislation, James R. Acker
Where a Tax Disadvantage Looms Large: Interest Expense and the American Corporate Return to South Africa, Scott E. Silverson
Where Preparedness Meets Opportunity: A Look at Breaking into the Performing Arts Profession, Bridget Riley
Which Party Pays the Costs of Document Disclosure?, Patrick M. Connors
White v. Samsung Electronics America: The Ninth Circuit Turns a New Letter in California Right of Publicity Law, John R. Braatz
Who Gets the Signal? Unauthorized Interception and Section 605 Now Section 705 of the Communications Act, Susan M. Hart
Who Owns the Sky? (2001 Garrison Lecture), Gerald Torres
Who Owns the Sky? Seventh Annual Lloyd K. Garrison Lecture on Environmental Law, Gerald Torres
Who's Afraid of the Precautionary Principle?, Robert V. Percival
Who Wants to Bring the Good Old Military into the War on Drugs in Bolivia?, Jaime Malamud Goti
Why Health Courts Are Unconstitutional, Amy Widman
Why Intellectual Property Rights Infringement Remains Entrenched in the Philippines, Andrew Jaynes
Why Is It So Hard to Negotiate with the Russians?, Eugene V. Rostow
Why Is There Any Question? Hong Kong and Alienage Jurisdiction: A Critical Analysis of Matimak Trading Co. v. Khalily and D.A.Y., Teresa M. Mozina
Why Should the Internet Be Any Different?, Jonathan D. Bick
Wilder v. Virginia Hospital Association: Making the Medicaid Reimbursement Rate Challenge a Federal Case, Lisa Colosi
Wind Power: An Exploration of Regulations and Litigation, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Withholding Performance for Breach in International Transactions: An Exercise in Equations, Proportions or Coercion?, Damien Nyer
Wolf Restoration in New York: The State's Perspective , Robert A. Inslerman
Women and the Law: How Far We've Come and Where We Need to Go, Michelle S. Simon
Women, Globalization, and Law: A Change of World, Barbara Stark
Women, Health and Human Rights, Pamela Goldberg
Wood v. Duff-Gordon and the Modernist Cult of Personality, Megan Richardson and David Tan
Wood v. Lucy: The Overlap between Interpretation and Gap-Filling to Achieve Minimum Decencies, Nicholas R. Weiskopf
Workplace Sexual Harassment Law in Canada and the United States: A Comparative Study of the Doctrinal Development Concerning the Nature of Actionable Sexual Harassment, Joseph M. Pellicciotti
Workplace Violence: Prediction and Prevention, Ann Hayes, Wayne N. Outten, and Richard L. Steer
World Leader - At What Price? A Look at Lagging American Animal Protection Laws, Stephanie J. Engelsman
Wrongful Birth: The Courts' Dilemma in Determining a Remedy for a Blessed Event, Michael T. Murtaugh
Wrongful Pregnancy: Child Rearing Damages Deserve Full Judicial Consideration, David J. Burke
Wygant v. Jackson Board of Education - A Question of Layoffs, Richard J. Cairns
Year in Review: 2007's Most Significant Land Use Cases, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
"You Can Run but You Can't Hide": A Case for Criminal Trial Under International Auspices to Prosecute the Human Right to Personal Security, Keith D. Nunes
Young Charles Fremont Pace During the Civil War, University Archives, Pace University
Young v. New York City Transit Authority: Silencing the Beggars in the Subways, Grace L. Zur
Zoning and Police Power Measures for Historic Preservation: Properties of Nonprofit and Public Benefit Corporations, Terence H. Benbow and Eugene G. McGuire
Zoning Exemptions: Granting Immunity to Private Wireless Providers, John R. Nolon and Jessica A. Bacher
Zoning in the Fourth Dimension, Peter Goodman